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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: You try it yet?
<remiliascarlet> No, didn't have the time yet.
<SiFuh> I booted from emmett1's version. Built it. Booted into my version based on CRUX. built it. Booted into it and built it again. I plan to do one more build. But I am pretty sure this last one is perfect.
<remiliascarlet> I was presenting at a customer's office, and on my laptop I still had `xeyes` opened up, everyone laughed.
<SiFuh> I saw that in the 90's
<SiFuh> That is still a thing?
<remiliascarlet> Yes.
<SiFuh> Fucking hell.... you people hahah
<remiliascarlet> It already comes pre-installed actually.
<SiFuh> I bought a new mouse pad
<SiFuh> Old one is dirty
<SiFuh> Needs a washing machine
<SiFuh> lavaball: ^^
<lavaball> you know why it's called mouse pad?
<SiFuh> Because mice don't like tampons?
<SiFuh> HAHA there is a box of tampons in my truck I forgot to remove before dropping it off at the mechanic.
<SiFuh> Chinese Woman Jailed for Reporting Early Days of Pandemic To Be Released after Four Years
<SiFuh> A Chinese woman who reported on the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic is due to be released on Monday after spending four years in jail, in Shanghai.
<SiFuh> Zhang was arrested in May 2020 and sentenced to four years in prison for “picking quarrels and provoking trouble,” a charge that is often used to prosecute dissidents.
<lavaball> that's why i don't go to china.
<SiFuh> China for me was a weird one. Hated being there but when I wasn't there I missed being there.
<SiFuh> It is like a rebar
<SiFuh> Wrong window
<SiFuh> lavaball: Isn't Germany going to be one of the first countries to ban driving cars on the weekend?
<lavaball> haven't heard about it.
<SiFuh> I think these morons need to be wiped off the face of the earth
<SiFuh> Sick of their stupid bullshit
<SiFuh> Also sick and tired of the people who believe their stupid bullshit.
<lavaball> that was a while ago.
<SiFuh> lavaball: Still in discussion though
<SiFuh> Someone should have walked up and knocked the fuck out of him.
<SiFuh> Moment his mouth opened. Smash that fucking cunts face into the table.
<lavaball> not in germany.
<SiFuh> Only in Itallian parliment I guess
<lavaball> germanys need a goal and then that goal is reached.
<SiFuh> parliament
<lavaball> like we were low on jews. then we were low on stupidity. now we are low on industry.
<lavaball> soon i'll attempt to give the germans a new goal.
<lavaball> being low on surveillance.
<lavaball> let's see how that works out.
<SiFuh> Low on carbon
<SiFuh> Need to drive more
<SiFuh> HAHA
<SiFuh> Be back later.
farkuhar has joined #crux-social
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Warning: America will likely invade Antarctica and "spread freedom and democracy" among the penguins and polar bears soon:
<farkuhar> remiliascarlet: no OpenBSD drivers for 4G modules on ThinkPad laptops, and likewise no drivers for Intel HD Audio if the card integrates HDMI or DisplayPort connections. See azalia(4), section BUGS.
<farkuhar> It's a shame, because otherwise OpenBSD 7.5 runs great on the ChromeBook I got last week through a local giveaway. It would be very limiting if I had to use Bluetooth or the USB port for audio playback on that device.
<remiliascarlet> Shame.
<farkuhar> Maybe I'll just wipe the hard disk and install CRUX-musl (finally putting SiFuh's iso to the test). After testing OpenBSD for so many days, I'm starting to miss the fast boot times I experience with CRUX.
<remiliascarlet> Today I experienced a new bug in OpenBSD several times. If you test play your game made with SDL2 for too long, the entire OS freezes.
<remiliascarlet> Only started to happen since today.
<remiliascarlet> I suspect it has to do with the libcrypto patch? Because that also got installed last morning.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I mostly can get HDMI audio in OpenBSD to work if it is azalia. As for being a bug, it is not
<remiliascarlet> If an OS freezes for doing some normal activity, then it is a bug.
