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<SiFuh> farkuhar: Just the spelling is different thanks to the cost of printing per letter on the old printing machines in the US back in the day.
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<lavaball> sifu, conway ms 4.9?
<SiFuh> I know the name, but I don't know anything about them.
<SiFuh> I know why I know the name Dan Conway from GT Team. Heh, that's BMX. Nothing to do with Conway Bikes.
<lavaball> okay.
<lavaball> i'm thinking 29".
<lavaball> i don't do the tracking, but long bike ways, also winter.
<lavaball> probably in red, so the pink helmet won't fit.
<lavaball> i hate it.
<SiFuh> I can take mine into the pub and it doesn't even get in the way
<SiFuh> That Conway ms 4.9 frame reminds me of a stick insect
<lavaball> use case.
<lavaball> i have it modded at well.
<lavaball> as in gay it up some more.
<lavaball> i need something to put my backpack on.
<lavaball> also i don't want to look like a raccoon, so i definitely want mudguards.
<SiFuh> lavaball: That guy with the gay voice has two scars above his knees from playing with butterfly knives whilst sitting. Hahaha
<lavaball> you real people and your constant need for adventure and excitement.
<lavaball> ...
<lavaball> doesn't make him any more straight.
<SiFuh> It's dumb actually. Who slices their knees whilst trining to use a butterfly knife.
<SiFuh> Too hot and sunny to wash the truck. Says it is going to rain, doesn't look it. If it rains which I hope, I will drive the truck out on the road and wash the mud off there. Neighbours will be pissed
<lavaball> i think i'm pretty pleased with the conway thing. for beginners - i do'nt care. not great for downhill track - i don't care either.
<lavaball> other stuff works for me.
<lavaball> 29" also seems to fit my use case.
<lavaball> just need the mods and i'm good.
<lavaball> price is tolerable as well.
<lavaball> i think i'm gonna take it.
<lavaball> though means i probably can't ge tthe pink helmet.
<lavaball> gotta go through color theory again to see what fits.
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<SiFuh___> Did I hear correctly? One of the dog's name is Lucifer?
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<farkuhar> lavaball: don't open the Twitter link, since you have objections against dogs fighting for the entertainment of spectators.
SiFuh___ is now known as SiFuh
<SiFuh> farkuhar: From what I read, the police were called to a scene where a pitbull was chompin' on some dude. The pitbull ran off and attacked a pedestrian. Other dogs came in to help the pitbull. The police just sat and watched. Only after hearing the cries of the public to help the guy and shoot the dogs did the office come out and unload.
<SiFuh> Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
<farkuhar> I wonder if the dogs were bred for fighting, to be that aggressive against a random stranger.
<SiFuh> The hardest Pitbulls to train during the early months are the dogs that come from a household where it is beaten, abused and treated like shit.
<farkuhar> This question directed at lavaball "You ever been in a real dog fight? You against 6 dogs?" (2024-04-27 16:29) seems to require more context than what got recorded in that day's logs. Maybe there was a prior exchange about breeding dogs for gladiator-style amusement.
<SiFuh> They do eventually succumb to the training. However, if the dog is programmed with passwords then if we didn't know the passwords we'd usually have those dogs put down because you need them to untrain the meaning of the passwords out of the dog.
<SiFuh> From that video, I'd say the dog was abused and never trained at all.
<SiFuh> Unless the owner vanished and the dog was left on the street to fend for itself.
<lavaball> farkuhar, that's a different thing. this isn't sport. now stop being gay.
<lavaball> or i'll buy you the pink helmet.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: They say pitbulls are not naturally aggressive but my friend has a pitbull, never been trained, treated with love, but anyone it doesn't know, it goes for them like a freight train.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: When I met him for the first time. He was tied up and was trying to tear the wall of the house down to get to me. I just spoke to him like I was the boss and then handed him some meat. I made esure the meat had my smell on it so he knew it was from me. He never forgot that. Did see him for like 5 years and when I turned up one day he still remembered me.
<SiFuh> Did/didn't
<farkuhar> lavaball: That video wasn't sport, true, but who knows how it will be perceived and framed by all those who re-tweet it? Social media makes it easy for the original context to be lost, so that a later viewer might see the video repackaged as if the attack were a planned sporting event.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: It will be either Putin's fault or Trump's fault.
<farkuhar> Hahaha
<SiFuh> Hmm wonder what this musl ISO is doing.
<SiFuh> Stage 0, Stage 1 are complete and it is currently building the kernel again for stage 2
<SiFuh> I don't see any errors either
<SiFuh> I might actually an ISO tomorrow at this rate.
<SiFuh> have an*
<lavaball> farkuhar, stop being retarded.
<SiFuh> I removed this from core. I don't understand why the fuck it is even in core
<serpente> amateurs taking care of the ports collection
<farkuhar> SiFuh: something to do with XDG environment variables, making sure they're properly exported upon login. It was beerman's port, from what I recall.
