cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<endrift> apparently there's a Yamaha FM synth gacha machine in Akihabara
<endrift> I don't know what to do with this information, especially since I haven't been to Japan since 2007
<KitsuWhooa> I think it's a bit shitty IMO :;
<KitsuWhooa> * :p
<endrift> What, Akihabara, Japan, the gacha machine, or the concept of it being a gacha?
<KitsuWhooa> the fact that it's a gacha machine, yes
<protosphere> there is, I have a few chips from there :p
<protosphere> iirc they sell them inidividually too and the gacha is just for fun
<protosphere> they sell the usb-to-fm-chip boards there too
<myon98> I think it's very unlikely to get popular chips like OPM, OPNA from that gacha though. I don't like gachas in general either
<myon98> Still, I tried it once a couple of years ago and got a YMF276-M. Unfortunately I haven't tried too much to gather information and power the chip yet
<protosphere> I got a 2610, 2203, and YM3438 apparently
<myon98> That's a really nice pull
<myon98> The bearded guy at the store also sold ADPCM DRAM daughter boards too when I went there last time
<myon98> Other floors of Tokyo Radio Department are interesting too IMO, some stores selling NOS germanium transistor radio parts from 1950s, vacuum tubes, transformers of all kinds
<andlabs> I was just thinking about that machine a few days ago
<andlabs> is it still around?
<andlabs> that's really cool if it is
<andlabs> I do have a bunch of loose OPNA chips that I bought from some reseller...
<andlabs> kashinoki
<andlabs> what would be cool to have is an Epson PC-[2345]86NOTE equivalent of the PC-9801-86 board; the laptops have OPN built in already
<andlabs> but yeah back to my original point is that I'd be amazed if the FM chip gatcha is still around after all this time; I have to wonder if it ever gets low on stock
<protosphere> it was there in 2019 at least
<andlabs> neat
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<cr1901> Yea, I'm not a fan of the gacha machine either, but it's better than what some ppl wanted to do with large amounts of chips
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