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<remiliascarlet> farkuhar: Next is CRUX with the OpenBSD kernel?
<farkuhar> remiliascarlet: if you subscribe to Anton's philosophy "the essence of CRUX is Pkgfiles", then what you're describing has already been done years ago, when they published CRUX ports for OpenBSD.
<farkuhar> I eventually found some time to build the obs-studio port, so now I can digitize my videotape of Enemy of the State. But I can't understand why suwako-chan listed these as hard dependencies in her Pkgfile: libva-intel-driver rnnoise jack pipewire sndio v4l-utils. obs-studio builds just fine without them.
<farkuhar> In fact, suwako-chan's Pkgfile is missing the cmake flag that enables linking with sndio. Even if you have sndio installed, the obs-studio build system doesn't auto-detect it on Linux, you have to explicitly pass the option to cmake.
<remiliascarlet> farkuhar: If you use sndio on Linux, will it replace ALSA/Pulseaudio/Pipewire/whatever entirely, or will it still depend on one of those?
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<farkuhar> remiliascarlet: sndio on Linux works using the ALSA drivers, so it basically acts like a layer above ALSA (the same position that Pulseaudio/Pipewire occupies).
<farkuhar> gtk4 is another hard dep in suwako-chan's Pkgfile that isn't necessary for building obs-studio. I can't even find anything in CMakeLists.txt that would test for GTK.
<remiliascarlet> farkuhar: I see. Although whenever I use Pipewire, I feel like it's a layer on top of Pulseaudio rather than ALSA.
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<farkuhar> remiliascarlet: the pulseaudio headers must be present when building pipewire, if you want pipewire to act as a drop-in replacement for the pulseaudio daemon. Nowadays many applications can talk directly to pipewire (not needing it to emulate a pulseaudio daemon). beerman's wiki page is still rather sparse on the matter.
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<farkuhar> Anyway, I did get a successful digital transfer of my Enemy of the State videotape, using obs-studio and an AV/USB adapter. I actually didn't even need support for pulseaudio or sndio as input sources, I was able to select an ALSA device from the drop-down menu.
<farkuhar> Rewatching the movie again after all these years, I noticed how the plot details had slipped from my memory with the passage of time, making it easy to reconstruct a false memory matching SiFuh's description "Imagine your wife and children are decapitated infront of you. That feeling in your stomach that you realise everything was taken from you." Maybe I conflated it with Gladiator (which came out a year later)?
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