cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<tunixman> Man, I was working on a cyrix SBC once, trying to get a computer vision model running before there were embedded GPUs. Nothing I did made it perform better until I added -O2.
<tunixman> Oops.
<qu1j0t3> lol
<qu1j0t3> we've all done it
<qu1j0t3> sgi famously did it
<qu1j0t3> wait, not sgi
<qu1j0t3> nintendo?
<cr1901> I suspect sm64's optimizations being disabled wasn't on accident
* qu1j0t3 nods
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<qu1j0t3> cr19011: timing concerns ya think?
<tunixman> that or optimization bugs or both... I think for awhile (if not still) the linux kernel needed to be compiled by a specific gcc range with specific flags because they exploited compiler and optimizer bugs.
<tunixman> weirdos. as we can see from openssl that's not great.
<qu1j0t3> hm, yes, bugs. good point.
<tunixman> But you know, mere mortals can't understand crypto code if openssl is your reference frame.
<qu1j0t3> they're always there, somewhere, like a caterpillar in your salad.
cr19011 is now known as cr1901
<cr1901> My guess is there were optimization bugs, and the game ran "just fine" in unoptimized mode
* qu1j0t3 nods
<Sarayan> tunixman: specific gcc range currently means not too old only, and linus does clang compiles in his tests. The situation is not that dire there
<tunixman> This was a long time ago. I knew about clang and once they started targeting that as well the requirements changed.
<qu1j0t3> Sarayan: Yes, a friend did a clang build recently, not that i keep up with such things.
<qu1j0t3> i imagine the kernel is a reasonable compiler workout...
<tunixman> It was one of the targets clang used to exercise gcc compatibility I think.
<tunixman> Oh man since "Linux 5.12..." things have come a long way since my 2.6 days...
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<NiGHTS> Siliconinsider sur Twitter : "I would not consider 74 logic ground for amazing discoveries, but the TI SN74AS760 proved me wrong! How cool is this 380µm long rendition in silicon of the space shuttle?…"
<qu1j0t3> > I would not consider 74 logic ground for amazing discoveries
<qu1j0t3> poor premise
<qu1j0t3> they must be new around KenShirriff!
<andlabs_> brb hiding a lost monet in the die of my 555 clone
<tunixman> wow that's wild...
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<ZrX-NoMs> Hm, I have some of those weird numbered TTLs...
<andlabs> what is that specific chip anyway
<andlabs> I get a lot of high-level TTL soup from shopping sites googling for it
<qu1j0t3> octal buffer/line driver, non-inverting outputs
<NiGHTS> List of 7400-series integrated circuits - Wikipedia
<qu1j0t3> DS linked there
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