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how do I stop SBCL from taking std in and going back to the repl?
atm I can just freetype anything, and typing forms are not evaluated.. ^D doesn't do anything
is it just in this "stdin mode" because I have slynk running?
it is probably either in the middle of a READ (unclosed ( or " or whatever)), or it is still evaluating previous form
in either case, ctrl-c might interrupt whatever it is doing and give you a debugger where you can try to determine what that was
well if i connect to slynk, then eval `(read-line)` -- i can get what i wrote, line by line
^C just shows up, doesn't break
I wonder if it is some sort of stdin mode
" ' ` doesn't finish the quote or whatever so that doesn't work
is this running in a terminal and you started slynk manually, or in *inferior-lisp* started for you by slynk?
if I give it a (defun ..) over slynk, I do get the `WARNING: redfining common lisp ......`
well, you would have to match the unfinished whatever... if it was waiting for ) then " would just add another unfinished thing it would need to see before being able to see the ) it was waiting for
terminal with starting slynk manually
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does the function to start slynk return?
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well i though that ^D would've done that
* |3b|
wouldn't expect it to
ohhh that's ... intersting. is it because the slynk function hasn't finished?
though i would have expected ^c to interrupt it
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nice. i can send it (quit) and I got a fatal error in sbcl. starting LDB
cool, I think that solves it really
but. hm, maybe not
LDB sort of solves it in the sense that it will now respond to input, but probably fails in the sense that it wants LDB input rather than repl input
so this is how I'm starting it: sbcl --eval "(ql:quickload :slynk)" --eval "(slynk:create-server :dont-close t)"
* |3b|
suspects disconnecting sly would have worked better
ah, with :dont-close it might not have
I tried that, didn't work.. or well, I'm writing a vim sly clone, so if there's something I should've done here, then I should do that
try starting without the create-server form, then enter it into the repl manually
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if you don't get a repl prompt after that, then that's what the problem is
with dont-close ?
either way
* |3b|
would expect them to be the same until the first sly connection exits
nope, I get a repl.
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repl keeps responding after calling slynk:create-server?
even when I start with the command above I get a repl for a little while. so I wonder if it was just a case of waiting for something
if I left it hanging with an unbalanced " - how would I close / cancel it ?
(I'm running linedit if that makes a difference, not to muddy the waters here...)
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hmm, possibly linedit could be confusing things
looks like it has a M-H for help, possibly C-O would close whatever unfinished sexp?
i guess if you have working sly connection you could also try listing threads and interrupting the repl thread from there to see what it is doing
hmm, C-O didn't work for me, but in this case ))))))))))))))) did :P
thanks you've been a tonne of help, i should get rid of linedit i think
for now
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previously, was (read-line) returning stuff you had typed before, or stuff you typed after running (read-line)?
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if it was stuff you had typed before, probably something you evaluated before never returned
hmm, yeah it was stuff I've done before, but i usually accidently get into this state, not explicitly running long running commands.
might it be that linedit is being that function that isn't running properly?
anyway my goal is to write the vim slynk client, so i need to not get too caught up in linedit shenanigans
* |3b|
was assuming accidentally long running (infinite loop etc)
no idea what affects linedit has though, so skipping that and seeing if that helps sounds reasonable :)
ah ye, by accidently i mean i was flapping around on the keyboard, not explicitly writing much code other than (print "hi")
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is it possible to tell the slime inspector to not show inactive elements in vectors with fill pointer?
asking because seeing them confuses me to no avail - plump uses fill pointers to denote removed XML nodes, but these still show up in the inspector by default
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doesn't seem so
I highly recommend Clouseau over the SLIME inspector, but I don't remember whether it does what you want.
It does.
The elements beyond the fill pointer are in gray.
phoe: maybe plump to set these elements to nil, to avoid leakage
*should set
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beach: thanks, that's good to know
_death: hm, that's also a possibility, kinda orthogonal to my issue but it'd help to see NILs rather than possibly meaningful values
it's also evidence for the usefulness of displaying the inactive elements
so if you choose to modify the slime inspector, maybe the clouseau approach (display with indication) is a good idea
yes, it's useful to display the inactive elements - it's just that there's no clear visual indication that they are inactive, unless someone actually looks at the fill pointer and then the indices
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Aha. I'm not opposed ho making vector-pop null it, as long as the docementation doesn't prohibit us doing so.
actually I think that array-utils is doing the correct thing in not setting the element to NIL there
Can't look atm, currently on a train and all.
since the original CL:VECTOR-POP is specified to simply decrease the fill pointer and return the proper element
vector-pop could've let you choose whether to destroy the reference or not
A train which is late by an hour... DB, you see.
