"Validity checking of initialization arguments is disabled if the value of the initialization argument :allow-other-keys is true."
hayley: Thanks! Heck, have you recited those thousand pages of CL standard in totality...
Just took a guess as to where that information would be in the spec, as I forgot how you do that.
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qhong: Most of the time, when a question is asked, I have to look in the Common Lisp HyperSpec. So the person asking is just lacking the experience of searching the Common Lisp HyperSpec.
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Tbf, ":allow-other-keys t" in the caller is so counterintuitive and unexpected. Perhaps the most surprising thing in the spec.
Very useful, though.
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xach's hyperspec search tool has greatly improved my ability to use the hyperspec efficiently
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Shinmera: how many years was kandaria in the making?
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depends on how you count.
from when you started the repo
that to me defines the start of a project - before then was thinking / working on other things that may have been used, but weren't for that explicit purpose
well you can figure that out yourself :)
2 years it seems
2018 is not two years ago my friend.
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Ah I just went off a crude measure (oldest file on the main page)
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2018 was two years ago. Time stopped in 2020
You mean to tell me it isn't 2018?
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truth is we never reached 2018, time stopped much earlier
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Shinmera: can something be done through which each occurrence of an identifier in the output of your documentation stack can be made into a link to its definition? e.g. all the uppercase symbols here - https://shinmera.github.io/ubiquitous/#GENERIC-FUNCTION%20UBIQUITOUS%3ARESTORE
wait, never mind
They're all linked just below ^^'
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It could be done, but I explicitly do not as sometimes parameter names are the same as functions or other definitions, in which case an automatic cross reference would be confusing.
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How can i learn elisp, lisp?
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Bung: If you want to learn COMMON LISP, I'd suggest getting your hands on Practical Common Lisp by Peter Seibel. It's available in a nice hardcover and free on line as pdf.
If you want to learn elisp, try #lisp or maybe #emacs
There's a lot of black art to Common Lisp, too, since the practicalities of using a language where you can dynamically compile things is pretty different. So learning how to use an environment that supports that (SLIME or SLY) is also important. Probably there are good videos for those, but I don't know myself
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