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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: That headline photo alone is hillarious!
<remiliascarlet> Woman holds man who's yelling at everything on the right (literally), then an obese woman is kicking a man in the stomach, who seems to fall asleep over it, and a 3rd man just spectates with a smile on his face, and then a man and a woman are staring from above going like "I have no idea what the hell just happened".
<remiliascarlet> s/everything/everyone
<remiliascarlet> But yeah, soy-based generation at full display!
<remiliascarlet> Not only in the sense of how they fight, but also in the sense of the need to "brawl" because they couldn't agree on stuff.
<remiliascarlet> Looks like all the sound minds in the EU always happen to be in Eastern Europe:
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: 35 seconds in