cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
<andlabs> well if it's a touring event I guess they're only listing the next four
<andlabs> anyway I wonder if I should go to v. c. feast this year
<NiGHTS> VCF Archives – Vintage Computer Federation
<andlabs> also huh
<cr1901> Yea, the creator idled in here very briefly a few months ago
<cr1901> I'll see if I can get her to come back in for a bit
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<dragonmux> that was a little bit of a slog.. but we got there in the end, completing the full design, specification, layout and routing of a DC-DC in 5h, including detailed part selection
<dragonmux> had to draw a few footprints up too, and schematic symbols
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<cr1901> It was a fun stream, will be there next week barring any unforeseen circumstances
<cr1901> I will be there*
<andlabs> [20:44:31] <cr1901>Yea, the creator idled in here very briefly a few months ago
<andlabs> is there anyone we don't know yet? =P
<fseidel> hell, wasn't motoaki takenouchi in here at one point?
<fseidel> or maybe it was masahiko yoshimura...
<cr1901> valsound was in here once
<fseidel> huh, I didn't know about that
<cr1901> It's been a while (pre-cancer) since I chat w/ him... I should reach out again
<andlabs> oh also on this year's vcf east
<andlabs> For this year the themes for the show are:
<andlabs> 1) IBM 5150 PC and its legacy
<andlabs> 2) Text adventures
<cr1901> 40th anniversary
<andlabs> Bill Mensch : Co-design engineer for the MOS 6502 microprocessor
<andlabs> Michael Tomczyk : Product Manager for the Commodore Vic-20
<andlabs> Stefanie Allaire : Inventor of the C256 Foenix
<cr1901> that's why
<andlabs> a powerhouse of IBM 5150 celebration
<qu1j0t3> well, when you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with
<andlabs> (they at least got Scott Adams so #2 is at least celebrated, and also TIL Scott Adams is still alive)
<cr1901> I hope that is not the same as the comic author
<qu1j0t3> ^
<andlabs> nope
<andlabs> Scott Adams (born 1957) is the creator of the Dilbert comic strip.
<andlabs> Scott Adams (game designer) (born 1952), American game designer
<andlabs> also I wonder if there are pictures of Scott Adams with Elvira from when Adventuresoft had a subsidiary called Horrorsoft
<cr1901> I thought Mensch was the primary 6502 designer... didn't know until Chuck Peddle died that they were co-designers
<fseidel> I think Mensch's contributions were mostly on the CMOS version?
<cr1901> 65816 was his work as well, IIRC the last CPU to be designed completely by hand (20,000+ transistors)
<andlabs> huh
<fseidel> oh, I'm very incorrect, he did work on both.
<andlabs> so wati does he own WDC or something
<andlabs> so mcuhf or thinking WDC just licensed the design from Rockwell
<fseidel> not sure if "owns" but he is the CEO
<qu1j0t3> cr1901: wow that's a long week
<andlabs> but yeah they probably should change their theme
<andlabs> "I know nothing about this trange hardware architecutre that ruined my hopes and dreams"
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<andlabs> Foone: wait what's the joke of that hting you just retweeted I am missing it
<Foone> bottom button has been slightly edited to make it loss
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<andlabs> oh
<andlabs> meanwhile huh is graphing calculator missing from macintosh.js
<andlabs> yes I know just downloading the x86-64 one that I bought form the original author would have been faster but I didn't expect this to be missing vital system components goddamnit
<andlabs> had to get something called TomeViewer to get it out
<andlabs> ok
<andlabs> 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
<andlabs> <65scribe> that's because you need a G3 to run Mac OS 8
<andlabs> clearly not
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<qu1j0t3> andlabs: lol
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