cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
well if it's a touring event I guess they're only listing the next four
anyway I wonder if I should go to v. c. feast this year
Yea, the creator idled in here very briefly a few months ago
I'll see if I can get her to come back in for a bit
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that was a little bit of a slog.. but we got there in the end, completing the full design, specification, layout and routing of a DC-DC in 5h, including detailed part selection
had to draw a few footprints up too, and schematic symbols
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It was a fun stream, will be there next week barring any unforeseen circumstances
I will be there*
[20:44:31] <cr1901>Yea, the creator idled in here very briefly a few months ago
is there anyone we don't know yet? =P
hell, wasn't motoaki takenouchi in here at one point?
or maybe it was masahiko yoshimura...
valsound was in here once
huh, I didn't know about that
It's been a while (pre-cancer) since I chat w/ him... I should reach out again
oh also on this year's vcf east
For this year the themes for the show are:
1) IBM 5150 PC and its legacy
2) Text adventures
40th anniversary
Bill Mensch : Co-design engineer for the MOS 6502 microprocessor
Michael Tomczyk : Product Manager for the Commodore Vic-20
Stefanie Allaire : Inventor of the C256 Foenix
that's why
a powerhouse of IBM 5150 celebration
well, when you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with
(they at least got Scott Adams so #2 is at least celebrated, and also TIL Scott Adams is still alive)
I hope that is not the same as the comic author
Scott Adams (born 1957) is the creator of the Dilbert comic strip.
Scott Adams (game designer) (born 1952), American game designer
also I wonder if there are pictures of Scott Adams with Elvira from when Adventuresoft had a subsidiary called Horrorsoft
I thought Mensch was the primary 6502 designer... didn't know until Chuck Peddle died that they were co-designers
I think Mensch's contributions were mostly on the CMOS version?
65816 was his work as well, IIRC the last CPU to be designed completely by hand (20,000+ transistors)
oh, I'm very incorrect, he did work on both.
so wati does he own WDC or something
so mcuhf or thinking WDC just licensed the design from Rockwell
not sure if "owns" but he is the CEO
cr1901: wow that's a long week
but yeah they probably should change their theme
"I know nothing about this trange hardware architecutre that ruined my hopes and dreams"
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Foone: wait what's the joke of that hting you just retweeted I am missing it
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meanwhile huh is graphing calculator missing from macintosh.js
yes I know just downloading the x86-64 one that I bought form the original author would have been faster but I didn't expect this to be missing vital system components goddamnit
had to get something called TomeViewer to get it out