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<segfaultfizzbuzz> anyone familiar with ffmpeg, multichannel audio, and youtube?
<aaabbb> somewhat, but it depends on your question
<segfaultfizzbuzz> i have multichannel audio recordings (quad channel) from a significant musician who wants to upload their content to youtube
<segfaultfizzbuzz> i am not finding great documentation unfortunately,... i think most of these files are some kind of four-channel wav file,...
<segfaultfizzbuzz> what's the "right way" to do this? can i make spatial audio work with this as well so VR headsets/airpods pro/etc get a nice panning effect when the head rotates?
<aaabbb> i don't know anything about vr on youtube, sorry. just stick around and someone else who knows will eventually be available
<segfaultfizzbuzz> well can you lend some more general expertise? is there a good guide to ffmpeg + multichannelsomethingorother?
<Marth64> there is a ton of info here, maybe worth it
<aaabbb> if you have a 4 channel audio source, you can mux that into a video with 4 channels and upload that to youtube. i know what youtube's recommended setting are, at the very least
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<segfaultfizzbuzz> can you say what youtube's recommended settings are then for four channel?
<segfaultfizzbuzz> what will happen with folks with spatial audio headsets/vr headsets?
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<segfaultfizzbuzz> what is a "good preferred" output format which supports 4-channel audio? (or should i find a way to convert to 5.1...?)
<segfaultfizzbuzz> i mean i found the python spatial audio google repo thing on github ...
<segfaultfizzbuzz> that link (or, actually, a page it links to) says to use AAC-LC Channels: Stereo or Stereo + 5.1
<aaabbb> that's their recommended settings, but they support others, like flac
<aaabbb> which can do 4 channel
<segfaultfizzbuzz> so then i guess i need to somehow make a quad wav into stereo + 5.1,... can ffmpeg do that...?
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<aaabbb> youtube will automatically transcode to a lossy format btw
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<Traneptora> segfaultfizzbuzz: youtube does not serve 4-channel audio
<Traneptora> it will downmix to stereo unless you upload 5.1
<Traneptora> and yes FFmpeg can turn quad into 5.1, you have to use -ac 5.1
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<Hikaru> i am trying to do a lossless capture from a directshow device
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<Hikaru> does -profile speed matter if -crf is 0?
<CounterPillow> -crf 0 is not guaranteed lossless with all pixel formats iirc, you want -qp 0
<Hikaru> thank you :)
<CounterPillow> And the speed matters insofar as it determines the filesize
<CounterPillow> slower speed -> smaller file
<CounterPillow> Since you can freely reencode after the capture without generational loss in this case it's fine to use a fast encoding speed for lossless capture, the only limit is the space you have
<Hikaru> thanks again, will do some testing
<CounterPillow> Also if you're a numerics nerd you might find that there's technically still some loss recording an RGB framebuffer or whatever with libx264, as it'll convert it to YCbCr 4:4:4. There's libx264rgb which keeps it RGB but it's less efficient compression and speed wise afaiu
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<Hikaru> im just trying to get some before an after capture of a sega saturn before i recap it
<Hikaru> to see if there is any picture improvment after the fact
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<kepstin> technically the speed preset does not _directly_ affect filesize; in some cases the same crf with a slower preset might give a larger file. What the slower presets do is improve the visual quality per bit, which allows you to make a smaller video that looks the same or a better quality video that's the same size.
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<CounterPillow> kepstin: we're talking about lossless here, quality is a fixed variable.
<kepstin> ah, yeah, that would be true for lossless :)
<kepstin> note that "-crf 0" is only lossless in 8-bit mode, the recommended way to enable lossless in libx264 is to use "-qp 0"
<CounterPillow> I've already said this
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<apteryx> can I open /dev/vdeo0 with ffmpeg command line directly?
<apteryx> /dev/video0
<Marth64> Did you try v4l input format?
<CounterPillow> ffmpeg's command line tool hardcodes trying v4l format on /dev/video paths, so yes you can open it directly.
