cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
<tunixman> hahah yeah... I'm an LA guy, but I've sort of wanderd and landed up here.
<andlabs> I'm from the NYC area and have only visited SF once and LA once (separate occasions)
<sorear> are you calling the caltrain service area “socal”
<andlabs> I don't have a better term
<andlabs> I just rememberd there's the 'bay area' but I feel like that wouldn't encompass everything
<tunixman> It's the bay area. socal is LA, it's in the bottom third of the state. the bay area is "norcal", but it's the middle third of the state. The top third is basically oregon but with CA zip codes.
<tunixman> THen there's the central valley which is basically texas.
<tunixman> I think it's 350 miles from here (the bay area, Santa Clara County) to Los Angeles (capital of "socal"). You can go there and back in a long day trip by car.
<sorear> second largest city in the state erasure
<qu1j0t3> rofl
<tunixman> hahahah yeah...
<tunixman> As a former resident of that city I can assure you it's a weird place in the state. Oh man it's a mess in this state hahaha
<tunixman> Of course the urbanization from Rosarita up through the bay area is basically unbroken aside from the marine base in Pendleton.
<tunixman> anyway, enough about me and my weird state.
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<andlabs> wait san francisco is considered the north of california?
<andlabs> uhh
<andlabs> ok
<andlabs> note to self: learn california's city layout
<andlabs> I always thought it was part of "southern california"
<andlabs> but if we're really dividing things into thirds instead then eh
<andlabs> or I'm just too used to new york and long island
<sorear> the thirds thing is also how I learned it. LA and SD are socal, SF and sac are norcal, nobody ever really talks about yolo county
<sorear> how does NY workl
<andlabs> uhh
<andlabs> well there's "new york" and there's "new york"
<andlabs> that is to say there are the people who just lump everything above nyc and westchester as "upstate"
<andlabs> in the nyc metro area where I'm talking about it's defintiely the closer you are to the city the closer everything else is — you can spend several hours on a train if you really want to (and the trains here run way more frequently than caltrain)
<andlabs> of course when you DO have somewhere to go the in-between stops seem to take foreverrrrrr
<andlabs> some things are universal I guess
<sorear> are you comparing caltrain to the subway or to lirr/mnr/njt? (i haven't lived in either area)
<andlabs> the latter
<andlabs> I'm going to bed
<ugla> Got myself a Yamaha synth, kind of. It's a stage piano, but it has some AWM2 and FM sounds, so contains those engines, even though it only offers presets with limited tweakability.
<Sarayan> there's hardware that combines awm2 and fm?
<Sarayan> didn't think that existed
<ugla> Yes, at least since 1989, in the SY77 :)
<ugla> Which sounds awesome
<Sarayan> fun
<Sarayan> oh, they do it in 3 chips
<Sarayan> split envelope/operators like the dx7, plus a awm2 chip
<Sarayan> with its two 63x01 and the bunch of external roms I have a feeling that one is not going to be fully dumped any time soon
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<andlabs> nice
<andlabs> but which keyboard is this
<andlabs> and yeah Yamaha still has FM engine-y stuff in their synthesis system it's just no longer front and center or separately programmable (then again I don't think any modern Yamaha synth is truly "programmable" in the same way the computer chips were)
<ugla> I got the YC88, mostly for the graded weighted keyboard and piano/organ stuff, but the AWM/FM sounds are fun too.
<tunixman> California is really tall.
<tunixman> Sacramento is basically midway from south to north, and it's already way up there.
<tunixman> hahahah yoyo county my god.
* tunixman lets it go for god sake let it go
<qu1j0t3> lol
<qu1j0t3> tunixman: go find that MCU i gave you
<qu1j0t3> tunixman: i fired up its sibling last night, am about to use the KE06Z to test some possibly fake DACs
<sorear> also very bent. if you start in san diego and go due north, you'll pass reno. on the east.
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<balrog> Foone: the 2x Kodak 3.3 external drive unit that I got is DTC branded
<balrog> model "TeamMate"
<Foone> interesting.
<balrog> Foone: did you get my messages earlier about the 3.3 drives?
<Foone> yeah but forgot
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<balrog> ah it's ok!
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<andlabs> ugla: neat