cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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does schlae / tubetimeus ever show up here?
William D. Jones sur Twitter : "So, I was forced to reinstall DOS on my IBM 5170. I have a second hard drive in it, so I was able to back up the C:\ drive's entire contents to a zip file, minus file corruption. Anyone interested in me uploading it? There's some interesting goodies I've got over the years."
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yeah, trixter did that with their XT once. I don't think it was on the internet archive, and I think they took it down now because it was technically a lot of warez
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I don't think there's any wares on this drive. Although one falls under "the developer is annoyed but isn't going to stop you"
(I ran MATLAB 1.0 on this machine just for kicks)
breaking out the logic analyzer always makes me feel like a wizard
William D. Jones sur Twitter : "Context: The board with the burnt R3 resistor is a hard drive controller. I tested random write/verify yesterday to make sure it still works. The burnt resistor cascaded from _another_ issue where one of my MFM hard drives decided to go bad. Have some pics; you even can see R3!…"
ooh, interesting
I got it to behave last night for now. Idk how long it'll last, but we'll see...
Pity I had to do a reinstall :/
But I guess I shouldn't complain- it lasted 10 years without a reformat
madeline: Moment of truth, it's been 12+ hours since I powered it on. Let's see if it works :D
And to really make sure it works, I copied a 5MB zip file (high entropy content) 3 times to fill the drive. That would've triggered ECC failure if something was wrong
oh wow the toshiba libretto 100ct will NOT power on if you do not have a hard drive inserted
namely it stops right after or even in the middle of POST; sometimes I can get keyboard beeps but that's it
lol this particular hard drive was super-wiped; nothing really interesting, and because of how it was just jammed in I have to take the bottom out with a screwdriver to get it back out, blah
gonna try ordering replacement parts that have a multi-week lead and hope this site doesn't cancel the order