havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.4.2, 3.3.7 https://www.ruby-lang.org | Log https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<nakilon> modern irb is so glitchy
<nakilon> not only ubuntu can't always handle, but here https://irb-wasm.vercel.app/ it got stuck too https://i.imgur.com/zAIL9XC.png
<nakilon> I just wanted to quickly experiment/demo on the machine with no ruby -- where do I go?
<nakilon> wtf, replit does not even allow to edit anything without paying
<o0ox1eef> We have a bot here, otherwise not sure
<o0ox1eef> >> 123
<ruby[bot]> o0ox1eef: # => 123 (https://carc.in/#/r/hs43)
<o0ox1eef> Looks like https://carc.in/#/rb lets you write more freely
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<nakilon> yeah, nice, https://carc.in/#/r/hs44 (my sublime defaulted to stupid [tab]s)
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<cahoots_> hi, i have an odd ruby/linux question. i have a script that runs "LD_PRELOAD=libjemalloc.so MALLOC_CONF=thp:always my_script". when run in a bash shell, the thp:always part successfully forces it to use THP (transparent huge pages). but when i run that same command in backticks in a ruby repl, it runs it without THP
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<weaksauce> you're right that is odd
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<cahoots_> (sorry if this is a repeat message) hi, i have an odd ruby/linux question. i have a script that runs "LD_PRELOAD=libjemalloc.so MALLOC_CONF=thp:always my_script". when run in a bash shell, the thp:always part successfully forces it to use THP (transparent huge pages). but when i run that same command in backticks in a ruby repl, it runs it without
<cahoots_> THP. what might be the difference?
<weaksauce> how are you seeing that it is not using THP
<cahoots_> by measuring the performance repeatedly
<cahoots_> (it's a thp stress test program)
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<weaksauce> have you tried another way to shell out like popen?
<weaksauce> the shell is opened like port = pipe_open_s(str, "r", FMODE_READABLE|DEFAULT_TEXTMODE, NULL);
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<weaksauce> via `
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<cahoots_> got disconnected, if anyone replied, feel free to re-send
<weaksauce> have you tried another way to shell out like popen?
<weaksauce> the shell is opened like port = pipe_open_s(str, "r", FMODE_READABLE|DEFAULT_TEXTMODE, NULL); using `
<cahoots_> i've tried Open3.popen3
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<cahoots_> i.e., not using a subshell, just running the program directly, with the env var overridden with the vars mentioned
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<cahoots_> sorry, idk why i keep getting disconnected
<Sampersand> are you on a web client?
<cahoots_> the really odd thing is, it turns out to be using THP under the hood in all cases (or trying to). so it's calling madvise with the THP param (my OS is set to "madvise" mode for huge pages), but in one case it's successful, and in the other it's not
<cahoots_> yeah, web.libera.chat
<Sampersand> same haha; ive noticed turning off vpns and/or packet blockets usually keep it around longer
<cahoots_> hehe nice
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<Sampersand> aand it kicked me haha
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