michaelni changed the topic of #ffmpeg-devel to: Welcome to the FFmpeg development channel | Questions about using FFmpeg or developing with libav* libs should be asked in #ffmpeg | This channel is publicly logged | FFmpeg 7.1.1 has been released! | Please read ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Code-of-conduct
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<cone-107> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:5247090b0daa: avcodec/pcm: Remove always-false check
<cone-107> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:e76daf6279a5: avcodec/pcm: Don't allocate LUT when unused
<cone-107> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:485e5388e956: avcodec/pcm: Cache sample_size value
<cone-107> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:f2168f4d869b: avcodec/pcm: Remove duplication from FFCodec define macros
<cone-107> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:c6d743650899: avcodec/pcm: Use dedicated init function for F16LE, F24LE
<cone-107> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:05ab7762101a: avcodec/pcm: Reindent after the previous commit
<cone-107> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:54d582e74951: avcodec/pcm: Avoid AVCodec.sample_fmts for decoders
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<cone-107> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:0facdafd1e10: avcodec/vlc: Merge VLCElem and RL_VLC_ELEM
<cone-107> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:3869862b0098: avcodec/mpeg12: Avoid temporary stack VLC array during RL VLC init
<cone-107> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:49d15dfc357b: avcodec/rl: Avoid temporary stack VLC array during RL VLC init
<cone-107> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:abffd9313dc9: avcodec/hqxvlc: Avoid hardcoded RL VLC table
<cone-107> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:09411fef3d08: avcodec/hqxvlc: Include implicit +1 run in RL VLC tables
<cone-107> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:c9d87f4a8548: avcodec/hqx: Include hqxvlc directly
<cone-107> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:5dd83ecfb227: avcodec/hqxvlc: Make cbp_vlc static
<cone-107> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:004367a0a385: avcodec/hqx: Cache pointer to used dc table
<cone-107> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:997b33f64c98: avcodec/hqxvlc: Make dc9, dc10 VLC tables static
<cone-107> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:7d70fb353098: avcodec/hqx: Combine memsets
<cone-107> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:02b5aee87949: avcodec/hqx: Don't zero in small chunks, don't zero twice
<cone-107> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:2f4f96f1ac03: avcodec/hqx: Combine checks
<cone-107> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:8a2e84dc96f4: avcodec/hqx: Simplify deriving AC table index
<cone-107> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:32fba0bce599: avcodec/cfhd: Move GetBitContext from context to stack
<cone-107> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:c228ae2b4051: avcodec/cfhd: Use smaller scope where appropriate
<cone-107> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:be7642b198c5: avcodec/qdm2, vorbisdec: Use compile-time const max_depth in get_vlc2
<cone-107> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:60f49f4d9235: avcodec/qdm2: Use explicit overread checks instead of implicit ones
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<cone-107> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:2742de0e4a46: avcodec/mpeg12dec: Use saturated addition when combining error_count
<cone-107> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:3ad00ebf2cd8: avcodec/mpeg12dec: Don't assert on thread_count
<mkver> jamrial: What specific configurations?
<jamrial> mkver: exr decoder enabled, but exr encoder and phm de/encoder disabled
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<jamrial> because i added usage of float2half but forgot the makefile entry for it
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<fflogger> [editedticket] stevenliu: Ticket #6389 ([avformat] Support H.265 over Adobe HTTP-FLV or RTMP) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/6389#comment:34
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<cone-107> ffmpeg Marvin Scholz master:163e5fd84df0: configure: fix passing Objective-C flags
<cone-107> ffmpeg Marvin Scholz master:81ca85a0872b: configure: allow mixed declarations and code for Objective-C
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<cone-107> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:5ad86d5fbc46: avcodec: Mark init and close functions as av_cold
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<fflogger> [newticket] Bi11: Ticket #11516 ([avformat] avformat/mov: Parse 'name' atom for title metadata) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11516
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<cone-125> ffmpeg Danil Iashchenko master:a1c6ca168370: doc/filters: Shift CUDA-based filters to own section.
