The Lounge is a pretty good browser-based bouncer that adam12 I think introduced me to that is a bit simpler than a VNC bouncer paired with a discrete client. https://thelounge.chat
I do like zsh scripting. Not nearly the footguns of bash.
I like the idea.
`pp` actually seems useful.
Sampersand47: For some reason I went on a common whitespace in filenames tangent. >.> Not the same as `pp` but made me think of odd filenames.
testone: I like the idea of Ruby as still a "new language" but it does have some aging libraries indeed.
I've been glad to seem some gemified and removed from stdlib as they're not maintained but some more are really due for being jettisoned.
It really helps avoid stdlib bloat to remove old stuff as new is added. Has been refreshing to see more each Ruby major release.
I'll throw a little party when ostruct is freed from stdlib. :) https://stdgems.org
testone: if I find the time, I might set up cinny in jail. Also might consider lounge.chat at the same time. Generally weechat works well, but with matrix and its modern features, I'm not sure a console client is really optimal. I think the one feature that Matrix forgot about was simplicity :)
the real issue with matrix is money: they got too much money and started implementing every absurdity they thought
Makes sense. I'm not sure VC funding existed back when IRC was created (probably a good thing)
moreover: tbh, I don't buy this 'you make your server and federate with others' wave
a server like matrix is very resource-hungry and a real work to maintain
Yeah. For the average person it's not going to work. But at least it decentralizes control a bit. Mastodon is a decent example
I eschew all facebook and twitter FLOSS clones like Sampersand47 eschew matrix ;P
I dislike the very concept of them
still prefer MLs and good old newsgroups, if they were still alive
That's fair. At the same time, outside of being "social media", they do solve a problem where a few big companies own most of the internet. Too much capitalism.
the problem cannot be solved that way: if ppl buy 'smart' phones with preinstalled those apps, nothing will change
here in .eu, privacy and antitrust authorities forced microsoft to stop forcing windows in new PCs and forced to remove 'default' programs
but when it came to phones, they did NOTHING
Agreed. I don't think it is a battle we're winning. Sometimes I think about IRC as a nice snapshot of what could have been. It is much more community-oriented. We're not being sold anything. It's not a business.
they aren't phones, they are small PCs that make phone calls too
to worsen the thing: you cannot even control yourown device...
Yep. Phones are mostly a disappointment
I wanted to buy a librem or <the other brand I don't remember>, but I ended up desisting
ppl would anyway expect you to use whatsapp and similar shit
the other brand wasn't expensive, and multi-booted between android, linux, etc.
but why owning a linux phone if you have to use whatsapp in a browser?
[I forgot to cite faiphone too]
Sometimes there's nothing you can do. Family, etc usually use whatsapp. We live in a world of consumerism.
that is a trend and 'philosophy', but regulators are vacant!!!
without rules, bigs do whatever they want ad smalls must swallow everything
At least from my perspective I think capitalism ate the internet. Things like IRC are just rare relics from a time when that wasn't the case yet.
Agreed. There should be some kind of balance but usually greed wins.
the brand I forgot was shiftphone
[hoping the F isn't 'volatile' ;P]
and I forgot to cite pinephones/pinetablets as well, but they were usually out of stock and buggy
I didn't know this HK-based kaios
Maybe I'll give it a try. Some are are too pricy for me (500~ euro) but the 200 euro models would be something I might get
I'll wait for a 'market' phone easily hackable to be in used things shop ;P
last android phone I really used was motorola defy+
these old versions of android were very more 'open' than today's
a lot of apps could use sensors in fancy ways to really help you and save time
the real question is: how much buggy is it yet?
and another is: are there still 'issues' with makers that change chips and schemes?
pinenote is a thing! I'd like to work for while in a e-paper PC, to see if it really relax eyes
Yeah. The phones I saw are flagged as beta / developer grade but it is still promising and mostly affordable - one high-end option I saw.
I wanted to by a RLCD of sunvision to see if it's better for eyes' health, but found no one already using it to ask for impressions
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not sure if you an call thelounge lightweight
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and btw about glitching irb -- is it irb's 2.7+ fault of gnome that sometimes lines are missing when I pp?
*or gnome's
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nakilon: Might be a readline issue. I think nowadays rb-readline is used. Back in the 2.7 days I'm not sure that was the case, and might be an old version
yeah, typical "upgrade ruby" to fix one issue and get two more; I don't even remember why I upgraded here from 2.6, probably smth didn't start at all; but there was no issues with plain old irb; maybe there is an option for fallback though
Not judging or anything but 2.7 is already quite old :P
It hasn't seen any updates since 2017 tho
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I was never hired to upgrade companies' rubies
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just two months ago or so (right?) I reported here that "bundle install" takes 30 seconds on all distros with ruby 2.7; so it's now two issues total if I don't miss anything else
Fair enough :)
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nakilon: Not light weight per se. Simpler to configure than two separate tools that aren't already wired together by convention or just working. Self hosted bouncer with minimal configuration or fiddling.
If I was hired to work on Ruby 2.7 I'm afraid I'd consider it hired to upgrade Ruby. ;)
Reline was around by 2.7 too, so might be using that rather than rb-readline if readline wasn't available. https://stdgems.org/reline/
I upgraded it from 2.6
If you do want to use the readline extension, might consider installing readline-ext gem.
nakilon: Nice.
I wonder how to figure out if the driver registered in capybara was started, i.e. whether the `.browser` was invoked, so I won't start it needlessly "to screenshot the error" that has happened without a browser
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maybe not the right channel but serverspec-init asks, "Vagrant instance y/n:"... does that mean where serverspec will connect or the machine ruby is running on?
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