_death: I don't think it can do so in a meaningful way - see specialized arrays
since often you do want to do so, you may define an operator to do just that
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phoe: could supply the value to use
_death: that works
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I think that ARRAY-UTILS:VECTOR-POP-POSITION is good with what it's doing and consistent with CL:VECTOR-POP, it's Plump that needs to explicitly null the value; would you accept a PR that does this?
Shinmera: ^
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sure, but the language could have left it undefined instead of saying the elements have to remain, right?
You don't actually have to overwrite them, any more than you actually have to have a garbage collector.
jcowan: _death is right. You can collect the unused slots later.
but what if you want to keep them and later on set the fill pointer explicitly (say, back to the full vector's dimension)
pjb: Malwarebytes thinks hosts a trojan.
LOL. THe simpliest, flatest services are considered trojans by the javascript bloatwares…
_death: Sure, it's' a question of which is a more likely scenario
I suppose you could then write your own vector-pop that just decrements the fill pointer..
yeah, as it is vector-pop has a gotcha
I was actually not thinking of changing vector-pop, but of saying that all inactive elements of a vector are garbage.
of course, if there is no fill pointer, all elements are active.
but it's a feature that they are retained
jcowan: well, I think the reason why changing the fill-pointer doesn't change the slots, is that because vectors have an element-type, and that would require to have some element to store.
(decf (fill-pointer of-this-vector)) what to put in (aref of-this-vector 41) ??? 33 or 122 or something else?
pjb: often you can deduce a garbage element for the upgraded array type.. and as I said earlier, in the worst case you can have the user provide a value
*upgraded array element type
but that's the point, it's way too complicated for something that should be a mere increment or decrement!
pjb: so vector-pop could either take more arguments, or there could be a vector-discard or something
and upgraded array element types are not the same depending on the implementaiton, therefore (decf (fill-pointer foo)) wouldn't be conforming anymore! (if you look at what's beyond the fill-pointer).
pjb: The answer is, it is undefined. Pushing and popping are still cheap; when the gc runs, it reclaims the contents of inactive slots and nils them out.
The road not taken, that's all.
Again,it's simplier, faster, and way more powerfull to let the user decide what to store when he decrements the fill-pointer.
Neither simpler nor faster; it complicates the gc slightly.
phoe: I disagree, as the object/s left over are not the object/s that are popped out.
jcowan: it's simplier to provide two different functions (f) and (g) that each does its thing and to let the user combine then as he wants (progn (f) (g)) or just (f) rather than provide a function (fg) that prevent the user to do just (f)! It's obvious.
worse, if you provide (fg), then now the user must write (g^-1) and do (progn (fg) (g^-1)) when he wants (f)!!!
So it would be simpler to provide (make-cons) to return a cons with arbitrary contents and then use rplaca and rplacd to initialize it?
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if it would've been useful, why not?.. anyway, that's different from fill pointers and more like uninitialized contents of arrays
Shinmera: I don't think we understand each other, so maybe another way: (aref (p:children (p:strip (p:parse " <foo> </foo> "))) 1)
this returns a parentless empty text node
which is pretty much a (tiny) memory leak
the 1st element of that vector was instead set to NIL, that node would be GCable
* phoe
adds an "if" to the beginning of the above sentence
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think you mean the 2nd element ;)
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I think I mean the 1st (if you are indexing from 0)
the first element has index 0.. the second element has index 1, etc.
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oh well :D
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I've seen this confusion before.. maybe non-native speakers of english miss that "1st" is synonym for "first" and "2nd" for "second" (I'm not a native speaker myself)
fwiw, numbers seem to be the hardest part to learn from another language when written in Arabic numeral form... probably because they seem like English words mixed into otherwise non-English prose
if I see "42" I will read it as "forty-two" in my head
I wonder if "2nd" seems like nonsense in that sense.
a german would read it as 2 and 40 :)
aeth: I have the same experience
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_death: as would a Hindi speaker
"Second" is a very strange case.