<apteryx> I'll compare my fresh 6.1.1 with an old 5.1.4 to see
<CounterPillow> If it's not working for you then you should tell us what problem you're experiencing
<CounterPillow> V4L devices are stateful, so unless you specify input format, framerate and video size, it will likely pick whatever it was set to last and may fail.
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<apteryx> this is what I see in both 6.1.1 and 5.1.4:
<CounterPillow> you are using it as an output file
<CounterPillow> you need to prefix it with -i
<Marth64> CounterPillow: wow..:that's really good to learn. explains a confusing issue I had years afo
<apteryx> ah, -i
<Marth64> s/afo/ago
<CounterPillow> apteryx: please take a look at to learn ffmpeg command line syntax
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<apteryx> can ffmpeg playback the video itself? or I need something like VLC for that?
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<Marth64> ffplay
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<apteryx> excellent, this worked with just 'ffplay /dev/video0'
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<apteryx> much faster that what mpv does, which is odd
<apteryx> than with mpv*
<CounterPillow> Probably because you either didn't set --profile=fast in mpv 0.37+ or your 3d acceleration is hopelessly broken.
<apteryx> 3d acceleration in terms of video decoding performance?
<apteryx> I have none.
<apteryx> (using a dinosaur 8800 GTS with nouveau driver)
<apteryx> mpv says: [autoconvert] Converting yuyv422 -> yuv422p, VO: [gpu] 640x480 yuv422p
<apteryx> while ffmplay does: Stream #0:0: Video: rawvideo (YUY2 / 0x32595559), yuyv422, 640x480, 147456 kb/s, 30 fps, 30 tbr, 1000k tbn
<apteryx> I'll look for that --profile=fast
<apteryx> seems mpv default to use the libaom decoder instead of dav1d, which is slower, according to this Guix ticket:
<CounterPillow> Not relevant here, and not true
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<apteryx> even with --profile=fast, it's still much slower than ffplay
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<CounterPillow> ffplay probably renders in software. mpv uses the GPU's full shading pipeline to render, which for very old/low-end hardware may be a problem. It also necessitates converting pixel formats to something the GPU rendering implementation supports, hence the yuyv422->yuv422p conversion inserted, which will again be slower.
<BtbN> At least the pixel format conversion I'd expect ffplay to do as well
<BtbN> And I think ffplay is also hardware accelerated these days?
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<apteryx> in my case I do not have video decoding support, as I don't have any non-free firmware installed (EXTFW in this table:
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<apteryx> 8800 GTS GPU is in the NV50 family
<CounterPillow> That doesn't play a role, you're streaming raw video from a webcam
<furq> it wouldn't matter anyway because mpv would fall back to the same software decoder that ffplay uses
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<apteryx> it ended up being high latency in mpv compared to ffplay; using 'mpv --profile=low-latency' make them closer
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<apteryx> hm, what does that mean: make: *** [tests/Makefile:55: tests/data/ffprobe-test.nut] Error 234
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<BtbN> it means that an error happened, in some relation to that file
<apteryx> is there a test log somewhere with more details?
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<BtbN> a few lines up in the same console
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<cristian_c> Marth64, CounterPillow , it turns out I can record through ffmpeg: audio ix ok but video is misaligned
<johnjaye> I didn't realize ffmpeg was on twitter. no good can come of this
<cristian_c> the frame is shifted horizontally and vertically (it means it's not centered)
<cristian_c> Marth64, CounterPillow, I don't know which option is needed to center the frame
<cristian_c> I've tried to change all the parameter but result is even worse
<CounterPillow> that sounds like a problem with your capture device/application
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<cristian_c> CounterPillow, i mean, when I caputre the stream without ffmpeg (not recording, and just only video) picture is centered
<cristian_c> if I record video and audio through ffmpeg (getting avi as result), video is misaligned
<cristian_c> *when I capture
<cristian_c> only video caapture (not recording) uses mplayer in place of ffmpeg
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<bitbinge> I created a 10s video and want to compress it to 5MB. I do ffmpeg -y -i test.mkv -c:v libx264 -b:v 3992.812936714k -pass 1 -an -f mp4 /dev/null && \
<bitbinge> ffmpeg -i test.mkv -c:v libx264 -b:v 3992.812936714k -pass 2 -an output.mp4
<bitbinge> But the result is 5.4MB. Am I doing something wrong?