<serpente> farkuhar: which will only apply if the person is running X
<serpente> otherwise its useless, on headless server for example
<serpente> so another example of something that is NOT core but is there
<SiFuh> I look liberty of removing it from the musl ISO anyway. I saw no purpose to it
<ukky> dumb_runtime_dir has hard dependency on PAM. It includes security/pam_modules.h without checking whether PAM is installed
<SiFuh> I have dracut on the ISO under opt but I am don't think it works well under MUSL. I actually plan on removing it later on. But I have it there for test purposes only
<farkuhar> SiFuh: any recommendations for what to put in ~/.Xdefaults for *URxvt.font on a 1920x1080 display? I tried a bunch of fonts, but they all suffer from being too small or having too much whitespace between characters.
<SiFuh> ukky: Exactly how I discovered it.
<SiFuh> I don't do font for URxvt in .Xdefaults because I do that in the ~/.fluxbox/menu file
<SiFuh> And I am using smoothansi from artwiz-aleczapka which is pretty plain
<farkuhar> You'd think that among all the rxvt-unicode ports in the portdb, somebody would have bothered to write a README with some useful defaults on various display sizes. Otherwise each user has to discover independently the font that reduces eyestrain.
<SiFuh> I am using 3840x1080
<SiFuh> XTterm*.font: nu
<SiFuh> xcalc*Font: nu
<SiFuh> That's all I have. I tend to keep font strictly set through fluxbox menus
<farkuhar> I miss the days when display resolutions maxed out at 1024x768. On those displays you could still use the (almost-universally-available) 9x15 font and still have readable text in the terminal emulator.
<SiFuh> You should see what my console looks like on the wide screen ;-)
<farkuhar> But it's already a great help to override the urxvt default colors (black text on white background). I went with dlcusa's recommendation: green text on black background.
<SiFuh> I use gray text on black background
<SiFuh> I do use a lot green text on black though
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Been setup like this for a while. The irssi and mutt has been that way since 2003
<farkuhar> There's a brief explanation of dumb_runtime_dir in the CRUX 3.7 Release Notes (third bullet point under Important notes).
<SiFuh> But why does it need to be in core?
<SiFuh> core/dumb_runtime_dir was introduced to create /run/user/$UID upon login of a user by leveraging a pam module. this directory is specified as XDG_RUNTIME_DIR as part of XDG Base Directory Specification
<farkuhar> Heh, Poettering himself contributed to writing the XDG Base Directory Specification. So much for being systemd-free.
<SiFuh> Bloody hell, it exploded open
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I use an electronic device called a RAPT PILL that monitors the gravity of my beer wort and then transmits the data through Wi-Fi. I just unscrewed it because the sill thing wasn't transmitting and the moment I unscrewed the end the lid shot off and there was a puff of gas
<SiFuh> Looks like I will have to do it the old fashioned way. Using a glass hydrometer
<farkuhar> serpente: since most distros have embraced the specifications, it's entirely possible that non-X11 applications will be written under the assumption that XDG_RUNTIME_DIR and other such variables are set. I think beerman put dumb_runtime_dir into core to guard against possible breakage of any FDO-compliant application (X11 or not).
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Nah, he put it there to piss me off when I'd eventually discover it.
<SiFuh> Probably has a bet going to see how long it takes for me to find it.
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<farkuhar> I have a vague recollection that some other contrib port used to provide the same functionality as dumb_runtime_dir, and beerman (deeming it too bloated) went with dumb_runtime_dir instead.
<ukky> SiFuh: A quick info from musl CRUX bootable ISO vs glibc It gets loaded into 306 MiB of RAM
<SiFuh> That is cool
<SiFuh> ukky: You using emmett1's?
<farkuhar> I'm still toying with the idea of writing the CRUX counterpart to , and listing all the ports that currently have linux-pam as a hard dependency. So far we've got: shadow, dumb_runtime_dir, sudo, util-linux, opendoas, openssh, consolekit. If you keep any of those for the slimmed-down CRUX, they'll need to be reconfigured to work without PAM.
<ukky> SiFuh: Not anymore. Used emmett1's for initial ISO build, which failed but new rootfs was generated. From that new rootfs I created ISO. So many patches.
<SiFuh> ukky: Same thing happened to me
<SiFuh> I feel he rushed it and took too many short cuts. I was not happy about that. But we are still working together. When I finish this ISO, I will forward to him for testing.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Already done that. And dumped dumb_runtime_dir. No opendoas or sudo here
<SiFuh> ukky: The worst was patching cdrkit.
<ukky> Linux-PAM is gone in this musl ISO
<SiFuh> Cool
<ukky> SiFuh: yep
<SiFuh> I did the same
<ukky> I also made it compatible with Ventoy
<SiFuh> Ooh, not that I use Ventoy
<ukky> And removed linux-firmware, as it took 300+ MiB just for that
<SiFuh> I didn't. I am planning on removing dracut. But I do plan on adding everything to get an encrypted system up
<SiFuh> ukky: Your system looks good with musl. Very clean
<ukky> SiFuh: it's ISO environment, so nothing is installed or running
<lavaball> i think i'll go with the 27.5 after all. looks a little mor bmxy.
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