cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
foone sur Twitter : "and the cool folks in the ##yamahasynths IRC channel were gonna be mad at me if I didn't show off this one it's a Yamaha YMF262-M (OPL3) sound chip!…"
Ty for the shoutout :D
* dragonmux
drools in appreciation but tries not to get it all over the OPL3
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That's okay, they're resilient chips :D
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okay but when are we gonna get a sound card base don the venerable texas instruments SN94281
between that thing and the SN76489, I'm getting the sense TI kind of sucked at sound
I still don't get why you'd use the latter over an AY, was it purely the amount of glue logic required?
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Sun-2 through Sun-4
Atari TT030 and Atari MEGA STE
are you sure these use VMEbus
especially the Ataris
expansion capacity: 0.5 cards
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andlabs: lol!
andlabs: well, i know that _some_ sun 3 and sun 4 is VMEbus. not all models
* qu1j0t3
owns one vme sun 3
no doubt sun 2 is as well, but i've only ever seen the outside of one.
also I wasn't aware Sun-4 was a thing
iI thought that was just the collective name of their first generation SPARC machines
and formatted as sun4x where x is some letter and I sitll don't get the letter
I still don't know how many sun machines I would need for total compatiiblity coverage
I have one sparc32 and one sparc64 machine
I would like to have the 68k machines as well
andlabs: Yes, it is; there are SPARC VME.
andlabs: the letter is just sub architecture/product range. SS1 is sun4c. SS4/5 is sun4m, etc
andlabs: you should hurry on Sun 3, they aren't falling out of the sky any more
none of them are =P
none of them are also for sale
I also don't really have much more room
I took this vmebus computer because it was cheap, and I'm looking at a 286 right now, but that'll probalby be it for the time being
gotta get a storage unit
* qu1j0t3
would caution against it
in what way
ime if you do that you've only created a costly future problem
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286s are a bit slow
indeed but I'd rather have one just in case this software I need to run requires one
and also the one I'm looking at appears to have some stuff in it that's 👀
well yes
I still have not tried the thing with the tandy 1000 yet
mostly because I haven't set it up quite yet
it still has the three cards it came with and I haven't gotten any software on it yet
plus its three cards pose a problem because one is the FDC it's using and another has the DMA chip
should probalby look into some multipurpose card but do any have the DMA chip? and optionally an 8087 socket as well?
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