cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
<NiGHTS> foone sur Twitter : "and the cool folks in the ##yamahasynths IRC channel were gonna be mad at me if I didn't show off this one it's a Yamaha YMF262-M (OPL3) sound chip!…"
<cr1901> Ty for the shoutout :D
* dragonmux drools in appreciation but tries not to get it all over the OPL3
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<cr1901> That's okay, they're resilient chips :D
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<andlabs> okay but when are we gonna get a sound card base don the venerable texas instruments SN94281
<fseidel> between that thing and the SN76489, I'm getting the sense TI kind of sucked at sound
<fseidel> I still don't get why you'd use the latter over an AY, was it purely the amount of glue logic required?
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<andlabs> Sun-2 through Sun-4
<andlabs> Atari TT030 and Atari MEGA STE
<andlabs> uh
<andlabs> wikipedia
<andlabs> are you sure these use VMEbus
<andlabs> especially the Ataris
<andlabs> expansion capacity: 0.5 cards
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<qu1j0t3> andlabs: lol!
<qu1j0t3> andlabs: well, i know that _some_ sun 3 and sun 4 is VMEbus. not all models
* qu1j0t3 owns one vme sun 3
<qu1j0t3> no doubt sun 2 is as well, but i've only ever seen the outside of one.
<andlabs> also I wasn't aware Sun-4 was a thing
<andlabs> iI thought that was just the collective name of their first generation SPARC machines
<andlabs> and formatted as sun4x where x is some letter and I sitll don't get the letter
<andlabs> I still don't know how many sun machines I would need for total compatiiblity coverage
<andlabs> I have one sparc32 and one sparc64 machine
<andlabs> I would like to have the 68k machines as well
<qu1j0t3> andlabs: Yes, it is; there are SPARC VME.
<qu1j0t3> andlabs: the letter is just sub architecture/product range. SS1 is sun4c. SS4/5 is sun4m, etc
<qu1j0t3> andlabs: you should hurry on Sun 3, they aren't falling out of the sky any more
<andlabs> none of them are =P
<andlabs> none of them are also for sale
<andlabs> I also don't really have much more room
<andlabs> I took this vmebus computer because it was cheap, and I'm looking at a 286 right now, but that'll probalby be it for the time being
<andlabs> gotta get a storage unit
* qu1j0t3 would caution against it
<andlabs> in what way
<qu1j0t3> ime if you do that you've only created a costly future problem
<andlabs> hm
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<ZrX-NoMs> 286s are a bit slow
<andlabs> indeed but I'd rather have one just in case this software I need to run requires one
<andlabs> and also the one I'm looking at appears to have some stuff in it that's 👀
<ZrX-NoMs> well yes
<andlabs> I still have not tried the thing with the tandy 1000 yet
<andlabs> mostly because I haven't set it up quite yet
<andlabs> it still has the three cards it came with and I haven't gotten any software on it yet
<andlabs> plus its three cards pose a problem because one is the FDC it's using and another has the DMA chip
<andlabs> should probalby look into some multipurpose card but do any have the DMA chip? and optionally an 8087 socket as well?
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<NiGHTS> Windows 95 Crash Stream - YouTube
<andlabs> that chat is chaos so I'll ask here
<andlabs> but why does it crash on overflow
<andlabs> is there a division by zero somewhere? or some expectation that time always flows forwad that results in some other CPU exception?
<andlabs> the relevant function is still 32-bit even today
<cr1901> I don't know for sure, and I wonder if it'll crash immediately or will require doing something like moving the mouse
<andlabs> we'll find out
<andlabs> also Foone I see you fixed the flicker? is this not the same binary?
<cr1901> So everything except the mouse crashed
<cr1901> About 6 seconds after overflow
<andlabs> okay so the answer is: timers stop firing
<andlabs> because a lot of things in windows rely on timers it only makes sense
<andlabs> so there's something in user32.dll that does not handle underflow gracefully
<andlabs> sadly we do not have the win95 source code so
<Foone> andlabs: yeah. someone contributed some code to do a double-buffered paint of the window
<andlabs> cool
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<cr1901> Good stream and hypetrain about to happen
<NiGHTS> Twitch
<cr1901> (So sub in the next 3 mins and 30 secs :P)
<andlabs> what is the Creative CT4750.
<andlabs> the garbage shopping results google puts at the top now say Sound Blaster PCI 128
<andlabs> Wikipeida says Sound Blaster 16 PCI
<andlabs> vogons says Audigy 2
<NiGHTS> Tube Time sur Twitter : "let's look at a really bizarre sound card. 🧵… "
<andlabs> I've got my own mystery card right now
<andlabs> **no** identifying markers
<andlabs> "COPYRIGHT 1997"
<andlabs> some random numbers and FCC/CE clearance stickers
<andlabs> I guess I can look for the chips...
<andlabs> no it's just more aftermarket part sellers argh
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<andlabs> and I need a new label printer cartridge so I guess I'm not finishing cataloging this parts lot
<NiGHTS> doom_txt sur Twitter : "Just a few more ports of doom to new devices and we can beat James Pond 2"