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<cone-125> ffmpeg Lynne master:49af9746e8f6: pixfmt: add AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP32
<cone-125> ffmpeg Lynne master:7046e65e37d3: vulkan: rename ff_vk_set_descriptor_image to ff_vk_shader_update_img
<cone-125> ffmpeg Lynne master:ed6ee32846e7: vulkan: add ff_vk_create_imageview
<cone-125> ffmpeg Lynne master:a5b90caacdbf: vulkan: copy host-mapping buffer code from hwcontext
<cone-125> ffmpeg Lynne master:6c9affb3e660: hwcontext_vulkan: fix downloads; use the common host map function to map frame data
<cone-125> ffmpeg Lynne master:3c09aadcf47a: hwcontext_vulkan: allow using concurrent access images with more than 5 queues
<cone-125> ffmpeg Lynne master:bbb06f1ffc80: vulkan: workaround BGR storage image undefined behaviour
<cone-125> ffmpeg Lynne master:491b65e3437c: vulkan_decode: support software-defined decoders
<cone-125> ffmpeg Lynne master:4495802bdb4d: vulkan_decode: support multiple image views
<cone-125> ffmpeg Lynne master:e15e85b869c0: vulkan_decode: adjust number of async contexts created
<cone-125> ffmpeg Lynne master:67eb01b45837: hwcontext_vulkan: enable VK_KHR_video_maintenance2
<cone-125> ffmpeg Lynne master:31176b16accd: vulkan_decode: use VK_KHR_video_maintenance2 if available
<cone-125> ffmpeg Lynne master:9a78ebc11a88: vulkan_av1: use VK_KHR_video_maintenance2 if available
<cone-125> ffmpeg Lynne master:53f156bccc48: vulkan_h264: use VK_KHR_video_maintenance2 if available
<cone-125> ffmpeg Lynne master:82864c211121: vulkan_hevc: use VK_KHR_video_maintenance2 if available
<cone-125> ffmpeg Lynne master:d3d2e254ebc2: av1dec: update hwaccel decode_params on AV1_OBU_SEQUENCE_HEADER
<cone-125> ffmpeg Lynne master:b2ebe9884ec1: ffv1enc_vulkan: refactor code to support sharing with decoder
<cone-125> ffmpeg Lynne master:dd7cc557afff: ffv1enc_vulkan: clip micro_version to 3 for level 4
<cone-125> ffmpeg Lynne master:f2a0bdd6b155: vulkan: unify handling of BGR and simplify ffv1_rct
<cone-125> ffmpeg Lynne master:4de023f95362: vulkan: add ff_vk_exec_add_dep_wait_sem()
<cone-125> ffmpeg Lynne master:53ff9005b5bd: vulkan: add support for AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP32
<cone-125> ffmpeg Lynne master:23eb499b282a: ffv1dec: add support for hwaccels
<cone-125> ffmpeg Lynne master:caff29dbb18f: FFHWAccel: add buffer_ref argument to start_frame
<cone-125> ffmpeg Lynne master:6bad55eb17d0: ffv1: add a Vulkan-based decoder
<llyyr> nice
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<thardin> woop
<llyyr> Lynne: there's a validation error when quitting mpv with hwdec=vulkan, doesn't happen all the time. "vkDestroyImage(): can't be called on VkImage 0xc700000000c7[../video/out/hwdec/hwdec_vulkan.c:316] that is currently in use by VkImageView"
<llyyr> the last function in the backtrace is vulkan_frame_free in ffmpeg
<llyyr> there's also just a bunch of validation errors in general when using ffmpeg binary to decode with vulkan
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<Lynne> llyyr: git master? which codec?
<llyyr> yes, h264
<Lynne> I submitted a lot of false positives to the layer
<Lynne> not our fault, also most drivers don't flag support correctly which causes validation layers to complain when its not even pur fault
<llyyr> i see, well at least the quit thing seems like a real race condition
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<Lynne> its been there since the start
<Lynne> me and philipl wondered how its even possible, but IIRC its a false positive
<Lynne> or something in the mpv interop, since ffmpeg runs fine?
<cone-125> ffmpeg Gyan Doshi master:9e857e1f8aee: ffbuild: read library linker objects from a file
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<cone-125> ffmpeg Niklas Haas master:8ab40ca984fa: swscale: fix gray -> grayf32 SIGFPE
<cone-125> ffmpeg Niklas Haas master:5b9356f18eaa: swscale/swscale_unscaled: avoid nv12 <-> nv21 bug
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<haasn> ramiro: so, my new(er) swscale rewrite v4 is basically ready, except that it's slower even than the previous v3 prototype in all cases involving floats
<haasn> mostly because I opted not to have "fused" implementations this time around
<haasn> since I was hoping the improved per-op overhead would make fused implementations less necessary, but the problem mainly comes from the fact that floats do not fit into vector registers
<haasn> unless I go down to chunk size 8, but then the compiler starts emitting horrible scalar code for reads and conversions
<haasn> I think we are at a point where indeed it may be best to just rewrite the remaining problematic functions as asm
<haasn> I think I will try to re-add fused implementations in some cases maybe
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<cone-125> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:94beaf48723a: avcodec/videotoolboxenc: Add AYUV as a candidate pix_fmt for HEVC alpha
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<fflogger> [editedticket] JackLau: Ticket #11123 ([ffmpeg] Incorrect first audio segment name when using segment_timeline while creating MPEG-DASH) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11123#comment:1
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<haasn> does av_cmp_q() have well defined behavior on 1 / 0 ?
