havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.4.2, 3.3.7 https://www.ruby-lang.org | Log https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<Goku> sera
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<Inline> sera Son Goku
<Inline> lol
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<dorian> hey question: last i checked, `self.class` was *really* slow, like slow enough that if you're going to call it in a tight loop you should really figure out a way not to. has this changed at all in recent ruby versions?
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<dorian> my situation is i have a class with a bunch of methods which i want to access as both static and instance methods modulo access to a piece of state that would be passed in as a parameter in the static version
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<dorian> what i'm wondering though is if there's a version of ruby new enough to have just fixed the problem of `self.class` being slow, which is my main motivation for all this metaprogramming
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<o0ox1eef> dorian: I never heard of that being a problem, but can't you just cache it in a local outside the loop if that's the case ?
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<havenwood> dorian: YJIT largely takes care of it outside of a super hot loop: self.class: 76,869,039 i/s - 1.09x slower
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<havenwood> When there are already 78 billion per second, you probably don't need that 9%.
<havenwood> 78 million*
<havenwood> self.class: 77385423.7 i/s - same-ish: difference falls within error
<havenwood> Seems to be slightly slower, but almost within margin of error.
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