cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<andlabs> bought a box of computer parts I guess
<andlabs> it came with... more modem and network cards than I or anyone will ever need
<andlabs> a bunch of unidentified VGA cards
<andlabs> (one has an nvidia chip and one's by Diamond, so)
<andlabs> some RAM
<andlabs> a maxtor dual-port ATA133 card and some VIA USB card with 5 ports (imncluding an internal one)
<andlabs> what appears to be an S-Video capture card
<andlabs> and a creative sound blaster 128, acer magic s20, and turtle beach santa cruz
<andlabs> I wonder how much *sparkles* value™ *sparkles* I have
<andlabs> oh my god I didn't know this happened until now
<NiGHTS> Oakland Arena - Wikipedia
<madeline> the oracle logo was visible from the street
<madeline> it was very visible
<qu1j0t3> hashtag sad
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<andlabs> I don't get it either
<andlabs> oracle is a massive company that primarily makes products for other massive coanies
<andlabs> they're not jamba juice, they're not going to have Layperson Customers
<andlabs> *practically* that bid makes no sense, *before* you get to the fact it's Oracle
<qu1j0t3> it's not quite so clear cut
<qu1j0t3> a lot of b2b firms do this kind of brand awareness.
<andlabs> hm
<qu1j0t3> KPMG, HSBC, etc
<andlabs> HSBC is a consumer bank though
<qu1j0t3> a lot of big finance companies pay for stadium signage
<andlabs> (I know because I use them)
<qu1j0t3> their ads, that i am referring to, are absolutely not aimed at consumers though
<andlabs> oh
<andlabs> huh
<andlabs> shrug
<qu1j0t3> e.g. airport jetways - you could argue that executives use jetways - but executives also see Oracle's stadiums
<qu1j0t3> and hear the phrase incessantly
<andlabs> meanwhile in Tandy 1000 news
<andlabs> I turn it on
<qu1j0t3> i don't think i've ever seen a consumer focused HSBC ad, but maybe i've just forgotten
<andlabs> ranodm chime that sounds suspiciously like a broken TI 99 failing ot actually start up and silence the sound chip (which is the same sound chip)
<andlabs> I don't have time or room to explore but oh boy this is gonna be fun...
<andlabs> hoping it's just some card
<andlabs> qu1j0t3: IDK either; they jus thad a branch near me and I didn't want to go with the other bank near us because I was paranoid that sharing a bank with the rest of my family would give them weird access-y things
* qu1j0t3 nods
<qu1j0t3> i think there was a Deloitte stadium lodged in my memory - they're definitely b2b
<andlabs> they have extremely paranoid security with false positves but I would rather have that than false negatives so shrug
<qu1j0t3> andlabs: where does that kick in? wire transfers?
<andlabs> *
<andlabs> once got it spending $12 at au bon pain with a debit card lol
<qu1j0t3> huh
<andlabs> it did *actually* save my ass a few times so
<andlabs> unfortunately they do not integrate with any of the mobile payments app like venmo so if that's important to you
<qu1j0t3> we don't have venmo in this country
<andlabs> or they didn't when I needed it; maybe they changed by now IDK
<qu1j0t3> i integrate with paypal though
<qu1j0t3> but it enables ebay, so who's to say if that's good or not ;-)
<andlabs> indeed
<andlabs> (paypal works though)
<andlabs> a computer... by thermaltake
<andlabs> oh no
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<ZrX-NoMs> Anybody good at cracking crc-algos?
<tpw_rules> this might have useful info:
<NiGHTS> GitHub - madler/crcany: Compute any CRC, a bit at a time, a byte at a time, and a word at a time.
<ZrX-NoMs> The only thing I have is data, correct sum of the data and proprietary 48bit.
<cr1901> cc: gatecat: How'd you figure out Lattice's CRC?
<gatecat> tbh I think I just checked it against common ones