<bitbinge> I calculated the bitrate with 5 * 8 * 1000 / $(ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration -of csv=p=0 input)
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<drv> the video bitrate does not include container overhead (or other streams like audio, if any exist)
<drv> plus the encoder is unlikely to hit the requested bitrate exactly
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<bitbinge> The only solution is to subtract some number?
<BtbN> look at the overhead percentage, and adjust your math accordingly
<Marth64> cristian_c: Could you summarize the issue and provide command and example. Sorry, I am not following
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<cristian_c> Marth64, when I record, i use such script as default:
<cristian_c> Marth64, when i capture video (not audio and not recording), i use: sudo somagic-capture | mplayer -vf yadif,screenshot -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo "pal:format=uyvy:fps=25" -aspect 4:3 -
<cristian_c> I use uyvy in both cases but it doesn't affect alignment based on my experience with other pixel formats
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<Marth64> Thanks cristian_c. Do you have like screenshot of (A) what you expect (B) what you are seeing
<cristian_c> if I use a different (or no qscale) it seems just affecting pixel compression, not alignment
<jokoon> does ffmpeg allows to make some frequency/FFT stuff/spectrogram things natively?
<bitbinge> BtbN, I got muxing overhead: 0.085380%, I guess it's the codec then since the file is larger by a lot more than 1%.
<cristian_c> maybe, more than that
<apteryx> is there a point to pass build flags such as: --arch=x86_64, or would that be correctly inferred anyway?
<jokoon> I want to generate the frequency distribution to research some visualisation project
<BtbN> 0.085380% sounds very unlikely
<BtbN> that's incredibly tiny
<BtbN> you sure it's not 8%?
<cristian_c> Ive made screenshot badly, but at least it shows misalignment clearly
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<cristian_c> every time I record, horizontal and vertical shifts seem rather random
<Marth64> cristian_c: I wonder if this is is a issue or bug having to do with capturing raw realtime and also doing filtering, compression, etc. I highly doubt it but I have experience this before, where trying to all of this during capture at same time, weird random issues happen
<Marth64> It's possible this is just strange behaviour since you are doing both raw capture and at same time filter/compress
<cristian_c> it's something which has to do with frame position
<Marth64> What happpen if you remove yadif
<bitbinge> Yes, it's 0.08%. once the job finishes I get frame= 301 fps= 14 q=-1.0 Lsize= 5211kB time=00:00:09.91 bitrate=4305.7kbits/s dup=3 drop=0 speed=0.476x
<bitbinge> video:5206kB audio:0kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: 0.085380%
<bitbinge> [libx264 @ 0x561624722f80] frame I:4 Avg QP:37.50 size: 71299
<cristian_c> Marth64, I've tried to remove yeadif too, when I played around with parametrs
<bitbinge> and a bunch of libx264 lines.
<bitbinge> BtbN ^
<Marth64> apteryx: unless you're cross compiling, probably not
<cristian_c> Marth64, I remember I tried to use yadif=1 or yadif=2
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<cristian_c> in place of yadif -s:v 720x576
<cristian_c> anod nothing changed
<cristian_c> I don't know what happens if I remove yadif completely
<Marth64> Rmove it and see.
<Marth64> my point, remove as many things until you can isolate exactly what is causing the issue
<cristian_c> Marth64, usually, If I change something the picture dramatically gets bad
<cristian_c> in some cases nothing changes, instead
<Marth64> That's okay. It's part of the learning :)) Start with as simple command as possibele, then add effects and sprinkles on top
<cristian_c> it seems the orginal script returns the most stable result between all the combos i've tried
<cristian_c> *stable and better
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<Marth64> Here is a command I use to capture NTSC material, to ffv1 codec and flac. It will take a lot of disk space
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<Marth64> U can ignore the "/usr/bin". I have a few different ffmpegs on my machine
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<Marth64> my point in suggesting it is, it might be easier on your old analog material to do the capture only one time and then convert/process from there, if you have enough disk space
<Marth64> and store in lossless format like ffv1/flac for the intermediate
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<furq> probably better to use x264 lossless there
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<Marth64> furq: just curious why. closed captions?
