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are these two ways make the constant private differently? -- the latter causes exception, the former does not; I never saw any mention of this difference; two guys just used random ways, and the are not the same
I don't like "private" but I just got that exception by calling it from inherited method (
I think the "private" modifier only affects methods. I didn't even know that Ruby had private constants until reading that question/answer.
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yeah, I tested now, it does nothing; so the accepted answer is just wrong, yet it's +4/-0
Welcome to Stack Overflow. :) People usually optimise for answers that sound right, rather than answers that are right.
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can yard or rdoc (what is more updated?) include images?
my company is lazy on making Confluence usable but I want to provide my coworkers generated docs (instead of a that would include not only some library inline docs but preferably include such custom thing as a dot diagram
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is there some trick so I can use Socket#connect for a protocol (AF_VSOCK) that (AFAICT) doesn't have explicit support in ruby? I can create the socket with `, Socket::SOCK_STREAM)`, but then what?
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