<remiliascarlet> I was about to make the comparison with the Titanic, but I thought "oh yeah, it crashing into an iceberg was in fact its main feature".
<SiFuh> HDMI is not a bug it was removed due to being proprietary
<remiliascarlet> Oh, you meant that.
<remiliascarlet> Not like VGA is working either though.
<SiFuh> As for SDL2 crashing that can be a login.conf thing
<SiFuh> Man Who Received World’s First Genetically Engineered Pig Kidney in Transplant Dies
<SiFuh> Just ask him
<SiFuh> Oh wait, can't
<lavaball> remiliascarlet, what's an anjin?
<remiliascarlet> But that's because the ThinkPad P50 is hard wired to use the Nvidia card instead of the Intel ones for anything other than eDP, because fuck you.
<SiFuh> Anjin is a foreigner in Japanese
<lavaball> can the actual japanese confirm?
<remiliascarlet> Don't you mean "gaijin"?
<lavaball> no. what's a gaijin?
<remiliascarlet> You, if you visit Japan.
<remiliascarlet> Or any place else that's not Germany.
<SiFuh> It's old Japanese not used commonly today
<lavaball> so what's anjin then?
<SiFuh> Foreigner
<lavaball> you said that before. i want the jap to confirm.
<remiliascarlet> I don't know, because I never heard of this word before. So probably either something ancient nobody uses anymore, or just a made up word.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: It is old Japanese from the 15th century
<SiFuh> It is used slightly in a derogative term but it means foreigner
<SiFuh> Like Gaijin
<lavaball> remiliascarlet, what's happening? the faggot is out japanesing you!
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Would it be spelled as 安心 (anshin) by any chance? So a し instead of a じ?
<SiFuh> lavaball: I was top of my class in Japanese history. But remiliascarlet is my Japanese boss.
<lavaball> i only saw it in the shogun series. writting in subtitles.
<lavaball> i'm honestly impressed.
<lavaball> like, seriousyl.
<lavaball> also who has japanese history class
<lavaball> ?
<remiliascarlet> Your mom.
<SiFuh> lavaball: fucking awesome series
<SiFuh> lavaball: Me?
<lavaball> nah, she hentai wasn't her thing, so she skipped on tentacle porn studies.
<lavaball> SiFuh, and you are back to annoying the shit out of me. good job.
<lavaball> like chatgpt is more context sensitive than you are.
<SiFuh> lavaball: Try searching Pilot
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Foreigners are gaijin, foreign tourists are baka gaijin, and Kick streamers are fucking niggers.
<SiFuh> lavaball: I do like annoying you
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: HAHAHA
<lavaball> i talked to punch cards that could read better between the lines than you.
<SiFuh> あんじん
<lavaball> isn't kick that microsoft service?
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Anshin
<remiliascarlet> Kick is basically Twitch for the worst idiots possible.
<lavaball> i'm on dlive ...
<remiliascarlet> Kick got famous around here because of Johnny Somali.
<remiliascarlet> Well, infamous rather.
<SiFuh> That nigger's bitch?
<remiliascarlet> Yes.
<lavaball> who?
<lavaball> wait
<SiFuh> That guy was a cunt
<lavaball> the skinny guy who gets into fights and shit?
<SiFuh> I had never heard of him untill you entere my life and fuck that guy
<remiliascarlet> He spent 6 months in Japanese prison, got a slap on the wrist, admitted to having lied to Japanese courts after landing in America, and then went to Israel, and got arrested there now.
<remiliascarlet> And he's very proud of it too.
<SiFuh> Fuck that guy
<remiliascarlet> Especially considering that his mugshot is literally a smile on his face.
<remiliascarlet> *a big smile
<SiFuh> I don't give a shit if you are asian or black or lavaball.. That guys a fucking twat
<lavaball> that was good.
<lavaball> you are on a run today.
<remiliascarlet> He gives Somalians a bad name, even though they already have.
<lavaball> why are you always so angry?
<lavaball> and can i learn this ability?
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Do you think あんじんis more suited to captain or pilot?
