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<nakilon> not sure how it's "Schönhage–Strassen optimized" though
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<TheManDay> Hello, I'm trying to install the "asciidoctor-mathematical" gem on Fedora, and I'm not familiar with neither Fedora nor Ruby... I installed libxml2-devel (Fedora Package) but the gem installation still complains about missing -lxml2: checking for -lxml2; any idea why?
<gr33n7007h> TheManDay: what version of fedora?
<TheManDay> 41
<TheManDay> I just ran the entire `dnf install` suggestion from their GitHub and that got me past that problem with libxml
<TheManDay> I'd still like to understand why
<gr33n7007h> TheManDay: looks like it only supports fed 28 and below
<TheManDay> must be a joke
<TheManDay> fed 28 is what year...
<gr33n7007h> TheManDay: mind you the gem is ancient, last updated nearly 10 years ago :(
<TheManDay> It's what asciidoc upstream says one should use to get support for mathematical equations in PDF
<TheManDay> is asciidoc a dead end or something...?
<gr33n7007h> TheManDay: for newer versions, looks so
<TheManDay> I managed to install it with some manual deps and it works.
<TheManDay> Looks like I got to find a better asciidoc implementation though as I really like the markup
<gr33n7007h> TheManDay: oh cool! what else did it need?
<TheManDay> cairo-gobject-devel, liblerc-devel, jbigkit-devel
<TheManDay> I'll make a docs PR for it later.
<TheManDay> 1st commit in 10 years \o/
<gr33n7007h> Nice one :P
<TheManDay> sadly the rendering in PDF is subpar and it's svg images.
<gr33n7007h> it can generate PNG's too?
<gr33n7007h> nothing else?
<gr33n7007h> seems so, that's a shame.
<TheManDay> yeah pngs and svgs.
<TheManDay> I'm not sure what high expectations I should have for it all being mangled into a pdf anyway, but aestetically it's unsatisfactory
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<gr33n7007h> doesn't seem to be any alternatives either :(
<TheManDay> yeah it surprises me too. i mean asciidoctor is solid for html output, I'd have thought they had a big interest in making PDF equally good, seen how popular it is
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<gr33n7007h> TheManDay: true.
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<linuxator> how could I automatically modify certain entries in xls files?
<linuxator> say 5 entries
<linuxator> like atropine unit price ,isoflurane unit price and the summations concerned?
<linuxator> i wanna do this to all fies in some folder
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<depesz> hi. assuming I have program z.rb, and in there multiple def ... - how can I programmatically check if there is method "whatever"?
<kjetilho> it's a lot easier if you put it in a class or module
<kjetilho> then you can use #respond_to?
<depesz> maybe next time :( so i guess I can't do it if the methods have just been "thrown" into z.rb ?
<kjetilho> I'm not an expert, there may be a way.
<kjetilho> at the very least you can just try it and catch the exception
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<o0ox1eef> depesz: respond_to? , shell out to grep, TracePoint, Ruby parser like ripper. Many options. Can you provide more context?
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<depesz> the context is that iu'm wrinting prograqm that interacts with aws. and it will get some "command" (think: ./my.rb list, or ./my.rb details) - and I'd like to be able to check if, assuming given command is in "command" variable, if there is do_COMMAND method.
<depesz> if it was in a class - trivial. same for method.
<depesz> because I'm lazy, and I don't want to put list of 'commands' in too many places :)
<o0ox1eef> Where do you check from ? Why can't you use respond_to? ? It works on the top level as well.
<depesz> i know there are libraries to do it, but given the environment (installing extra gems is (to put it lightly) complicated), i don't think i can use them.
<o0ox1eef> Make sure you pass 'true' to respond_to?
<o0ox1eef> respond_to?(:do_COMMAND, true)
<depesz> `<main>': undefined method `respond_to' for main (NoMethodError)
<o0ox1eef> With a question mark
<depesz> aaah. thanks. sorry
<o0ox1eef> Np
<o0ox1eef> When you define a method at the top level it becomes a private method, and that's why you want to pass 'true' as a second argument to respond_to?. By default it does not exclude private methods
<o0ox1eef> s/exclude/include/
<depesz> nice. thanks for the extra explanation. was thinking why I need the true :)
<o0ox1eef> Yw
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<depesz> ok. one more question. given my situation, is there a way to call any do_ based on "command" variable?
<o0ox1eef> respond_to?(:"do_#{command}", true)
<depesz> that checks if I can call, but how do I call ?
<o0ox1eef> Oh call? send("do_#{command}")
<depesz> obviously. thanks.
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