<Marth64> ffv1 level 3 supports interlaced ok
<furq> much lower bitrate
<Marth64> ah. inter frame coding
<Marth64> nice
<furq> ffv1 has poor nle support anyway which is the only reason to use an inter-only codec
<furq> other than archival which it doesn't sound like you're doing
<furq> intra-only i mean
<cristian_c> Marth64, I removed yadif completely and nothing changes about misalignment
<Marth64> i am doing archival (personally) so ok with the wasted space. but yes for general workflow where it's just a intermediate, thats a better plan
<Marth64> cristian_c: Okay. Can you study your command closely and try to isolate exactly what causes the issue and what doesn't?
<cristian_c> Marth64, I've tried that, I've tried to change vcodec, i've changed fps
<cristian_c> I don't know what exactly changes position in ffmpeg
<furq> did you try increasing the buffer size
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<cristian_c> apart that audio is ok, and video quality is ok with parameters shown in my pastebin
<cristian_c> furq, no
<furq> it defaults to 1MB which is not enough for one second of 576p
<furq> so i'm guessing the start of the buffer is at some random offset from the start
<cristian_c> furq, btw, i've not set a buffer size:
<furq> right
<furq> buffer -m
<cristian_c> furq, yeah, it seems there are two offsets for x and y coordinates :D
<furq> or you could remove the sleep 1
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<cristian_c> ok, usage of buffer command shows: -m size = size of shared mem chunk to grab
<furq> one second of 576p rawvideo would be about 20MB
<cristian_c> furq, do you say sleep can trigger issues?
<cristian_c> it's run before running ffmpeg
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<furq> yeah but after you start capturing
<furq> so presumably you're trying to fit 20MB of rawvideo into a 1MB buffer
<cristian_c> ok, but sleep is executed before launching ffmpeg in the script, btw
<cristian_c> furq, ok, possibly, I think it's worth to make some changes about buffer m option
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<cristian_c> # buffer the data acquired (prevent frame lost)
<cristian_c> buffer < .video > .video_buffer &
<cristian_c> buffer < .audio > .audio_buffer &
<furq> rawvideo is literally just a stream of bytes, there's no information about where frames start and end
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<furq> so unless ffmpeg gets the capture from the first byte of a frame then this will happen
<furq> which i guess means the first byte of the capture
<cristian_c> furq, I guess it's needed to change only buffer < .video > .video_buffer & command
<furq> probably
<cristian_c> furq, yeah, an hour ago, I've tried also to read the C source of somagic driver
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<cristian_c> furq, I hope that if I change just one of the two buffer commands, at the end video and audio still remain synchronize
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<cristian_c> *synced
<cristian_c> furq, if default is 1 it just means size unit is MB
<Marth64> cristian_c: This is probably not an option for you but just suggesting it. There's a lot of capture cards, that only work good in Windows. Do you have the easy opportunity to try your workflow in Windows, then you do not have to do the buffer/pipe hacks? ffmpeg support DirectShow device on Windows which is why I'm asking
<Marth64> Then your whole command is straight shot capture with ffmpeg (if your card has Windows dshow drivers)
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<Marth64> I completely understand if the answer is no :D
<cristian_c> Marth64, ok, I get your point. In this case, I know windows doesn't work (or it's broken) about this device
<Marth64> Ahhhh. Sorry to hear, haha
<Marth64> your stuck with this then
<cristian_c> furq, Marth64, the hack i'm using with this script to get a avi video is running cat .video_buffer in another terminal tab after running the script
<cristian_c> the script is stuck until I run cat .video_buffer in another tab. Then, I get this request by ffmpeg: File 'video.avi' already exists. Overwrite? [y/N] y
<cristian_c> at that point, i can press ctrl+c in the tab where cat is running and press in the primary tab (where ffmpeg runs) and ffmpeg starts to record
<cristian_c> if I don't use cat hack, ffmpeg is stuck and doesn't ask for request File 'video.avi' already exists. Overwrite? [y/N] y
<cristian_c> Marth64, furq , if I try to change buffer size with -m 20, I get immediately File 'video.avi' already exists. Overwrite? [y/N] y
<cristian_c> and cat doesn't print anything, if I press y, ffmpeg returns errors
<cristian_c> so I think bash doesn't detect -m properly
<cristian_c> (maybe there is a bash syntax issue, I've to figure out bash syntax to fix that)
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<tm512> dunno if this is the best place to ask but I'm kinda curious if it's possible to transcode something like MP3 to MP3 without generation loss, like take a 320kbit file and transcode it to 192kbit file, having the latter be essentially the same as if you went directly from lossless to 192kbit
<kepstin> not possible in general. a codec needs to be designed specifically to support that sort of thing.
