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Two questions.. uiop:launch-program allows as to talk to the process with :stream. Which kind of socket does it use? Does it work on all of linux, macos, and windows?
Second, if I want to do socket programming portably (on all three os types), what kind of socket should I use? BSD socket doesn't work on windows iirc.
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Hmm.. it sees to call sbcl's run-program, which relies on bsd socket.. does that mean it won't work for windows users?
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Dylan, Self, Newspeak
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Anyway. Thank you guys. Have a nice day :-)
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(setf (fdefinition 'calc) #'funcall)
(mind that answers to the question about 'making a function' made a macro)
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Hi, I'd recently tried to implement type generics in custom collections defined by defstruct via macro. The struct would be created with a read only slot of type 'symbol' to act as a type specifier that would be read out at macro expansion time into a backquoted declaration form preceding collection operations. And I did succeed, actually- for
values known at compile time. It fails as soon as I call the function-like-macro on a collection bound to a fresh let form within the REPL. I think I've read something about runtime type declarations somewhere and started trying to figure that out with a type specifier symbol retrieved only then but I've been having trouble finding anything about
the evaluation semantics for the different declaration forms. Am I wasting my time here? Is there a better way to do this? Is there maybe some quicklisp package that implements generics I didn't find in the curated list?
Tallund: Declarations are not forms, so they are not evaluated.
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I seem to remember that clouseau (or was it something in McClim?) would show a graphic of a CLOS class hierarchy, but I can't find that any more. Any hints, please? Thanks a lot!
flip214: The CLIM listener can do that. I believe it has a "," command for that, like ,show class subclasses or something similar.
Huh. Does that enable me to 'make runtime declarations'?
Tallund: But it is hard to say what is going wrong since you are not showing your code.
I'm a bit embarrassed to share it but I'll do so in a moment after testing it again.
Tallund: I don't know what that means, but I was telling you about "the evaluation semantics for the different declaration forms".
And there is no such thing because of what I said.
beach: ah yeah, thanks! even a menue item that just asks for the class name.
flip214: Yes, maybe so.
Tallund: Like I don't know what a "type generic" is, nor a "custom collection".
Others might, of course.
Tallund: But maybe you are asking about the semantics about type declarations in general. The answer is that the implementation is free to ignore them.
I had Java's varying List<>s in mind when I said that, which could be specified to be of type 'List<String>' for example, and Java would then do its' typical compile time type checking upon insertion of elements into the specific list object and the retrieval of elements from the same object
Tallund: The standard says that a type declaration is a promise from the programmer, and the implementation may or may not check it.
That List<> bit I mentioned would be an example of collection type generics, at least as far as I know
Tallund: Trying to make Common Lisp behave like a statically typed programming language is usually a bad idea in the first place. For example, there is no Common Lisp declaration that will declare the type of every element of a list.
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... unless you use SATISFIES of course.
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Tallund: you might be interested in Coalton.
My thought was just to automatically generate the declarations from a type specifier given in one place, specified as a struct's slot value, instead of having to repeat the everywhere manually
I vaguely remember hearing about this somewhere.
as a side note, in clim a presentation type sequence may have the element type specified
(that has expected implications on parsing and typed input)
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Tallund: If you want to make sure the implementation checks your types, you need to use CHECK-TYPE or something similar. A type declaration is not guaranteed to work.
I was mostly looking to leverage SBCL's type inference as far as I could get it to for producing macro expansion time declarations
Type inference is the wrong term here, since I'm trying to fetch a value, it would be a sort of value inference
Hastebin's parsed it as a cpp file for whatever reason
There's the code in question, at least, all that I think is relevant
Since declarations are not forms, you can't turn an element of a vector into the type supplied to a type declaration, unless that vector is known at compile time.
You would have to use TYPEP and ERROR.
And, again, even if you could, the implementation would not be guaranteed to check the type. For SBCL, I think it depends on the OPTIMIZE settings whether it does that or not.
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Ok, ok, ok, I think I'd need straight up reflection and macros all over the damn place in order to achieve the kind of value inference I had in mind.
A macro won't fix the fact that a declaration is not a form.
But you can store the type specifier in an element of a vector and then use TYPEP at run time.
No, but I think I can manually implement some value inference via compile time form evaluation in macros.
Maybe so. I don't know what "value inference" is, so I can't tell.
