cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<andlabs> check this weird voltage regulator thingy out
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<Foone> oh fun
<Foone> I have one motherboard that needs those
<cr1901> So this is what the ISA pinouts websites mean when they say "OSC and SYSCLK pins are not synchronous"...
<cr1901> TIL
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<Stiletto> <cr1901> Stiletto: Someone pointed out that page 24 is missing to this: Do you still have access to your hard copy of the manual?
<NiGHTS> Yamaha YM 3812 Application Manual : Yamaha LSI : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
<Stiletto> Hi cr1901! Incredibly old screw-up you have discovered!
<cr1901> Is it fixable :P?
<Stiletto> Two things: 1. The copy, that is my scan. 2. I found my original document that I scanned (a photocopy I was snailmailed back in the day) and it HAS page 24. Somehow I screwed up either in the scanning or in the creation of the PDF.
<Stiletto> Maybe two pages stuck together!
<cr1901> I didn't know that was your scan until after I uploaded it
<Stiletto> Anyhow, I still have it, and I will fix it. :)
<cr1901> Awesome, thanks :D
<cr1901> wq found the copy somewhere online, and when I couldn't find the same doc a few months later I uploaded that one.
<Stiletto> I would be interested in hearing about any scan that is NOT that file! :) I can identify mine based on the misalignment of the photocopier alone :P
<cr1901> Well, it's good that it's hard to find in this case I guess, so that a corrected copy can be uploaded
<Stiletto> in case anyone wondered, I cannot make a "better quality" scan, really, since all I ever had was a photocopy! :)
<Stiletto> I do, however, remember who sent me the copy, they are still around! :)
<andlabs> either way cool
<andlabs> one time I found two different copies of the same doucment on and one of them had pages missing
<andlabs> some commodore document
<Stiletto> I went back to my hard drive I had when I originally scanned the document, which had a filedate of 1/24/2007... and it's still like that, missing page 24. So it's been like that for a while. Not sure how I never knew - oops!
<Stiletto> ... I know I got the photocopy of the application manual some time around Y2K but I had sat on it for a while (I guess until 2007), as all I had was a flatbed scanner with no ADF...
<Stiletto> 33 pages isn't much, but too much for me back then ;)
<Stiletto> or... 34 pages ;)
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