<kepstin> (and it usually comes at the expense of compression efficiency)
<tm512> I understand that it couldn't be generic (where the original lossy gets decoded and then reencoded), and that the transcoder would have to have specific knowledge of the codec
<tm512> I was thinking it'd be in the realm of possibility that a program could like, further quantize the frequency coefficients of a lossy file and get better results than a naive transcode
<kepstin> well, it's all dependent on the decisions made in the original encode; it's possible that you'd get better quality at a lower bitrate if different decisions had been made and different data thrown out.
<kepstin> ogg vorbis actually did support this theoretically - - but nobody ever actually developed an encoder that could make appropriate files.
<kepstin> and there's a few "lossy core" lossless codecs where they do a lossy encode and then save the differences between the lossy encode and the original audio alongside; wavpack can do that and i think DTS-HD master audio works similarly?
<Marth64> DTS-HD MA does
<Marth64> I don't know the science behind it but they do
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<tm512> I also know MPEG-4 SLS does this with an AAC lossy core and a correction file
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<tm512> kinda unfortunate that MP3 doesn't seem to have any kind of "bitrate peeling" capabilities (or nobody has tried to build a transcoder that brute-forces it). I've got quite a few 320kbit MP3s in my collection, would be nice to be able to get those to a lower bitrate for portable use without incurring generation loss
<tm512> though maybe it's not worth fretting over
<kepstin> but yeah, i'm pretty sure that there haven't ever been any actual implementations for doing bitrate peeling on a lossy audio file - and even if you do it, it's very difficult (possibly impossible) to achieve the same quality as encoding directly from the source would have managed
<kepstin> because you can only throw out more data, you can't throw out different data
<tm512> I need to get something to ABX set up, see if I can even hear the difference between a lossless original and a lossy copy that's been through 320kbit MP3 and then to, say, ~192kbit AAC
<tm512> or if opus is on the table, maybe like 160kbit opus
<kepstin> i solve this issue by having a nas with big hard drives and keeping a flac copy of all my music handy ;)
<tm512> wouldn't be able to get the bitrate as low as if I were making the final lossy encode directly from lossless
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<tm512> kepstin: yeah, that's ideal, though a lot of my music collection is from before I could just collect flac without thinking about how much space it's "wasting"
<kepstin> heh. yeah, fortunately that part of my music collection is small enough that I just leave it in whatever format it's in, and don't care.
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<kepstin> (quite handy how microsd cards have gotten very high capacity, no issue keeping all my music on my phone even with some files using wastefully high bitrate on old lossy codecs)
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<tm512> my current porable listening setup is a 4GB iPod mini where 320kbit is arguable too wasteful, though I've got a 64GB CF card here that I'm going to install. still would rather encode albums at a much lower bitrate than 320kbit
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<tm512> 320kbit is like this awkward middle-ground that fails to be a perfect copy of the original and also fails to save as much space as possible while maintaining transparency. for MP3, LAME V0 or V1 seems to be way better at the latter
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