I think the literal interpretation of that phrase would be constant propagation
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The ugliest solution I have in mind is just putting a bunch of symbols to act as type specifiers into a hash map and then I fetch the correct type specifier where it is needed
White_Flame: Wonderful, I now have a google search term!
that simply means eg (+ 2 3) gets compiled as literal 5
if you want compile-time checks, you can generate per-type code to do that
inferring the value at compile-time, if it's all given constants
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Tallund: What is the advantage of having a symbol act as a type specifier, rather than using the type specifier itself?
like (define-typed-stack single-float-stack single-float) that can generate the constructors and operators
> that simply means eg (+ 2 3) gets compiled as literal 5
I think it'd be more than that, but I don't have enough intuition or knowledge to contest that statement
beach: From my understanding and experimentation, type specifiers are a subset of symbols that themselves name a type, and not in the sense that symbols acting as variable names do
(the checks may or may not be there; in sbcl, you may get some of them by its type inference, supposing the push operation is inlined)
Tallund: Type specifiers are not necessarily symbols.
t, the symbol that is treated as the boolean value of true, also names the type T, as in, the object hiearchy root
Tallund: (integer 3 7) is a type specifier, for example.
> What is the advantage of having a symbol act as a type specifier, rather than using the type specifier itself?
I think I was hoping for SBCL to spit out optimized code via some kind of dynamic just in time compilation+ optimization, and with type checks
(you can also declare the push operation's function type, if it is a function)
Which I realize is a completely ridiculous idea now that I think about it
you can perform the JIT compilation yourself..
Really, you should've figured out I don't know where the hell God put me once I started asking about 'evaluating declaration forms at runtime with type specifiers retrieved at runtime'
Thank you by the way, I found out a lot I wanted to know here
Well, I kind of did, in that I pointed out that declarations are not forms, so they are not evaluated.
Thank you again, then, for humoring me this long
_death: Thanks for linking me to CLHS compile, this makes some things a lot easier.
note that compilation may be expensive, so you need to consider the tradeoff and proably make good use of caches
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I agree. As much as it bothers me, it would make the most sense I think if I then packaged the jit'd functions for the struct, in the struct, as a primitive pseudo object
And into a hash map for reuse elsewhere too
set-pprint-dispatch says it's using EQUAL for type comparison -- so I can't use a base class and a generic function, I'd have to register each subclass as well.
Is there another mechanism that makes this easier? (Yeah, I can loop over the subclasses known at compile time, but still...)
I think you can.. the paragraph is about determining whether there's an existing entry associated with it
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_death: thank you!
flip214: when you inspect a class in clouseau, expanding the sub- and superclasses "places" should display graphs. the context menu on those values can be used to toggle between list and graph display
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Tallund: there are three ways to do it: (EVAL lambda-expression) (COERCE lambda-expression 'function) and (COMPILE nil lambda-expression)
Tallund: EVAL could produce an interpreted function, COMPILE must produce a compiled-function, COERCE could do what's best (fastest?) for the implementation. You also have to take into account the number of times you need to produce a function, vs. the number of times you will call it.
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scymtym: ah yeah, right! clim has a left-to-right layout which works better with the class names, though -- top-to-bottom becomes too wide.
If my package names use "/" in their names ("foo/data", "foo/impl", ...), how would I escape that in a FORMAT call? (format nil "~/foo/data:my-format/" x) doesn't work, neither does \\/ ...
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flip214: forward slash isn't a character that needs escaping. `~/` is a format specifier that calls a function.
If you are trying to output "~/" then it is the tilde that needs escaping.
yitzi: my function needs a package (else CL-USER is used!), and my package name contains a #\/. But a / means "end of function name"...
yeah, I gave the package a nickname without /
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_death White_Flame I see. Thanks :)
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flip214: i think that depends, a horizontal layout would roughly be class-name-width * graph-depth wide while a vertical layout should be something like class-name-width * max-node-degree. so a horizontal layout would be good for a shallow hierarchy with lots of mixins or superclasses in general
* scymtym
should probably make the orientation configurable
is there a "good" way to add to .asd files the ability to do a git clone (and when needed a git pull)?
which is faster depends on the implementation and if it's helpful enough to comment or otherwise make known that it's calling, in this case, ccl:external-call
(if that isn't inline, which it very well could be
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running c code in lisp code.. in the same process.. how is that possible?
it's all running on the same machine in the end. a lisp compiler can just generate a C call instruction sequence.
Hmm.. I see.. so there's not another C runtime listening and doing work..
Can I do this for other langs like python? Or does it just work for lower level langs like C?
