jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<doomduck> is there a way to use sly (or just emacs) to auto-format CL, kinda like LSP stuff can auto-format?
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<phoe> electric-indent mode + aggressive-indent mode + a slime/sly connection
<phoe> I never need to format my code manually because of this
<doomduck> phoe: hmm, seems aggressive-indent-mode replaces electric-indent-mode no? or maybe I misunderstand, but it's readme seems to indicate that
<kakuhen> I personally use sly + smartparens and i never have to "manually format" common lisp code
<kakuhen> normally i use smartparens-strict-mode in lisp buffers, but this is more a topic for #emacs, not here
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<gamaliel> Hi, I'm stuck trying to use defsystem to recognize files in a subfolder. I created two systems, accounting-app and accounting-app/tests, and intended to place all files pertaining to accounting-app/tests in a subdirectory "tests" of accounting-app. Here is a link to my current .asd: https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/3446#3446. I tried to specify the
<gamaliel> :pathname argument to defsystem, but it doesn't seem to work to find files in the tests/ subdirectory.
<pillton> gamaliel: You need to do :components ((:module "tests" :components ((:file "parachute-tests") ...))).
<gamaliel> Oh. I thought including a module would be redundant, since I read that tests should go in a separate system instead of a module.
<pillton> See section 13.6.4 of the ASDF manual.
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<pillton> Also section 6.3.15
<pillton> " In the simple case, source files will be found in the same directory as the system or, in the case of modules, in a subdirectory with the same name as the module."
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<gamaliel> Alright. I think I got it now. Question: if I were to use system-relative-pathname, it would search all the modules I create as well, correct?
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<pillton> gamaliel: You would have to look at the specification for ASDF:SYSTEM-RELATIVE-PATHNAME in Section 11.3.
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<pillton> gamaliel: From what I can tell ASDF:SYSTEM-RELATIVE-PATHNAME does no searching.
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<gamaliel> pillton: Thank you, I solved it by prepending the "tests/" path to the name in system-relative-filename.
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<gamaliel> If I use defsystem, do I need to export (setf foo) functions as well?
<beach> Packages export symbols, not functions.
<aeth> afaik (setf foo) is (cl:setf your-package:foo)
<beach> So if the FOO symbol is exported, then (SETF MY-PACKAGE:FOO) can be used with a single package marker.
<aeth> or, more specifically (COMMON-LISP:SETF YOUR-PACKAGE::FOO)
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<pillton> gamaliel: ASDF systems and their names are orthogonal to packages.
<aeth> (since FOO might not be exported)
<aeth> (: if public, :: for both public and private)
<gamaliel> Oh, I meant defpackage, sorry.
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<gamaliel> Thank you all for the help.
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<doomduck> is there something like an inverse of `logior` for destructuring bit masks? specifically, I have a RGBA with 8 bits each, as in `(logior r (ash g 8) (ash b 16) (ash a 24))` and I really just want to "split it back up" to modify the colors
<hayley> clhs ldb
<hayley> Something like (ldb (byte 8 8) colour) would give you the green component.
<doomduck> ohhh, nice, that's exactly what I had in mind, thanks!
<doomduck> I guess this is also where I look into how to do unit testing lol, kinda scary just doing these bit manipulations
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<pjb> doomduck: also, you cannot just use logior to modify an integer; you must mask off the previous bits! Instead, use dpb, or (setf ldb).
<pjb> So really, (dpb (dpb (dpb r (byte 8 8) g) (byte 8 16) b) (byte 8 24)) == (logior (logand (lognot #xffffff) r) (ash (logand #xff g) 8) (ash (logand #xff b) 16) (ash (logand #xff a) 24))
<doomduck> pjb: oh I'm not modifying it, I'm constructing it
<doomduck> or maybe I'm confused, but why would I mask off previous bits if I'm just OR-ing together unrelated parts?
<pjb> doomduck: r
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<pjb> doomduck: and you want to mask off the values to ensure they only have the number of bits you want.
<pjb> In any case, this is taken care by dpb.
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<McParen> Hello, if I have a class C with two parent classes A and B, and I have a method FOO specialized on both A and B, when i call FOO on C, how can I skip over foo getting called on A, and immediately go to B? is there a way to do that, without changing the order of inheritance of C?
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<_death> you could extract the B behavior to its own function and call it in C's method
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<McParen> _death: yes, that would be a solution. What I'm looking for is some clos-specific way of "skipping over" the elements in the precedence list.
<_death> I guess there's contextl.. but it doesn't seem like a good design in general to assume so much about the dispatch
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<McParen> I know, thanks for your suggestions. I think the easiest way will be to change the precedence order, but that could lead to other problems down the road.
<pjb> McParen: or you could rewrite the method on A to not call the next method (that on B).
<pjb> or vice-versa.
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<McParen> pjb: thanks.
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<jcowan> Does anyone know about a non-standard macro that's like `case` except it takes an extra argument, which is the predicate used for comparison? The name in my mind is `case-using`, but Dr. Google is uninformative.
