cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<cr1901> dragonmux, Lord_Nightmare: The LFSR model seems to be a popular way to model how CRCs are actually implemented in practice. But I only understand how they work from doing "pen and paper" calculations on binary strings
<cr1901> pen and paper conveniently abstracts away pesky things like "shift register initialization contents", "whether the initialization is inverted", "whether bits are shifted left to right or right to left", "whether input is LSB first or MSB first"
<cr1901> Bit or Byte, for that matter*
<cr1901> And I just get too damn lost in the details when I try to map what I know about doing CRCs on pen and pad to "what's done in HDL/hardware"
<cr1901> (binary division is easier than decimal division, and it's almost kinda fun. The extra rules of CRC math are easy to learn too IMO)
<sorear> have you encountered Fibonacci vs Galois representation yet
<cr1901> Nope, and from a quick search, I don't think I'm prepared to go down that rabbit hole tonight :)
<cr1901> Also, enjoy this cursed thought tonight:
<NiGHTS> William D. Jones sur Twitter : ". o O (How does one represent numbers between 0 and 1 in a unary number system?)"
<andlabs> is this where I link the ben eater videos on implementing CRCs *using* shift registers again
<andlabs> wikipedia article doesn't even answer the quesiton in your tweet
<andlabs> but it does say this
<andlabs> "However, multiplication is more cumbersome and has often been used as a test case for the design of Turing machines.[9][10][11]"
<andlabs> *inserts gif of a spool of tape unspooling and making a giant mess everywhere here*
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<andlabs> huh the PS/2 Model 25 has ISA slots? okay then
<andlabs> and the Model 30 too apparently
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<tunixman> If you send e-mail from that computer it's token chain mail.
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