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not sure how it's "Schönhage–Strassen optimized" though
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Hello, I'm trying to install the "asciidoctor-mathematical" gem on Fedora, and I'm not familiar with neither Fedora nor Ruby... I installed libxml2-devel (Fedora Package) but the gem installation still complains about missing -lxml2: checking for -lxml2; any idea why?
TheManDay: what version of fedora?
I just ran the entire `dnf install` suggestion from their GitHub and that got me past that problem with libxml
sadly the rendering in PDF is subpar and it's svg images.
it can generate PNG's too?
nothing else?
seems so, that's a shame.
yeah pngs and svgs.
I'm not sure what high expectations I should have for it all being mangled into a pdf anyway, but aestetically it's unsatisfactory
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doesn't seem to be any alternatives either :(
yeah it surprises me too. i mean asciidoctor is solid for html output, I'd have thought they had a big interest in making PDF equally good, seen how popular it is
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TheManDay: true.
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how could I automatically modify certain entries in xls files?
say 5 entries
like atropine unit price ,isoflurane unit price and the summations concerned?
i wanna do this to all fies in some folder
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hi. assuming I have program z.rb, and in there multiple def ... - how can I programmatically check if there is method "whatever"?
it's a lot easier if you put it in a class or module
then you can use #respond_to?
maybe next time :( so i guess I can't do it if the methods have just been "thrown" into z.rb ?
I'm not an expert, there may be a way.
at the very least you can just try it and catch the exception
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depesz: respond_to? , shell out to grep, TracePoint, Ruby parser like ripper. Many options. Can you provide more context?
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the context is that iu'm wrinting prograqm that interacts with aws. and it will get some "command" (think: ./my.rb list, or ./my.rb details) - and I'd like to be able to check if, assuming given command is in "command" variable, if there is do_COMMAND method.
if it was in a class - trivial. same for method.
because I'm lazy, and I don't want to put list of 'commands' in too many places :)
Where do you check from ? Why can't you use respond_to? ? It works on the top level as well.
i know there are libraries to do it, but given the environment (installing extra gems is (to put it lightly) complicated), i don't think i can use them.
Make sure you pass 'true' to respond_to?
respond_to?(:do_COMMAND, true)
`<main>': undefined method `respond_to' for main (NoMethodError)
With a question mark
aaah. thanks. sorry
When you define a method at the top level it becomes a private method, and that's why you want to pass 'true' as a second argument to respond_to?. By default it does not exclude private methods
nice. thanks for the extra explanation. was thinking why I need the true :)
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ok. one more question. given my situation, is there a way to call any do_ based on "command" variable?
respond_to?(:"do_#{command}", true)
that checks if I can call, but how do I call ?
Oh call? send("do_#{command}")
obviously. thanks.
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