phoe: there's a defect in the solution I linked, though...it assumes that the user is only using one transaction log throughout the application. Perhaps I should replace the special variable with a hash table of files and transaction-log instances?
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Suppose the compiler detects some incorrect code, say a class name that is not a non-NIL symbol. What kind of condition should it signal? It seems to me that it could be both a PROGRAM-ERROR and a TYPE-ERROR. If so, would it make sense to define a condition type with both those two types as supertypes?
scymtym: Since you have been working on S-expression syntax, perhaps you have some opinion here?
beach: will read later, heading into a meeting now
No rush.
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The thing, of course, is that many error situations can be thought of as TYPE-ERRORs, simply because a type in Common Lisp is just a set of objects. So any situation in which an object that is a member of some set is expected, but a different object is found can be thought of as a TYPE-ERROR.
But expressing it that way can become quite convoluted.
CLASS-OPTION, for instance, could be expressed as (or (cons (eql :default-initargs) (satisfies initargslist)) (cons (eql :documentation) (cons string null)) (cons (eql :metaclass) (cons symbol null))) or something like that.
But I am not sure I would want to report an error in terms of such a type.
So I guess I am looking for some insight here. Like in combination with a program error, "never use TYPE-ERROR for the following reason", or "Use TYPE-ERROR only when the type can be expressed in a simple way".
Or, "do express it as a TYPE-ERROR even when the type is hard to specify, but provide a custom condition reporter that expresses it in a simpler way". This possibility could be useful for code that processes the condition programatically.
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In case of CLASS-OPTION, the type could also be expressed as (SATISFIES CLASS-OPTION) of course, which is simple in some respects.
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beach: PROGRAM-ERROR seems to be the important one. i don't see a significant benefit in making such errors TYPE-ERRORs. as the CLASS-OPTION example illustrates, the information that "SOME-EXPRESSION is not of type (satisfies class-option)" is not the most precise description of the problem
a dedicated condition type that is a subtype of PROGRAM-ERROR in the spirit (but not name) of S-EXPRESSION-SYNTAX-ERROR and contains the offending expression or expressions (maybe as CSTs) seems better to me. particular errors such as repeated class options could be represented as subtypes of S-EXPRESSION-SYNTAX-ERROR and provide specific error reports and possibly additional readers (say FIRST-OCCURRENCE, SECOND-OCCURRENCE for a
repeated option)
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My current thinking is to forget about the issue specifically for SICL, and perhaps bite the bullet and use the s-expression-syntax library instead.
I am currently checking out that library. I looked at it briefly some time ago, but maybe this is a good time to do it again.
i see
I suppose I could use your library "incrementally", like convert the current method for a particular form to use your library instead.
sure, you could "call into" a particular grammar rule if you already know the operator
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Yeah, and if I find an issue with a particular operator, I can always do it the way I do it now for that particular operator.
But it would be even better if I could help make the library complete of course.
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I remember last time I looked, I was a bit stumped by the dependencies, but maybe I just need to find a better way of structuring my attempt to understand it.
in can probably improve the dependency situation a little bit, but some complexity would remain
Sure. But if i were you, I wouldn't bother at this point.
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there are some low hanging fruit (let-plus) but i indeed wouldn't re-architect things or anything of that sort
I think you mentioned let-plus in the past, but it's a pretty small issue anyway.
Let me start by checking how far I get this time before you spend time on this.
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scymtym: I think your code can be understood without any detailed knowledge of LET+. You use only a small number of cases it seems.
But yeah, that dependency might not be very justified, especially since the library is explicitly labeled "unmaintained".
But that also means that LET+ could be gotten rid of fairly easily if there is a problem one day.
flip214: i haven't looked at this in a while but i guess in lines 10 and 11, VALUE would have to be LET-PLUS::VALUE
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scymtym: yeah, right. Either VALUE needs to be exported (which is bad) or the README needs fixing. (also LET-PLUS::BODY, BTW)
I think the README has several issues.
I pushed a PR for two of them already
*sent a PR
It says the library is unmaintained, so don't hold your breath.
well, is there something similar that is maintained?
Haven't used it yet, but it looks convenient
Like it says: binding ::= symbol || (form [init-form]) but those are not forms that are then described.
In fact, they are specifically NOT forms.
It took me several minutes to realize that the wrong terminology is used.
Then the "form" (list value) is given, but the following example does not contain it.
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etc, etc.
yeah... the examples help quite a bit, though ;)
Oh, wait, LIST is a metasyntactic variable here. Sorry.
So then, &slots should not be in italic font.
Anyway, I am not going to spend more time on it. I looked at it only to understand the code in s-expression-syntax.
beach: I think it's a good general principle that if PROGRAM-ERROR is applicable, the condition should not be stuffed under the TYPE-ERROR rug. Consider this (at the top level): (TAGBODY :A (PRINT "this") :B ("print that") (GO NOGO)). This is explicitly said to be a PROGRAM-ERROR in the CLHS. It could also be expressed as a TYPE-ERROR where the type is (OR (EQL :A) (EQL :B)). But I do not think this is informative to anybody.
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phoe: Thanks. Can trivia be told to notice fill pointers?
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(defvar *my-list* '(NIL B C D))
(defvar *my-place* '(car *my-list*))
(setf *my-place* 'A)
-- how do I change the last line so that *my-list* becomes (A B C D) instead of changing the value of *my-place* to A?
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ashpool: first off, you can't modify quoted (constant) data. so you want like (defvar *my-list* (list nil 'b 'c 'd)). and to modify the first element, you'd do (setf (first *my-list*) 'a)
there aren't really places as objects in the way you seem to want
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Bike: yeah I might've set in up incorrectly. But are you saying I can't just store a form in a variable and then use that form as a "place" to write to?
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I think I almost got it with `get-setf-expansion` and then evaling the setter form but then I thought the had to be an easier way
ashpool: I am saying that, yes. eval won't really get you there because it is insensitive to its lexical environment.
ashpool: if you really really want to, you'd probably have to set up a closure - like throw around (lambda (new) (setf (car my-list) new))
Right, thank you. Not that I want it really bad, but I think understanding the limitations is a good thing when learning stuff, so I just wanted to make sure
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I think some predecessors to the standard language had something like first-class places - "locatives" i think