cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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Man, I was working on a cyrix SBC once, trying to get a computer vision model running before there were embedded GPUs. Nothing I did made it perform better until I added -O2.
we've all done it
sgi famously did it
wait, not sgi
I suspect sm64's optimizations being disabled wasn't on accident
* qu1j0t3
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cr19011: timing concerns ya think?
that or optimization bugs or both... I think for awhile (if not still) the linux kernel needed to be compiled by a specific gcc range with specific flags because they exploited compiler and optimizer bugs.
weirdos. as we can see from openssl that's not great.
hm, yes, bugs. good point.
But you know, mere mortals can't understand crypto code if openssl is your reference frame.
they're always there, somewhere, like a caterpillar in your salad.
cr19011 is now known as cr1901
My guess is there were optimization bugs, and the game ran "just fine" in unoptimized mode
* qu1j0t3
tunixman: specific gcc range currently means not too old only, and linus does clang compiles in his tests. The situation is not that dire there
This was a long time ago. I knew about clang and once they started targeting that as well the requirements changed.
Sarayan: Yes, a friend did a clang build recently, not that i keep up with such things.
i imagine the kernel is a reasonable compiler workout...
It was one of the targets clang used to exercise gcc compatibility I think.
Oh man since "Linux 5.12..." things have come a long way since my 2.6 days...
Siliconinsider sur Twitter : "I would not consider 74 logic ground for amazing discoveries, but the TI SN74AS760 proved me wrong! How cool is this 380µm long rendition in silicon of the space shuttle?…"
> I would not consider 74 logic ground for amazing discoveries
poor premise
they must be new around KenShirriff!
brb hiding a lost monet in the die of my 555 clone