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hello I installed a fresh new armbian image, if board reboot in middle of postinstall (setting user/root password for example), postinstall do not restart
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so install is bad (no root password...)
just redo the install
that's bad, need to reflash again
I agree the usecase is rare
faster than chrooting in and setting it
^ build/ at master · armbian/build · GitHub
Yes a classic autologin
Yes a classic login prompt
yes I try to do this shell but in LAVA...
<IgorPec> so you have removed that service to have classical login
<IgorPec> and you create user in that first run ?
<IgorPec> or not?
I didnt remove anything, LAVA try to answer questions but failed, so I restart, but the board never asks the questions again (even I touch not logging yet)
-I +if
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<c.> which font is used for armbian text?
^ GitHub - armbian/stationery: Armbian Linux branding material
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seems like chromium got hw accel going
ff not yet
old core 2 duo hovering around 30% on both cores running YT HD
i could barely run 720p on it without smooth play
GPU is geforce with proprietary driver, Nvidia GT 730
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<RichN> ok building gnome now
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werner: build machine should be back online, found kvm image in archive ;)
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<Werner> great
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howdy. I want to use gpio on the pin header on the bananapi M1 within armbian. As I understand, one way is to use gpio sysfs. How to find out, which pi is what?
just put an LED on each GPIO and then write to each? :)
good plan. Just when I start at 0 the board stops... so there are more than just the pin header gpios...
^ BananaPi M1 with Armbian 21.02: One-Wire Temperature Sensor and TV output - Allwinner A20 - armbian forum
this gave me the helping mapping
<ManoftheSea> Okay, so Raspberry Pi pin 11 is Banana Pro 267/PI11
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<ManoftheSea> so echo 267 > /sys/class/gpio/export to create the pin, then echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio267/direction to make it a digital out, and finally echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio267/value to turn it on
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^ PanVK Pulls Back From Advertising Vulkan 1.1 For Now - Phoronix
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ManoftheSea: no. it is 275
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<ManoftheSea> ah, because you're not using banana pro? Then... it's just gpio0, which is /sys/class/gpio/gpio0. Where do you get 275?
<RichN> if you use armbian config and enable 1wire support you dont have these issues
<RichN> again no one listens or explains
<ManoftheSea> I don't see 275 in that link. However, I don't know anything, so could you explain your conversion? The banana pi m1 on their wiki calls it gpio0 on pin 11
what does 1wire support help in switching on LEDs at the GPIO?
<RichN> ok step on goto armboian config > system > hardware
<RichN> enable 1 wire support
<RichN> and reboot the board
and then?
<RichN> once 1 wire is enabled you just have to connect the chip and run the app
what chip? What app?
<RichN> it will connect to the 1 wire gpio pin
<ManoftheSea> It's a resistor and an LED in pin 11 of the header, right?
and this works by exporting and setting it.
and yes, there is a LED with a resistor connected.
<ManoftheSea> I thought you had a b-pi M1. I got confused in the chat history, you're using an A20?
it is a bpi m1 and it has an A20
Hardware: Allwinner sun7i (A20) Family
<ManoftheSea> well, I've learned a thing.
I use those LEDs for displaying a systems state which changes rarely. Would it hurt if I do the "export" and output setting call every time I change the state? Don't think so?
<ManoftheSea> that the first diagram saying "pi19" didn't mean that it was compatible with Pi pin 19 (which would be odd to put on pin 11), but that P(ort) bank letter I, i/o 19
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<ManoftheSea> 8 * 32 + 19 = 275. That makes sense now.
This was the only diagram where I found any information about the Port bank and io...
otherwise you had to look up the schematics and reassign the namings there....