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the problem with other languages is that they have a much larger runtime, probably including a garbage collector, too
well, to run C code there probably does have to be some kind of c runtime linked in. like you're not going to be able to call into libc without linking libc.
and two different garbage collectors can interfere with each other
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C is fairly unique among programming languages in having defined binary interfaces for a variety of architectures, meaning that there is a clear and documented way to write the machine instructions to call into C
so for other langs, it's better to have two of them communicating via a socket or something?
which is not true of python, though there are some other lisp/python things
and cpython has a C API, so you could probably call into python that way
Yes, to talk between language A and language B, you have them both pretend to talk to language C, in this case C.
<Shinmera> thanks very usefull
aeth why should I include the third language?
is it better design or something?
nah, it's just that lisp and python aren't set up to talk directly, but they are both set up to talk to c. so to speak.
or have them in separate processes and talk over sockets. depends on what you are doing.
C really doesn't have a 'runtime' as much as just a bunch of library calls
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is talking via C usually faster and more efficient than using a bsd socket?
it has a runtime, but you only need to care about crt0 if you're doing pretty funky stuff
it's basically because the OSes basically expose C interfaces
so that defines the ABIs that codegens have to follow
suppose I need to pass large data between two runtimes
docker microservices
or maybe k8s
aeth (is that for me)?
I was just thinking about the most overengineered to do it, which is actually probably also the most common
I want to make something that works for many languages.
if stuff is in the same process, you might be able to send a pointer to it, so there wouldn't be any copying and it would go quick. over a socket you'd have to actually send the data. but there are other things you could do, like mmapping
Bike oh I see that's a good point.. hmm
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if you don't care about the implementation and it's your highest priority, you could use a runtime that's designed for that
e.g. ABCL runs on the JVM
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then you don't have to hack together something that could break unexpectedly
it should also be impl. agnostic, and it wouldn't only work for CL.
I even hope it to be lang agnostic.
well, the last 2 criteria are how you get the JVM and similar things
But yea, I'd start thinking with CL.
you can get all 3 if you implement the other languages (like Python) on top of CL
but the other language implementations might not be as fast or feature rich as their main implementations
Bike - about the same process could save time: different lang interprets data differently.
So even if they are in the same process, being able to point to the same address doesn't necessary means it's fastr right?
at some point some translation of structures still needed to be done
(or am I missing something?)
nij-: you'd probably try to meet in the middle. If something lower level than python, maybe it can have octet arrays
depends on the nature of the data. cffi lets you write to memory pretty much like you'd do in C, so C can read it without any kind of translation.
all of this stuff pretty much depends on what exactly it is you are doing. without knowing that i'm going to have to be pretty vague.
nij-: but there are a lot of different approaches, e.g. you could put it in a separate program, launch it with uiop:launch-program, and communicate that way (inter-process, I think).
I see. I want to make a lisp program that is ready to talk to any other popular languages in order to use their libraries.
aeth I was looking at uiop:launch-program the other day, but using :stream to talk to each other is kind of fragile.
For example, if both runtimes want to send others many tasks at the same time, the channel is likely to be broken.
So I ponder it may be safer and more robust to use a mature socket as the communication interface.
Bike: besides that, I expect to run intensive calculations (CPU bound) on both sides, and send large datas.
(How large? Sometimes larger than memory limit, but sometimes not.)
you should probably start with a specific solution for a specific use case or else you will just wind up with something incredibly general and overengineered, but probably not that fast in the long run... and maybe you'd reinvent microservices
so, so, so many attempts over the years at stuff like this
from just about every angle
aeth Yeah.. I'm still trying to narrow what's the best appoach to my problem. And then I will select an existing solution.
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aeth Damn.. COM page contains a lot of attempts. I don't even know where to start..
what do people use nowadays when it comes to communicating between run times? And what's the standard practice for common lisp?
there are many standards to choose from, or roll your own
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Definitely I don't want to create another standard :D
It'd be best if there's a clearly winning standard.
often people create individual commands instead of having an "anything goes" rpc
with a specified command interface, then you can avoid introspection if other languages don't support it
these days people probably just don't care about the overhead that much and use JSON... in part because it's probably going to have to go over the network anyway
unless you're scripting, such as for a game or a text editor
Language C is always C, except when language B is C.
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(Language C is never B.)
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for constrained channels use CBOR
at least CBOR has the most buy in, in IETF
has anyone had a strange issue with the sbcl stepper not allowing the step into of functions? When I do it, it just resumes execution. I am really frustrated by it. I feel like having a working stepper might really help me understand lisp as I learn, perhaps its a emacs specific problem I just don't know.
api's are being done with quic / http3 and json