_death: that's one of those things when people learn English... they can say things that are technically valid, but rare. "2 and 40" is perfectly valid English, you will just only see it in a poem or similar, in order to twist the language to meet the structure of the poem/song/etc.
maybe because english is a germanic language
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"When I was one and twenty / I heard a wise man say / Give pounds and crowns and shillings / But not your heart away ...
_death: yes, a lot of Germanic or Romance things will technically *work* in English
But it's definitely weird by any linguistic standard that (first '(1 2 3)) => 1 but (nth 1 '(1 2 3)) => 2
_death: "zeroth", yes
another one is here people would say 3500 as "3 thousands and 5 hundreds" but english (american?) use often may be 35 hundreds
_death: wait until some German folk start reading 52 as "two-and-fifty"
I mentioned this ;)
but, oh well, I think the Lisp nomenclature is that "first" refers to the element with index 0
so I stand corrected
_death: woop :D
I tend to say "one hundred and one, one hundred and two, ..." because it has a better rhythm to it, but "one hundred one", "one hundred two", etc. is more correct, at least in American English
but there are even worse differences.. like when telling the time, or the hindi use of lakhs (iirc)
well, perhaps "a hundred and one" sounds even better
In Welsh, you count one ... ten, one on ten, two on ten, ... fiveten, one on fiveten, two on fiveten, twonine, four on fiveten, twenty, one on onetwenty, ... four on fiveten on onetwenty, twotwenty, ... hundred
come to think of it, I guess the word for 20 has "one" in it, so should be glossed "onetwenty"
then there's french :)
well, in most places
Wikt says septante is used in Belgium, Switzerland, Congo, Acadian, and Savoyard
phoe: yea? I just disagree with your idea that it *shouldn't* be unset in array-utils
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jcowan: ah, didn't know that.. never been to a french-speaking region (except quebec for a bit, I guess).. at school I learned a bit of french, but don't remember learning to count further than 10 ;)
school French would be French French, from France.
(on the other hand, school Spanish is usually Mexican Spanish in North America)
well, depends on the teacher ;)
("computadora", not "ordenador" is a good test)
(but "computador" also apparently exists)
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_death: Ah. I thought you brought up French because in the French of France and Quebec 70, 80, 90 are "sixty-ten", "four-twenties", "four-twenties-ten". This is an imitation of the Celtic pattern.
jcowan: I did.. but I didn't know it was conditioned on the place
Shinmera: my idea is there for consistency with vector-pop which does not overwrite the popped element; I thought that a pop at arbitrary location should have the same behavior
the element beyond the fill pointer is not the popped element
oh yes - I see what you mean now, it's the same as one of the other elements
for whatever reason I thought you were doing something like ROTATEF on them
(which would also, in a weird way, be consistent with VECTOR-POP, albeit slower)
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right. So a PR to array-utils to make the behaviour of nulling documented would be great.
then I guess the only issue is to find the "neutral element" for the different array specializations to find the "neutral element" in question... 0, 0f0, 0d0, NIL
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the ideal way would be to query the user for that, but that would be an API change
like, two more optional arguments? erase-element-p + default-value to erase with
That will break things if it can't already reliably determine a proper default to use on its own.
And if we have that anyway, imo, that's good enough.
yes, so erase-element-p must be false by default for backwards compatibility
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Just determine a default with array-element-type
hmmm - bit, single-float, double-float, t, are there specialized arrays whose AET is not compatible with any of these?
like, in the actual wild
doubt it.
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the semantics don't allow it for anything except things that can't be EQ tested.
welp, complexes
and these are not EQ-testable
so this can get a bit nasty
* phoe
what's the problem, just #c(0,0)
need to handle (complex integer), (complex single-float), and (complex double-float)
note that #C(0 0) is 0.. similarly for other complex subtypes
tbh I doubt any implementation actually implements specialised arrays for it exactly because of that complexit
(welp, not for other subtypes, heh)
just as it can't for bignums
yes, SBCL seems to do it only for floats
* phoe
will go for a walk and think about it
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Shinmera: hey o/ Someone I know reckons you wrote an object store/ODBMS, but I can't seem to find it. And I'm guessing it's not Ubiquitous, although there's some overlap...any idea?
I have not.
Ubiquitous is the closest, being that it stores objects and has "transactions", but not really anything that would be usable as a large-volume DB.
I just use SQL for scalable data storage
I see...thanks.
I thought about doing something like it many years ago, but these days I consider it a solved problem, as in solved much better than I ever could by other services and libraries.