<beach> Maybe in Alexandria
<phoe> doomduck: maybe! I use both at the same time and it works, maybe it'll work withour electricity too
<Bike> in alexandria it's "switch"
<Bike> it also takes a key function
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<jcowan> Bike: ah, thanks
<jcowan> I should get in the habit of looking in Alexandria for things
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<jcowan> "One time in Alexandria, in wicked Alexandria / Where nights were wild with revelry, and life was but a game, / There lived, so the report is, an adventuress and courtesan, / The pride of Alexandria, and Thais was her name."
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<skeemer> hello all i am trying to use emacs with slime mode, and when i do c-c c-j the line getsd inserted in the slime buffer, but the cursor remains there, but i would like it to go back to my editing buffer
<skeemer> is there any way to achieve this?
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<beach> skeemer: You can use C-c C-c to evaluate a top-level form without moving the point to another window.
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<beach> But it won't insert the form into the REPL buffer. So if that's important to you, this is not the solution.
<beach> I always use C-c C-c myself.
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<pjb> skeemer: have you tried with C-u? Switches REPL to current package of the source buffer for the duration. If used with a prefix argument (C-u), doesn’t switch back afterwards.
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<pve> Hi, can anyone recommend a library that provides basic statistic functions like mean, median, standard deviation etc?
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<pve> oh, alexandria offers some at least!
<skeemer> pjb, doesn't do anything... maybe because i am using evil mode?
<_death> there are also cl-mathstats, sapaclisp and others
<skeemer> also another thing is that if my cursor is at the beginning of the line C-c C-j does not send the whole line
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<Catie> So there's this library that's been abandoned, cl-cpus, and the Quicklisp version fails on my platform. I reached out to the author back in February to see if they were still around but never got a response, so I made a bunch of modifications and would like to submit my version to Quicklisp. What would be the best way to go about that?
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<phoe> Catie: fork the library, fix it, make an issue on quicklisp-projects asking to switch over to your version
<Catie> phoe: Okay neat, can do! I wasn't sure if there was something else that needed to be done since I hadn't heard back from the original author
<phoe> nothing more; if the project seems unmaintained, the process is to become the new maintainer in the aforementioned way
<Catie> phoe: Neat, thank you so much!
* phoe remembers that he has a project waiting for the same
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<Catie> Always happy to provide a reminder
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<gendl> Hi, does Slime have a built in command or keybinding to cycle among several existing *slime-repl.. * buffers, visit the most recent one, etc?
<gendl> Ah i see one way is by going through the *slime-connections* buffer which you can get to with C-c C-x c
<gendl> .. and that's where you can set the default one to be used for buffer compiling etc
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<Josh_2> Anyone used Cl-unification?
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<Josh_2> Can't tell if bored or burned out
<Josh_2> haven't been writing that much code so probably bored
<pjb> Well, I wrote my own pattern matching with unification in CL, so no. cl-unification didn't exist at that time.
<pjb> Josh_2: it's funnier to write your own stuff.
<Josh_2> Well I am basically writing my own stuff
<Josh_2> still feel bored
<Josh_2> Maybe I am just procrastinating, just gotta dig in and do and I'll feel better
<Josh_2> I would like to learn some new Lisp tho, maybe I should read on-lisp again or something
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<White_Flame> yeah, on-lisp and paip have really easy to implement unifiers
<Josh_2> I really want to write a DSL, I dont think I've ever made one of those
<Josh_2> but I probably have, idk
<White_Flame> sure, that's more of a design problem than an implementation problem, though
<Josh_2> Yes
<White_Flame> still a very useful skill to hone
<White_Flame> as they say with book authors, get your bad ones out first ;)
<Josh_2> For a long time I have been making very heavy use of generic functions, I haven't been writing that many macros either
<White_Flame> there's 2 possibilities tehre:
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<White_Flame> 1) The problems you tackle are well-suited for that, so no problem
<White_Flame> 2) Generic functions are a hammer and you're seeing too many things as nails
<Josh_2> Well
<White_Flame> so it's good to try other tools and see where they lead you
<Josh_2> I am pretty certain that it is actually 1, but I feel like 2
<White_Flame> also you might be selecting problems based on what your tools offer, instead of selecting problems for their own necessity or advancement
<Josh_2> If I reflect on the problems I am currently solving, generics are a good way to solve them
<Josh_2> White_Flame: well I do tend to do the same things
<White_Flame> DSLs are a great way to get outside of your own preconceived tool thinking
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<Josh_2> Well
<Josh_2> I think I am not sure how I would create a DSL in my problem domain
<Josh_2> ah well
<White_Flame> express your problem domain as pseudocode
<White_Flame> implement the pseudocode
<White_Flame> bam, dsl
<Josh_2> ha
<Josh_2> neat
<White_Flame> think of what the most direct and actionable way to express things, and iterate that before implementing too much
<White_Flame> and what you express needs to be specific to the domain, don't fall into the trap of going general purpse again
<Josh_2> Thank you for your input :)
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