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<thardin> has youtube changed something in their AAC encoder recently?
<thardin> I'm getting an issue when remuxing AAC to mpegts and then again to matroska, and writing the result to a pipe causing matroskaenc to complain about "Error parsing AAC extradata"
<JEEB> and the mpegts works?
<JEEB> because in theory if the mpegts works then all that needs to happen is that the extradata gets generated from the in-band stuff (if matroska requires extradata with parameter-set level of information in it)
<JEEB> ADTS in mpeg-ts should just be packet-packet-packet so if there is any breakage I'd expect it to break there already
<thardin> yeah but that only works if the matroska output is seekable
<thardin> for some reason
<thardin> see get_aac_sample_rates()
<thardin> ah I see, it's because it wants to write headers but it can't until it gets its first packet. but that can be solved by delaying writing the header until the first audio packet
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<thardin> that's messy though
<thardin> what's extra weird is that it complains about this despite par->sample_rate being set
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<haasn> ugh
<haasn> we have a royal mess surrounding AVFilterLink.frame_rate
<haasn> not only do sources inconsistently set it to either 0/0, 0/1 or 1/0 in the absence of fps information
<haasn> but many filters also explode on any of these three values
<JEEB> thardin: with H.264 etc there's extract_extradata bsf or so
<haasn> we also don't correctly propagate it between complex filter graphs
<thardin> yeah but this is AAC
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<JEEB> yea, just noting that we may want something like that as well. otherwise check how movenc is handling it? since it has a delay_moov thingy
<thardin> so if I understand correctly output_sample_rate is optional
<thardin> yeah mxfenc does too I think
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<thardin> what I don't get is why this is suddenly a problem. I guess google changed something in youtube, or yt-dlp changed. might be connected to the AV1 deployment
<JEEB> I don't think format 140 (highest bit rate AAC) has changed any time recently?
<JEEB> (`yt-dlp -F URL` lists the formats)
<JEEB> and -f lets you pick one of them when downloading
<thardin> need to try with current master also. but this is 7.1-ish
<thardin> here's a oneliner that demonstrates the issue: yt-dlp -f bestvideo+bestaudio/best https://youtube.com/watch?v=eVrYbKBrI7o -o - | ffmpeg -i - -map 0 -codec copy -f matroska - > /dev/null
<cone-125> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:efdf7512a584: gitattributes: End merge conflicts in Changelog
<cone-125> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:a8892c54003f: avcodec/ffv1: implement remap for encode/decode_plane()
<cone-125> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:d7fa6a388b89: avcodec/ffv1: fix remap without chroma planes
<cone-125> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:b57f71f716c2: avcodec/ffv1: Add YAF16 support
<cone-125> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:276854e1835e: avcodec/ffv1: Add GRAYF16 support
<cone-125> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:2471b2202375: avcodec/ffv1dec: Fix a YUVA issue with remaping
<thardin> compiling master to see if the same issue exists there
<thardin> yep, same issue in master
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<thardin> trac login is really slow
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<thardin> oh it happens with AAC in general
<thardin> maybe it's just that youtube enabled AAC? that they didn't have it before?
<JEEB> they did
<JEEB> as I said, format 140 is one of the older ones
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<thardin> guess I can use --format-sort to avoid picking AAC then, for now
<fflogger> [newticket] Tjoppen: Ticket #11517 ([avformat] Remuxing AAC in mpegts to non-seekable matroska fails with "Error parsing AAC extradata, unable to determine samplerate") created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11517
<thardin> opus has a similar issue it seems
<toots5446> michaelni: what's your recommendation to get those FATE samples to an acceptable state? I can changed the hardcoded encoder if you want. What are the reproduction steps for the wine/qemu cross-compilation? Is it possible to get a definite list of requirements so I can work on all of them at once? Thanks
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<michaelni> toots5446, bitexact flag should prevent versions to be stored in the output
<michaelni> and check how other excutables are executed
<toots5446> kk
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<BBB> mkver: not sure if you did anything, but gmail (for me) started marking your messages as spam again
<mkver> I didn't do anything.
