cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
<cr1901> ZrX-NoMs: FWIW, I low-level formatted the drive and the errors disappeared for now. But it's lightning storm right now and I'm not testing further until that's over
<andlabs> also late but yes I did buy a mac cracker
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<ValleyBell> KitsuWhooa: Ohhh, you're dumping the InterWave ROM - that's awesome!
<andlabs> which InterWave
<cr1901> Someone asked me once "are different MFM controllers by the same manufacturer compatible with each other?" Can confirm from testing that LLFormatting a drive w/ an 8-bit WDXT controller produces a LLFormat which can be read by multiple 16-bit WD controllers
<cr1901> Interesting
<cr1901> Never thought to test it until tonight, but I was exceptionally lazy and didn't feel like connecting this drive to its original system/controller
<cr1901> Uhhh, anybody have a 1/2W 10 Ohm carbon resistor or two they'd be willing to send me in an envelope or something :D?
<NiGHTS> William D. Jones sur Twitter : "Okay, so tonight I accidentally destroyed a 10 Ohm resistor (on the right) and will need to solder in a replacement. Is there any particular reason R2 and charred R3 are tropical green and bigger than the beige R1? What should I buy as a replacement if I only have beige?…"
<cr1901> endrift: Tyvm for the hint. Board actually still works, but I don't want to run it for long in degraded state
<cr1901> brown black charcoal black gold is approx 8.2 Ohms
<endrift> cr1901: fun fact, the only reason I know this is because this happened and I decided to look it up
<NiGHTS> endrift 🏳️‍⚧️ sur Twitter : "When I have a dream where I’m struggling to find a color chart for cyan resistors it’s probably bad sign, right?… "
<endrift> (it's the same color chart, but now I know what they're called)
<andlabs> looking those up now
<NiGHTS> nick sur Twitter : "It got smaller? Weird, I was imagining the carbon cooking off / fracturing and the resistance going up.… "
<andlabs> I wonder if the answer to this question is "the outer layers burned off and caused the metal film to contract, bringing it closer to just being a dead short"
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<KitsuWhooa> Va
<KitsuWhooa> ...
<KitsuWhooa> ValleyBell: need to find what the pinout is on that stupid chip
<KitsuWhooa> Can't find any information online about it
<KitsuWhooa> I'll probably have to guess from the pinout of that ram expansion as I think they're connected together
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<andlabs> KitsuWhooa: what is the InterWave in this case
<andlabs> that is a surprisingly common name
<KitsuWhooa> There's a photo somewhere in the log, hold on
<KitsuWhooa> Top right
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<ValleyBell> andlabs: The InterWave was an AMD wavetable sound card that was sort of can updated Gravis Ultrasound.
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<cr1901> >andlabs: and my response to the cyan resistor
<cr1901> JFC I haven't seen that commercial in decades
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<andlabs> oh
<tunixman> cd-audio-in, wow, that brings back memories.
<tunixman> is the cyan a power color? Like, it's super fat, so maybe it's a 10W resistor?
<sorear> replies said 0.5W
<tunixman> oh yeah Oh it could also be tolerance... I think green-ish could be 0.5%?
<NiGHTS> Component of the Month: Resistors | Make:Component of the Month: Resistors | Make:
<tunixman> not that I've done much with them for ages... and only ever the basic beige from radioshack.
<qu1j0t3> yeah, looks like 0.5w
* qu1j0t3 doesn't know the colour coding for wattage either ;-)
<qu1j0t3> though i have some very pretty beige ones
<qu1j0t3> i have some dark cyan ones that are high voltage
<qu1j0t3> so basically i disregard the body enamel as being very useful lol
<qu1j0t3> i should have been specific, beige power resistors)
<tunixman> The metallic color band is for tolerance usually.
<tunixman> Well, that's what I thought back in the day and never questioned it haha
<qu1j0t3> yes.
<qu1j0t3> the other dimension, for rating, i do not trust :)
<tunixman> yeah...
<sorear> use, uh, planck's law to get from color to power
<qu1j0t3> :)
<qu1j0t3> black body temp? :)
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<tunixman> zero point temp.
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<tunixman> just extract it from the Casimir Paradigm with the gluon pulse.
<qu1j0t3> ok, done. now what
<tunixman> file for a patent in a few jurisdictions and one of them is going to grant it.
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<cr1901> tunixman: I have the schematic for this board, it's 0.5W
<NiGHTS> William D. Jones sur Twitter : "Some updates: Under load, even the degraded resistor is drawing well under 0.5W. More like 0.18W. The fine resistor is drawing around 0.2W. Still will buy replacements, but I will keep using the board for now."
<tunixman> oh yeah that makes sense.
<cr1901> The resistors feed the input to a 7805 regulator... not sure why, I guess they're resistors meant to replace a heat sink on the regulator
<cr1901> But the regulator seems to still be working, so no issue?
<ZrX-NoMs> Cheap fuses?
<cr1901> Maybe, but I have several questions
<cr1901> By several, I mean one q... why did R3 blow up but not R2?
<ZrX-NoMs> Mad engineering stuff.
<tunixman> manufacturing defect?
<tunixman> or just slightly more marginal under a weird load?
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<NiGHTS> William D. Jones sur Twitter : "I uhhh, don't think this is right...… "
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<tunixman> any data that doesn't result in loss of life is good data.
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