<SiFuh> lavaball: Me angry? Just words. I am pretty fucking happy all the time. I love life. I hate those who hate life.
<remiliascarlet> Maybe captain, because pilots didn't exist yet in the 15th century.
<SiFuh> Went to shake a woman's hand in the pub the other day "DON'T TOUCH ME!" So I patted her on the back "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!" "I just did and fuck you too"
<remiliascarlet> She got a little bit touchy.
<SiFuh> Best part. I have no idea who she is or what she looks like. Fucking stupid idiot
<SiFuh> That was on Friday night
<lavaball> SiFuh, not you. you are just being gay all day everyday.
<lavaball> i mean the jap./
<remiliascarlet> Probably got too much fiber in her ass.
<SiFuh> lavaball: Kind of. Gave my Tailor a huge huge and then realised he had a hairy stomach.
<remiliascarlet> lavaball: I'm not angry, goddamnit!
<lavaball> see?!
<lavaball> remiliascarlet, that's the powere i seek!
<SiFuh> The white guy next to us asked "He has" Then he leaned over to rub it. HAHAHA
<SiFuh> There is a beautiful Indian woman also. I gave her a hug and she said "Don't hug me, my boyfriend is here" I said "Cool, let him sought it out" and she gave me a huge hug
<SiFuh> Wife was a bit annoyed though. I think from the hotel. I walked into the hotel and talked to the guy at check in. He said he has to shake my hand. Then told my wife she is very lucky to have a man like me. She seemed to be annoyed ever since.
<SiFuh> I said, "What is wrong. I go into pubs, hotels and restaurants and everyone wants to hug me and shake my hand." She said she likes it and has never seen it before. I asked "Then why the bad mood?" and she can't answer
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I think lavaball will smash Malaysia ;-)
<SiFuh> lavaball: Shogun is great right?
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: You should watch it. Is very well done for a modern series based on a non-modern book
<SiFuh> The original Richard Chamberlain version was also very good
<SiFuh> When it came out I was like... fuck no. You shitheads ruin everything. zorz and I started to watch it was fantastic.
<SiFuh> Anna Sawai is the best!
<farkuhar> SiFuh: If HDMI code was _removed_ from the HD Audio drivers, does that mean there's an older OpenBSD kernel that does support such cards? In the same way that Linux menuconfig presents the option under: Device Drivers -> Sound card support -> ALSA -> HD-Audio -> Build HDMI/DisplayPort codec support?
<SiFuh> There is but for azalia only
<SiFuh> You will also need to modify the kernel as I have done many times before
<SiFuh> After 7.3 I think can no longer do
<farkuhar> Well, maybe I'll try the kernel from 7.3 then.
<SiFuh> I find you the way to patch
<SiFuh> I think line 964
<SiFuh> Let me check
<SiFuh> If not the one, let me know because I should have my own patches on an old drive
<farkuhar> Looks promising, thanks!
<farkuhar> I'm curious why the patch would not continue to work after 7.3. Your link to the source file azalia.c seems to be the current version (at most 2 months old, not two releases ago).
<remiliascarlet> lavaball: Why are so many people in your country so gay?
<lavaball> time stamp?
<lavaball> it's blume. not bluemchen. bluemchen is like a really small flower.
<lavaball> known for classical music and skiing?!
<lavaball> we are known for our libertarian stance on jew killing and these days on fucking up our own country in record time.
<lavaball> oh ,that was austria.
<lavaball> they have the same issues.
<lavaball> fuck me.
<lavaball> i think this is germany now.
<lavaball> he doesn't even sound german.
<lavaball> he sounds like an extra gay version of a french gaijin trying to blend in in berlin.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Not sure, I tried and it failed. Never bothered since because I use DP and HDMI
<SiFuh> German French Gaijin. HAHAHAHA
<SiFuh> farkuhar: If you try and it fails, I will look through my old backups and find for you
<SiFuh> Making an OpenBSD is fucking easy
<SiFuh> Heaps different from Linux
<SiFuh> After make, you should run make install.
<lavaball> i should really get nails tomorrow.
