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Question: Is there an SBCL function that will return the current call stack? I.e. the stack of the current invocation of the function that the tracing function is called within
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you mean like a backtrace?
Colleen: tell phantomics_ look up dissect
Here's what I get from one element in the call stack: #<DISSECT::SBCL-CALL [7] (LAMBDA (I) IN INDEXER-OF) | /home/user/src/lisp/april/varray/varray.lisp>
The problem is, INDEXER-OF is a method that belongs to many different classes. Is there a way to determine which class this specific indexer-of applies to?
look at the arguments?
That gives me some idea, I'll work from there
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Hey, I have a sbcl image running on a server. In order to connect to that repl I need a swank server running inside that image. So I do `(require:swank)' and `(swank:create-server)'. But after some time the swank server is no longer accessible. It just closes the port. Is that the default behaviour?
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How would I make sure to keep the swank server running for the whole time, because when I ssh into the box, I don't have direct access to the shell where the sbcl process is running. The only way to access that is via swank.
there is a keyword parameter for that
:dont-close or something like that (to create-server that is)
I tried :dont-close, but it still closed
Maybe there was another issue.
then you are doing something wrong, because this parameter works
I just wanted to make sure it's the correct keyword argument
it is
you may also check swank::*communicatin-style* - if it is NIL then it is not possible to spawn new processes
(i.e your build does not have threads nor serve-event)
if it is :spawn then there is no issue with that
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well, the preferred-communication-style is :spawn. Maybe it will work now. I've closed the repl and restarted it.
thanks for the help
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phantomics_: uiop:print-backtrace and uiop:raw-print-backtrace
phantomics_: don't ask implementation specific questions in #commonlisp! Go to #sbcl to get the sbcl specific answer, to #ecl for the ecl specific answer, to #ccl for the ccl specific answer, to #abcl for the abcl specific answer, etc.
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NotThatRPG: I've accepted your message to the ecl-devel mailing list; that said you wouldn't need to wait for moderation if you had subscribed to it
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Anyone interested in copying the stumpwm experience on top of a wayland compositor like wlroots? The long run solution would probably be to go with its own compositor, but there might not be enough time.
Now that Nvidia is getting alpha, and maybe even beta, quality Wayland support, I'm afraid that the transition to Wayland in the bleeding edge distros like Arch and Fedora will be fairly rapid.
Because that has always been the blocker.
Looking into experience of Qtile transitioning to Wayland -- it's a painful endeavour. And until proper HiDpi support I will live on Xorg till the end of time)
amerlyq: Well, a separate issue (on many of the same types of monitors) is that support for HDR displays is probably never coming to X11, but will eventually come to Wayland and a lot of relatively cheap screens are HDR now.
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(Although a search shows that Nvidia has been trying for years to hack together HDR support on X11 on its own, apparently.)
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aeth: I'd be interested, if I had a way to test things
more specifically, how will we test this wayland port (or whatever new window manager you attempt making)
assuming I can set up an environment for that, then I'd become interested in a (hopefully portable) wayland-based CL-based window manager
Afaik, there wouldn't really be much to port. Stumpwm is a fairly thin client layer on top of X via clx, much simpler than if it had to rely on xlib or wayland, but with some obvious UI faults that come from that (all of the stuff you bring up from stumpwm like C-t ? don't look like they belong at all) and it is... very X11
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(Plus they still don't have a way to set a background image)
(reliably anyway, issue #587)
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On the other hand, Wayland creates new priorities, like having a built-in way to do screenshots (in stumpwm, I have a one line script in ~/bin to screenshot to the specified subdir of Pictures via `import ~/Pictures/$*/screenshot-$(date -Iseconds).png` instead of a less hacky and more Lisp-native way to screenshot)
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jackdaniel: Thank you. If that's mailman, you could just add me as an authorized sender. I've had to give up on subscribing to all the implementations' development lists: there are just too many.
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Being subscribed to the SBCL mailing list helps numb my mind telling itself that setting up a mail server was a waste of time.
I'm not going to press the matter, but I find it reasonable to expect someone broadcasting things on a list to subscribe there ,)
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jackdaniel: I'm sorry, but there are a lot of implementation developer mailing lists and I simply can't track all of them.
I mean, I could, and just dump all the emails to /dev/null, but...
jackdaniel: If ECL tracks asdf-announce, which is EXTREMELY low traffic (about 1/year!), I could stop sending announcements to ECL-devel
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hi friends! for the curious here asking for a stacktrace yesterday, for the pgloader compile warning "deleting unreachable code", it's available now at
let's see what the unit tests make of the current code, and then I'll ask my debian friend to test again with sid and SBCL 2.2.6
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fwiw I wouldn't print the backtrace for non-serious conditions either
the driver for showing it is usng both --verbose and --debug at the moment
so (and SERIOUS-condition (not (or monitor-error …)))
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aeth: does that mean that fedora/etc. will stop supporting xwayland? That would really be a disaster, and not just for WMs
mmm, not really, but I don't follow what you're saying jackdaniel this time sorry
dim: in your handler-bind you handle all conditions (except for a few chosen ones) and print the backtrace for them - do you want to print a backtrace i.e for compiler notes?
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ooooh, that's a good catch, thanks!
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It would be neat if something like UIOP provided some common condition classes usable across implementations
like serious-condition?
another interesting trick in a toolbox is to have a macro like handler-case (let's call it handler-case*), that handles the condition, then unwind the stack and returns; then printing the backtrace in this situation could be done in the last serious-condition clause
putting aside details like properly handling :no-error and multiple return values, writing such macro based on handler-bind is rather trivial
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I believe I have a handler-case* somewhere, based off Pitman's condition system code.
@jackdaniel: I don't believe that there's a class that corresponds to compiler notes, for example.
s/class/ANSI class/
The existence of compiler notes is implementation dependent already.
But (deftype silly-condition () '(and condition (not serious-condition))) is useful.
some conditions are not silly though! signaling partial results in an otherwise synchronous body is one example
hayley: Yes, it would be nice if one could make code that wraps around compilation, that could portably handle different implementations' equivalent of compiler notes (assuming that these are implemented as conditions of some sort).
jcowan: no, but afaik (based on another IRC channel anyway) Fedora would move exclusively to xwayland
for x stuff, including tiling WMs
Well, that's tolerable for ordinary applications like Medley, no?
redhot chili paperfs on the systemd booster
On or in.
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shinmera and i have been talking about doing that, notthatrpg. it would basically be ripping out part of swank. i think my main conceptual confusion now is why sbcl "compiler errors" aren't actually errors
also i'll have to check if any implementations have a compile that never signals and only reports problems some other way, which would be annoying
Bike: if you were to do that, I'd be interested in porting it into UIOP...
i will see what i can do. i'm doing a bunch of other stuff for clasp at the moment, though
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allegro has a compiler-note class but swank at least treats it as unexported. the abcl code looks like you have to bind an internal dynamic variable to make the compiler actually signal warnings. geh.
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Ain't portability fun :)
"portable by accident"™
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CL-PPCRE seems to implement no inverse PARSE-STRING, is it so?
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