cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
if you have a single N bit message with a precomputed M bit CRC, and you can guess the bit order / inversions / etc, cantor-zassenhaus will give you a list of N/M+1 possible polynomials
bless you!
the theory of polynomials is just like the theory of integers except there is a closed form expression for the number of primes, and factorization is easy...
so i'm still feeling a calling for some sort of orange gas plasma portable. i have a toshiba t3100 but the screen is destroyed
there's a t5200 on ebay for like $350...
i don't really have any attachment to dos etc though, just the screen. maybe i could put an early linux on it
did anybody ever make isa wifi cards
use ethernet!
i was thinking it could be an ssh terminal, if a 386 can handle public key crypto
but i guess i would have to plug it in to power it anyway
a 386 can handle it, speed might be uninspiring
but probably only noticeable at first handshake
are there any other machines i should be keeping an eye out for?
or anywhere i can buy the display panel for cheaper than a machine?
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hey wasn't someone here doing mfm hard drive stuff
probably. I'm adjacent to a lot of mfm using people
gesswein's emulator often
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oh I was about to ask if this 'mfm emulator' thing that's about to get a boost (shhh) was yours
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no definitely not mine
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Currently soldering my HDD reader to get rid of jumper wire mess.
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