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does Trivia have lambda-list matchers (ie. a drop-in replacement for DESTRUCTURING-BIND, where I can use stuff like &OPTIONAL and &KEY)?
I'm looking at its wiki, and so far I don't see an obvious way to do that
not a trivia expert, but i expect that would need some real complicated semantics to handle lambda list variables that are subpatterns
I also don't see a way to replicate (destructuring-bind (head &rest tail) somelist)
aren't there cons patterns?
I think so?
Bike: possibly, but I'm looking at Trivia to replace my spaghetti piles of D-B / M-V-B / LET, so it's kinda a letdown if it doesn't have a way to do what D-B already does...
I might go with metabang-bind, since it seems to have a syntax that's much more like the CL I already know, even though Trivia is the well-maintained community standard
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oh, I think it has the LAMBDA-LIST pattern, which is that
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Good morning COO people
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Good morning
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I haven't written code for about a week or so
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I think I have forgotten
I'm feeling the need for some creative destruction
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Why not read books
What, what is "creative destruction" ?
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mathrick: I believe trivia support (head . tail)
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Hi dbotton, not sure if there is a chat room for Clog but I have a small bug report. `with-clog-create` is interning "CREATE-" function binding symbols in the current package. This is a problem when not `USE`ing Clog in a package as the respective clog functions aren't bound in that case. Line 56 of clog-utilities.lisp is the relevant location.
Adding "CLOG to the optional package argument should do the trick.
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no, that will work until the edge case of someone using something like "modern mode" for symbols, where it will also fail
so to avoid hitting into another edge case it would have to be (symbol-name 'foo) not "FOO"
(because it might be "foo")
Does CLHS not specify sockets? Scheme seems to have sockets in its reference.
What's the reason for omitting sockets from CLHS?
I am pretty sure sockets are omitted from most language specifications.
hmm, my bad... before someone points it out, it's (symbol-name '#:foo)
I should have said "from most programming-language standards".
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acma: What Scheme reference has sockets in it?
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sockets are basically a unix (bsd) invention.. in the lisp world streams or "connections" were used
You must expect additionnal standard (or libraries), over the language standard for things like sockets, GUI, etc.
That's why I asked about the "Scheme reference". It would be surprising it it were a standards document.
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There are srfi which documents "standard" libraries for scheme.
Our CDRs are a little like that.
Guest53 thanks!
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SRFI 106 is sockets, looks like
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That's still not a "Scheme reference" in my book.
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acma: Are you still here?
sorry, had to step away for a while. I might have been wrong about it being a reference.
That would make more sense.
acma: For Common Lisp, you would then consult the manual for each implementation.
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I've mostly narrowed r7rs-work to pre-SRFI stuff.
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I am struggling with something that must be simple: I want to change a structure like this (((A 1) (B 2)) ((C 3) (D 4))) into this ((A 1) (B 2) (C 3) (D 4)). My puny brain cannot figure this out for some reason.
it's (reduce #'append ...) again isn't it?
It's always that.
>:| Indeed it is
Thanks aeth, now I have to forget that I just spend 20 minutes struggling with this :P
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do you all use Emacs only for CL programming? or do you use Emacs for all other editing too?
acma: I'd guess most people who use Emacs use it for all their text editing. I do.
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gday, im implementing some phylogenetics stuff in CL and I need to raise a float to a matrix power. Anyone know a library with this function?
blueyoner: I guess maxima has it. Not exactly a library, but its functions can be called from lisp.
blueyoner: otherwise, perhaps one of the interface on a C library having it such as OpenBLAS or LAPACK?
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how can I return a specific HTTP status page using hunchentoot? like returning HTTP 404 page? the doc at https://edicl.github.io/hunchentoot/ does not seem clear about this. any examples?
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Set the reply return-code slot.
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thanks pjb!
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acma: I only use emacs for CL and org mode (my main use cases)
oh and scheme for sicp
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flip214: the LIST matcher doesn't support (head . tail), but what I actually wanted is 1) LAMBDA-LIST matcher for trivia 2) LET-MATCH because I want flattened bindings rather than pattern matching most of the time 3) I still prefer metabang-bind's syntax TBH
jmes: (mapcan #'identity ...) would also be a solution to your problem. MAPCAN is like MAPCAR, but it assumes the return values are lists and joins them together
although it uses NCONC, meaning it's destructive, so it could potentially mess up your literal lists, so (reduce #'append ...) is probably still the smarter default choice :)