cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
andlabs has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
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<andlabs> the cards in my Tandy 1000
<andlabs> ... Foone will like the first one
<andlabs> (yes these are all what came with it)
<andlabs> can't find any info on that second one, weird
<andlabs> third one only gives results for the most conspicuous part of the board
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<Foone> ooh, nifty. I need to find one of those
<andlabs> ah good winworldpc has the disks for it, should I ever want to try its functionlaity out
<andlabs> I don't even know what the drives in this are; I just wanted to see what the cards in it were and to confirm that it actually was a 1000 and not a 1000A (and indeed it's an original 1000 so I hope one of those other two cards has the DMA chip)
<andlabs> still gotta wait for the keyboard adapter to come before i can actually sue this
<andlabs> then I have to figure out whether I need that htird card at all and then hope I can somehow switch to a 3.5" drive with that card, even if it's 720K DSDD
<andlabs> (since I can't write 5.25" disks right now unless they're for the C64)
<andlabs> and then hope it doesn't actually need a floppy drive because the reason I bought an 8-bit ISA computer is for that EEPROM dumper that uses an 8-bit ISA card..
<andlabs> (and isn't a 486 because apparently those don't work with this card)
<andlabs> oh also I have now officially joined the "cut my finger trying to remove an ISA card" club
<Foone> welcome
<andlabs> also in re that part about "for the C64" aside but I wish cbmtools could write MFM disks using a 1571
<andlabs> would settle my specific albeit temporary use case
<andlabs> =P
SEGFAULTLauren[m has quit [Quit: Bridge terminating on SIGTERM]
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<ZrX-NoMs> 1.5 days later and finally managed to rawdump a test MFM HDD using Teensy. 2.5 mins for 30 meg drive.
<andlabs> nice
<ZrX-NoMs> Also 3.3V chips don't like when given 5V via their outputs.
<andlabs> looked at myc ards a bit more
<andlabs> the one witht he clock part that's the only google result for that board has the DMA controller so that's good I guess I'll have to use that one
<andlabs> and I am pretty sure I took a better pic than that o_O
<andlabs> as for the second one it seems to have 512K RAM????
<andlabs> but I can't figure out what else
<andlabs> wait no
<andlabs> that's 256Kx1 * 16 * 4
<andlabs> 1MB?
<andlabs> UM8250B on the third card is also appears to be a UART? maybe that D-sub is 25-pin serial?
<andlabs> the tandy 1000 doesn't have a D-sub serial port because Tandy
<andlabs> I have no idea how that card edge connector ofr the parallel port is supposed to work either
<andlabs> are you supposed to connect a printer for the Model I to it?
<andlabs> I hope you still have one, or bothered to buy the expansion interface you needed to use it with one
<andlabs> either way three occupied slots, at most two if not all three of which I will actually need, won't bode well :D
<andlabs> anyway I said I was ging to sleep 90 minutes ago but I went to tthe bathroom instead and then proceeded to get distracted; good night
<andlabs> oh I should also check that the two capacitors next to the clock chip aren't blown because I just noticed they're tipped black at the top as if they were blown open, oh boy...
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