<lavaball> you know, class up the place by hanging some 100 year old pictures.
<SiFuh> I hang nothing
<SiFuh> But there are a few people I think need hanging
<remiliascarlet> lavaball: I was referring to that only male out of the 12 Europeans in that video.
<SiFuh> In this world you could take Bill Gates out very fast. I think that God doesn't allow it because he wants to destroy Gates.
<SiFuh> Humans kill but God destroys. If God takes out the Gates he can never ever be resurected
<SiFuh> Just a thought
<remiliascarlet> Gaytes.
<SiFuh> I hate him
<SiFuh> But I can't touch him
<SiFuh> It isn't my right
<SiFuh> But if he comes here and tries, that guy is fucking peanut butter
<remiliascarlet> I can't touch him either. This is because he's at a too far away place from me.
<remiliascarlet> Didn't know his body consisted of peanuts.
<SiFuh> He touches you and I will make he into sandwich spread
<remiliascarlet> I would say I'd turn in into minced meat, but he's so old and evil, he'll probably not taste well.
<SiFuh> Don't fuck with me or my friends
<SiFuh> I'd feed him to wild dogs
<SiFuh> Fucking pig that guy. Disgusting excuse for a human
<remiliascarlet> They will probably not want to eat him too.
<SiFuh> I was thinking that
<remiliascarlet> "How does your Bill taste like?" "Yuck, tastes like Pfizer..."
<SiFuh> Dehydrated camel shit
<SiFuh> I actually can't believe people listen to that cunt
<remiliascarlet> Windows 11 launch party in New York, brought to you by Pfizer!
<SiFuh> We have to cut down trees to save the planet.
<SiFuh> Trees, bullshit. We are people of science
<SiFuh> You fucking faggot. Say it to my face. I will fucking hospitalize you
<SiFuh> I love trees
<remiliascarlet> "We have to turn the entire planet into the Saharan desert to make the world green."
<SiFuh> You touch my trees, I will fuck you two ways until Sunday
<remiliascarlet> With no trees, life forms won't live. Guess he forgot about that science?
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: My wife couldn't beleive it
<SiFuh> She is like "What the fuck?
<remiliascarlet> One guy who really dug deep into the rabbit hole even said that plants, herbivores, carnivores, and bacteria together form a natural cycle. You remove one of those completely, and everything collapses all at once.
<remiliascarlet> Plants are being kept in check by the herbivores. Herbivores are being kept in check by the carnivores. Carnivores are being kept in check by the bacteria. And bacteria are being kept in check by the plants.
<SiFuh> It's a very limited perspective but yes
<remiliascarlet> You delete all the trees, and you deprive the food source of all herbivores, which deprives the food source of all carnivores and omnivores, which deprives the food source of all bacteria.
<SiFuh> You touch me trees and you are not even going to be in check, you are going to the morgue
<SiFuh> We want land and I said I want hemp and bee hives
<remiliascarlet> Does your wife enjoy your wood?
<SiFuh> Hemp is actually illegal here. FUCKING AMERICAN CORPORATIONS
<SiFuh> Wood?
<SiFuh> Penis?
<remiliascarlet> Slang for "hard cock", which reminded me to it when you said "you touch me trees".
<SiFuh> I see
<SiFuh> I can ask
<SiFuh> She said she loves it
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I need to show John Lennon
<SiFuh> I met John Lenon today
<dlcusa> Sigh. make menuconfig broke. Search of the message: -- I wonder what necessitated such a fix...
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<farkuhar> SiFuh: successful rebuild of OpenBSD-stable 7.5 with the patch you shared. The dmesg output looks promising, now I just have to test the audio playback.
<farkuhar> Sigh. Now all I'm getting is "audio0: failed to start playback." Maybe the internal speakers on this device still aren't supported under OpenBSD.
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<farkuhar> dmesg output on a ParrotOS Live ISO is more informative. This particular sound card seems to require firmware from . These files weren't fetched by fw_update(8) on OpenBSD, and the ParrotOS folks didn't bother to include such firmware on their iso (2.2GiB already).