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<levitating> Can IO#pipe not be shared across Threads?
<o0x1eef> levitating: They can be
<levitating> I tried
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<levitating> r, w = IO.pipe
<levitating> oh wait
<levitating> I might've forgotten to start the thread
<levitating> okay so I tried
<levitating> r, w = IO.pipe
<levitating> Thread.new { w.write "foo" }.run
<levitating> r.read
<levitating> and it just hangs
<o0x1eef> Add \n
<levitating> doesn't seem to work
<o0x1eef> r, w = IO.pipe
<o0x1eef> Thread.new { w.write("hi\n") }
<o0x1eef> p r.gets
<o0x1eef> Or, r.read(3)
<levitating> right, I was using read wrong
<levitating> I fixed it by closing the pipe in the thread
<levitating> so the read call has a place to end
<o0x1eef> Sounds good. If you want to communicate between threads you might want to look at Queue instead as well.
<levitating> I considered using it as well
<levitating> but what I am doing is kind of a hack
<levitating> I am calling a binding to librrd, and telling it to write output to /dev/fd/#{w.fd}
<levitating> so I can stream the computed graph straight over http
<o0x1eef> Typically IO.pipe would be used across processes rather than threads, but if it makes sense in your context then all good
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