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Shinmera: do you upcase T even when it denotes a type?
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I don't know about my historical precedent, using T for a type is very rare
I guess typecase would be the most common, in which I do upcase it.
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if you're talking about, like (eql T (array-element-type x)) then it's still upcased because it's a constant for itself ;)
(subtypep 'T aet)
more like this
then I guess not.
though using subtypep seems silly, there's no type above T.
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kinda sorta, yeah, it's for uniformity with all the other subtypeps in the function
I'll push it for review in a sec
there are types where it is undecidable whether they are proper subtypes
is there a need for subtypep at all? we're testing low types already.
masinter: uh. yeah, and?
maybe what you actually want is (subtypep 'null type) and if true set to NIL
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Shinmera: yes, in case of integer types
ah. that's the only case, though, yeah?
you don't know if AET is going to be BIT or (UNSIGNED-BYTE 2) or (SIGNED-BYTE 2) or whatever
I don't know, truth be told; I'd rather not do optimizations like that at the moment
I'm only getting myself rusted off in lisp after a long hiatus
* phoe
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I don't know how to write tests for that - AFAIK the only array specializations guaranteed by the specification are T, BIT, BASE-CHAR, and CHARACTER
there you go then.
I guess I could add a bit vector/string test if we care enough
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and, now that you mention it you missed 'character for your array-empty-element function :)
aw shite
what do we overwrite with, #\Nul?
(and the last cond clause should be T not t)
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I knew we'd miss something and I'm sure that pushing this change is going to have someone remind us that we missed another something
* phoe
for such objects it's not really important to overwrite them anyway
...kinda, yeah
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maybe we should only limit ourselves to when the AET is T?
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bignums may be important.. double-floats/single-floats, meh
Glad to have another customer in any case.
although all have something going for them and something I'm not 100% happy with, but I did my best to resist the temptation to write Yet Another one :)
What else is upsetting?
I'm already writing Yet Another game engine, that's more than enough
terrible :v
in my defence, I'm doing my best to make this one well-documented!
I *do* wish Trial was used by others.
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that's 95% of the reason I haven't used any of the existing ones
Partial docs will happen early next year
Shinmera: my two biggest complaints so far are: 1) operations on default stuff (ie. repl faucet & co.) are cumbersome, largely because of piping 2) I'm a bit concerned that turning off logging has basically no effect on performance, but that's offset by the fact it's happening in another thread, so it's not likely to be a massive issue
you can wrap everything in a muffle-logging, which should aid performance.
if that's a concern, for some reason?
actually, why didn't you base Verbose on DEEDS instead of Piping? I assume the reason is "I wrote DEEDS after Verbose"
deeds is wayyyy later
(and also sucks imo)
I mean turn off in the sense of "logging at a level that's filtered out"
oh, you think so?
how does it suck?
it is a bit, hmm, large
it goes too far in the other direction, being too bulky.
What are the float types of Clasp? I assume that short = single = binary32 and double = long = binary64, but is that wrong?
I do like the idea of optimising the loop by precompiling them
jcowan: why don't you try #clasp
mathrick: I mean... logging *really* is not a performance concern if you're actually making a game
well, it depends on how much stuff you turn logging on
let's put it this way: I'm making actual games and logging is so far down the line of anything it doesn't even appear anywhere.
sure, I get that, and that's also why I'm not super concerned right now and will wait until I see performance issues. But I also want to be able to log multiple times per frame if needed :)
People are way too scared of the performance boogeyman.
I'm not scared, but I also want to be mindful
Shinmera: so you don't actually use DEEDS for your event handling? Or you do, but aren't super happy with it?
I use Deeds in Maiden, which I also hate :)
cause I am looking at either DEEDS or event-glue I think to avoid writing my own event handling implementation
I don't use it in Trial.
what do you use in Trial?
Shinmera: logging seems to be more of a thing for multiplayer games, in particular if you're running a game server
Shinmera: heh, that's tiny. I might just whip something up then
the ghosts whisper in your ear: just use trial... ;)
amazing how different Shinmera's approach is to mine
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I "unobject" everything in my game loop since it's a loop
meanwhile that's entirely object oriented
CLOS is perfectly fine to use.
Shinmera: well, I mean, it does sound much like what I'm trying to get at the end of my engine journey, but also I really want mine to be documented
* Shinmera
* Shinmera
stares longingly into the distance
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Good morning, is there anyone with Clog experience in here?
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