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<cone-414> ffmpeg Lynne release/7.1:db69d06eeeab: configure: update copyright year
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<cone-414> ffmpeg Timo Rothenpieler n7.1.1:HEAD: avcodec/nvenc: factor out mastering display data into its own function
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<BtbN> jamrial: did you backport that? The patch should not do _any_ functional difference. It's purely cosmetic
<BtbN> If it actually fixed something, I'm very confused
<michaelni> BtbN, probably just the broken hooks on source.ffmpeg.org
<michaelni> they generate hallucinated messages when tags are pushed
<BtbN> oh, as in they just log the latest commit on master when pushing some tag?
<michaelni> yes, i think so
<BtbN> that's weird
<michaelni> why?
<BtbN> it's just completely random. Why doesn't it log the commit that was tagged?
<michaelni> I dont really know but it has been broken for as long as i can think.
michaelni changed the topic of #ffmpeg-devel to: Welcome to the FFmpeg development channel | Questions about using FFmpeg or developing with libav* libs should be asked in #ffmpeg | This channel is publicly logged | FFmpeg 7.1.1 has been released! | Please read ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Code-of-conduct
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<cone-917> ffmpeg Leandro Santiago master:90fbb40da550: avfilter/dnn: do not manually parse anchors filter option
<cone-917> ffmpeg Leandro Santiago master:d21ed2298ef1: avfilter/dnn_detect: fail on filter if mandatory anchor option is missing
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<haasn> Lynne: is there any way to force the use of image-per-plane instead of planar images?
<haasn> hwcontext_vulkan.c vulkan_export_to_cuda() segfaults on planar images, probably because it tries to export each plane individually
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<haasn> but dst_f[i]->mem is NULL for i > 0
<haasn> seems it was never updated for the new allocation strategy
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<haasn> ah disable_multiplane=1
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<fflogger> [newticket] cgbug: Ticket #11490 ([undetermined] Audio silent for long MOV file [regression]) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11490
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<jamrial> 11gb sample, ok
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<thardin> lightweight
<haasn> time=3798 us, ref=8395 us, speedup=2.210x faster
<haasn> new yuv444p -> rgb24 perf after some optimizations :)
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<thardin> woop
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<haasn> Overall speedup=1.942x faster, min=0.889x max=6.228x
<haasn> worst worst case got better also
<haasn> those 0.9x perf cases are conversion to rgb565 etc
<haasn> my packing routine seems to be pretty not-optimal
<haasn> but we now match or beat swscale in every possible case otherwise :)
<Traneptora> I should really finish up my exif stuffs
<Traneptora> maybe I'll have time to get to that this week
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<fflogger> [editedticket] bubbleguuum: Ticket #10869 ([avformat] regression in mime-type parsing of http streams with audio/L16 Content-Type) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/10869#comment:2
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<cone-071> ffmpeg Lynne master:8631990f22b7: vulkan: take refs of frames using the regular buffer ref path
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<haasn> Lynne: a bit late but confirming that your ref change fixes the teardown issue
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<cone-071> ffmpeg James Almer master:964d28e83c59: avutil/frame: move side data helpers to a new file
<cone-071> ffmpeg James Almer master:603334e86fe9: avcodec/decode: inject missing global side data to output frames
<cone-071> ffmpeg James Almer master:848576b4dfdb: fftools/ffmpeg_dec: remove side data copy block
<cone-071> ffmpeg James Almer master:01f63ef0b44f: fftools/ffmpeg_filter: also remove display matrix side data from buffered frames
<cone-071> ffmpeg James Almer master:25c439296ba1: avformat/mov: fix overflow in corrected_dts calculation
<fflogger> [editedticket] jamrial: Ticket #11487 ([ffmpeg] displaymatrix side data carried through to output when overlay filter is used) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11487#comment:1
<fflogger> [editedticket] david_videogen: Ticket #4298 ([avfilter] zoompan filter creates shaky image) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/4298#comment:16
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<BtbN> Welp, there goes an hour of not noticing this... https://github.com/AviSynth/AviSynthPlus/pull/430
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