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Is there a way to pass information from an external variable inside a call to instance_eval?
For example suppose I have a set of boxes which can only contain a certain type of objects, and after the program starts one of these boxes will be randomly selected to have an additional requirement on its contents. There's a logic object that contains the rules for all the boxes, and I'm trying to use instance_eval with the logic object to create
a new rule for the special box. But the instance_eval can't know what box to check for the old ruleset, because that information is only determined by a different part of the program that picks a random box
rough code example: chosen_box = boxes.sample(rng); @logic.instance_eval do {old_req = method(box.req); def special_req { return and extra_requirement() } } <-- instance_eval can't determine what "box" is, or box_id or whatever method I could use from outside the block
even assuming "chosen_box" and "box" were the same identifier, but I assume that typo is clear enough
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