cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<ikee> does schlae / tubetimeus ever show up here?
<cr1901> cc: ejs
<cr1901> cc: Foone... any prior art for doing this? I think we talked about doing this before on
<NiGHTS> William D. Jones sur Twitter : "So, I was forced to reinstall DOS on my IBM 5170. I have a second hard drive in it, so I was able to back up the C:\ drive's entire contents to a zip file, minus file corruption. Anyone interested in me uploading it? There's some interesting goodies I've got over the years."
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<Foone> yeah, trixter did that with their XT once. I don't think it was on the internet archive, and I think they took it down now because it was technically a lot of warez
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<cr1901> I don't think there's any wares on this drive. Although one falls under "the developer is annoyed but isn't going to stop you"
<cr1901> (I ran MATLAB 1.0 on this machine just for kicks)
<ikee> breaking out the logic analyzer always makes me feel like a wizard
<andlabs> MADE ON EARTH
<andlabs> also that one chip is SPARINGLY
<andlabs> what board is this
<andlabs> cr1901 Foone there's also tech tangents with that sony vaio drive
<andlabs> and I absolutely plan on figuring out what's on this Amiga 2000 drive that's allegedly ex-NASA
<andlabs> hopefully it's whatever the "RSX-1" software was
<NiGHTS> Encore UK | Amiga RSX Console Replacement
<andlabs> this looks way newer though lol
<andlabs> the only custom hardware *inside* the computer was an off-the-shelf dual serial card so I assume all the RSX-1 stuff was external
<andlabs> (and the SCSI controller because lol Commodore, even when they don't screw up the design they still forget important pieces))
<andlabs> (but that's also off the shelf)
<ikee> andlabs: that's TubeTimeUS's snark barker mca
<ikee> poorly constructed by monotech in austrlaia
<ikee> but there's also a cpld bug that i'm running down
<andlabs> oh
<andlabs> "poorly constructed" oh no
<andlabs> should I be worried about the next batch of nuxts
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<ejs> @ikee, oh you're the guy who's been having issues with the model 57 on github. thanks for chasing it down. MCA can be very troublesome
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<cr1901> madeline: Some CM6426S-capades for your enjoyment.
<NiGHTS> William D. Jones sur Twitter : "Context: The board with the burnt R3 resistor is a hard drive controller. I tested random write/verify yesterday to make sure it still works. The burnt resistor cascaded from _another_ issue where one of my MFM hard drives decided to go bad. Have some pics; you even can see R3!…"
<madeline> ooh, interesting
<cr1901> I got it to behave last night for now. Idk how long it'll last, but we'll see...
<cr1901> Pity I had to do a reinstall :/
<cr1901> But I guess I shouldn't complain- it lasted 10 years without a reformat
<cr1901> madeline: Moment of truth, it's been 12+ hours since I powered it on. Let's see if it works :D
<cr1901> IT WORKS :D
<cr1901> And to really make sure it works, I copied a 5MB zip file (high entropy content) 3 times to fill the drive. That would've triggered ECC failure if something was wrong
<madeline> cool
<andlabs> oh wow the toshiba libretto 100ct will NOT power on if you do not have a hard drive inserted
<andlabs> namely it stops right after or even in the middle of POST; sometimes I can get keyboard beeps but that's it
<andlabs> lol this particular hard drive was super-wiped; nothing really interesting, and because of how it was just jammed in I have to take the bottom out with a screwdriver to get it back out, blah
<andlabs> gonna try ordering replacement parts that have a multi-week lead and hope this site doesn't cancel the order