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How would I write to a certain position in a binary stream? For example I open a file with an element size of (unsigned byte 32) and I want to ignore the first 32 bits and overwrite the second 32 bits with a new value.
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oh, yeah I was thinking bytes; it would probably be 1 instead of 4 here because of the element-type of the stream
Oh, perfect! Thanks beach & White_Flame :)
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is there a nice tidy idiom to parse a list of (:key1 value1 :key2 value2) into an association list or a table/mapping?
and/or is there some function in uiop, alexandria, etc. that can do this using each implementation's own lambda-list parsing logic?
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i want to write a macro with an interface like this: (do-fancily x (:fanciness 5 :greatness 3) ...body...) where `x` is a binding, and :fanciness and :greatness are some configuration options
hexology: alexandria has plist-to-alist, i believe
it doesn't use the lambda list logic, but you probably don't want that anyway, unless you really want allow-other-keys semantics i guess?
hm i guess i don't
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that said, i can probably also just leave this as a plist and use getf
is there any reason not to just do that?
Is there in general any advantage of using an alist over a plist?
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A plist has the nice property that it can be literally passed to make-instance to make an object.
McParen: no advantage. They're requivalent in time and space complexity.
so there isn't really any point in converting to alist here
McParen: by convention, however, plists can have only symbols as keys (indicators), because they're compared with EQ, while assoc uses EQL by default and takes a :test parameter.
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in my case that's arguably better anyway
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Also, there's rassoc, and no equivalent for plists. (that'd have to be (getf (reverse plist) value-indicator).
and that wouldn't be equivalent.
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Years ago, my vague feeling about plists was that they are somehow "old fashioned", and that "modern" code style should rely more on alists, hashes, and so on. But plists are pretty enjoyable to use.
Within their limitations.
as i said, being able to do (apply #'make-instance 'class plist) is pretty nice.
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and of course, you can destructuring-bind with &key as well
ah, that's also helpful White_Flame
and of coruse defmacro itself does handle (defmacro do-fancily (var (&key fanciness ...)) ...)
since it destructures deeper than ordinary lambda lists
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White_Flame: i also did not know that about defmacro, that i think _really_ solves my problem in this case
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to avoid nasty surprises, you should by default take care to evaluate the forms (passed as keyword arguments) in the order specified by the user and only once, if they are to be evaluated at all..
pjb: Alists take twice as much space but are normally treated as persistent data structures, whereas plists are normally mutated.
or no, try again
space is the same
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So I have hit my first hard crash with sbcl and the following error : Heap exhausted during garbage collection: 16 bytes available, 48 requested.
it is not in my regular code. Any tips ?
start with more memory?
do you know off had how? (I am looking up now)
I think it's `--dynamic-space-size`
best guess from the manpage
you can see what it defaults to with (sb-ext:dynamic-space-size)
that seems to have worked :) thanks
it's also possible that you're leaking memory (by holding references to stale data) or that you're consing like mad when you probably need not
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strangely, you specify it in megabytes at startup and see what is reserved in bytes
it's apparently only 2^30 bytes (i.e. 1 GiB) by default on x86-64 so it should be easy to run out if you're working with a lot of data
You couldn't even write a web browser with that
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jcowan: a-lists and p-lists take exactly the same space, and have exactly the same access times.
(setf (cdr (assoc key a-list)) value) is a common idiom.
Nowadays, there may be a slight difference due to cache effect, depending on where the conses are stored. But not depending on the structure.
Yes, I withdrew the remark about space. But while you obviously can mutate an alist or use a plist persistently, you generally don't.
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_death the issue is from mgl-pax when make documentation
The manual keeps growing in size so, I assume from that
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I see.. so aeth's suggestion is a good workaround
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Is there the C equivalent of "foo\n" in Common Lisp?
"foo~%" in FORMAT
#.(format nil "foo~%")
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aeth: ah! so I have to call (format nil ...) to do it. there is no way to specify a newline escape sequenc in a literal string then?
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#\Newline maybe? Not sure if I've ever wanted to do this over simply formatting a string
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gin: you just write an actual newline in the literal
gin: if that doesn't suit you, the cl-interpol library provides alternate syntax that lets you use perl escape squences like \n
thx kakuhen, Bike !
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common lisp does not have the alist-get (present in emacs lisp)?
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looks like i have to do (cdr (assoc key alist)) to get the (alist-get key alist) behavior.