<BBB> hm... ok. annoying...
<wbs> BBB: I've noticed the same; a couple of patches from mkver, plus a couple of patches from other authors on other mailing lists have been mislabeled as spam in the last few days
<BBB> manual lauss, also
<BBB> seems to be just them, mostly
<toots5446> michaelni: are you able to provide reproduction steps you are using to run the tests with mingw? I would like to make sure that the fix is confirmed before sending back. I am quite familiar with mingw.
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<JEEB> that's a 64bit mingw-w64 FATE job
<toots5446> Thks!
<JEEB> running on linux and running the tests through wine
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<toots5446> I see --target-exec=wine is used
<toots5446> should work the same on my m4 machine
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<toots5446> michaelni: I think that I'm also gonna update the mechanism for attaching metadata update to frames to use a AVTree
<toots5446> Frames can span more than one packets (see with vorbis I belive) so it can't be synchronous and packets may be submitted in non-linear order.
<toots5446> So storing <PTS, metadata> seems more appropriate. I believe that you raised this concern before.
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<philipl> Lynne, llyyr: Yeah. I have https://github.com/philipl/FFmpeg/commit/963fa254a8461c1c4e8ba5b11bb6376a00811f91 sitting in my local builds and it fixed a validation warning for me. Not sure if it's the same thing as the image view one.
<philipl> And speaking of image views, I'm seeing a stream of validation failures related to the storage format and image view format not being the same (RGBA ordering)
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<kasper93> speaking of VVL
<kasper93> for me it complains on https://0x0.st/s/dkZX58nZu6MDKw1wBaZDpA/8QE0.log
<kasper93> looks like format is not checked before, which apparently is UB if because it looks like is not know to driver
<Lynne> philipl: you should send it anyway
<kasper93> On another note, how acceptable would be libcurl integration in place of ffmpeg's dated http.c? There are multiple reasons to do so, starting of newer http versions support, SOCKS proxy support, compression support and many many more limitations.
<kasper93> I implemented it for mpv, but I could port to lavf if such addition would be not rejected.
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<JEEB> I think it was already brought up at some point, so there are at least some people who feel like the minimum viable product HTTP implementation probably is not going to stretch to various additional things.
<Lynne> definitely okay, I've been wanting that too
<JEEB> BtbN did earlier note that it's good to have a consensus probe be done since apparently some people could NAK libcurl addition for "we already have it"
<JEEB> of course there are things specifically that http.c does not have
<Lynne> you'd get true http2 support with connection reuse, and maybe even http3
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<JEEB> and that are unlikely to happen in the minimum viable product http.c like yes, HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 over QUIC
<JEEB> then the usual things like libcurl init being non-threadsafe were brought up
<JEEB> and someone noted that "callbacks suck"
<JEEB> Marth64 did note that they were interested in proto'ing such a thing
<JEEB> and then apparently thread safety for init got improved in 7.84.0
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<BtbN> you don't need http2 for connection re-use though, even pipelining is a http1.1 thing.
<JEEB> yea
<BtbN> http2 specificylly to me seems like an insane mountain of complexity for not really much practical gain
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<philipl> Lynne: will do
<kasper93> BtbN: http2 is just one of the thing that we would get for free, the point is here, that things like #7158 or #5776 are not really getting resolved in current implementation.
<Marth64> Hello and sorry for being absent for past 2 weeks, have been in a big project and also moving my office
<Marth64> JEEB: This was the idea of using curl I think? I'm not a HTTP/2 fan myself but thought curl could be a good coverage for other things
<Marth64> beyond limited HTTP we have now
<Marth64> I agree kasper93 on the principle that libcurl can provide all this for free
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<cone-956> ffmpeg Manuel Lauss master:46da5605b273: MAINTAINERS: add Manuel Lauss as sanm.c/smush.c Maintainer
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<Traneptora> do we have any internal functions to convert a hexdump into a binary dump?
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<fflogger> [editedticket] kierank: Ticket #11515 ([avcodec] Consider NV12 / P010 output pixel format support) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11515#comment:3
<kierank> i hate embedded so much
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