havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.4.2, 3.3.7 https://www.ruby-lang.org | Log https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<nakilon> while I successfully relied on @@instance_created maybe `Capybara.page.current_url != ''` is how others do: https://github.com/mattheworiordan/capybara-screenshot/blob/6b80ac24fafa1e92052168807cc1dff2fa471af6/lib/capybara-screenshot/rspec.rb#L56
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<nakilon> where is this convention defined at all? that something (and when exactly?) should be a "feature"?
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<nakilon> i.e. why does not the thing automatically detect if it has a javascript renderer so I won't need to add this metadata now into all my test files?
<nakilon> ok capybara docs say: "If you are not using Rails, tag all the example groups in which you want to use Capybara with type: :feature." -- but why...
<nakilon> nvm
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<havenwood> nakilon: An aside, but @@class_instance_variables are soft deprecated for being an antipattern and their use is discouraged.
<havenwood> They have surprising behavior but Matz preferred to recommend not using them rather than make a breaking change by removing them in Ruby 3.
<havenwood> You can pretty much always just use a regular @instance_variable in the eigenclass instead, so you won't really miss them. It's not hard to just avoid them entirely. Most codebases do.
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<nakilon> you probably mean they should make a read_accessor for it
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<nakilon> I don't understand why I do require "capybara/dsl"; feature "" do ... and it says undefined method `feature' for main:Object
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<Common-Lisp> anything in particular necessary to require a gem after installing it?
<Common-Lisp> seems like `Gem.install("foo");require 'foo'` fails on the require
<testone> read the output
<testone> paste the output in some nopaste site and write here the URL
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<nakilon> looks like the correct require is "capybara/rspec/features" and these docs are misleading https://github.com/teamcapybara/capybara/commit/635671904345299bf6e351cc3e71c3fdfc836518
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<Common-Lisp> testone: I just get the same output as trying to require a gem that isn't installed
<Common-Lisp> even though the Gem.install definitely succeeds, like if I re-run the script it works the second time
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<Common-Lisp> Ok looks like the answer was to call `Gem.refresh` between the install and reuire
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<nakilon> ruby will always be an amazing language that when you face the issues and no one comes, you figure out the solution yourself within an hour
<nakilon> ... in average
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<Common-Lisp> yeah luckily rubygems's source code is fairly easy to read through
<Common-Lisp> I do wish they had better hosted docs but oh well lol
<adam12> Common-Lisp: What would you like to see improved in the hosted docs?
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