havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.4.2, 3.3.7 https://www.ruby-lang.org | Log https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<testone> I need to install ruby 3.0.7 in order to work with serialport, I tried rvm, but after installing it I cannot install gem 'coz it complains of missin openssl
<testone> I thought it was a problem of openssl1.0 vs openssl3, but even if I install 1.0, rvm uninstall it and re-install 3.0 before compiling
<testone> what could I do?
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<testone> I switched to chruby, but I have to compile 'by hand'
<testone> keeping openssl 1.0 make gem etc. work
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<Trinidad> just check my website is it under construcktion on the work meaning address is https://www.anothersearchengine.com anything yet installed, but you can view my portrait while waiting stuff address is
<Trinidad> https://datat.freehostia.com thanks for help to share this with people
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<splud> Trinidad - the animated gif of a roadworker shovlling is a nice touch.
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<Trinidad> now my pc did make something i didint press enter it just started running this service: please dont ddos i have not cloudflare
<Trinidad> dont know to keep it or not
<Trinidad> do you need this kind of service
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<Trinidad> <meta property="fb:app_id" content="1401488693436528">
<Trinidad> is there remove command to stop this container if i setup another one with many virtual machines to block google
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<henk> is this about ruby? o_O
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<Trinidad> maybe python on http protocol just
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<kjetilho> henk: they had the same off-topic style on #perl and was eventually kicked out.
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<Trinidad> just want to make sure programming languages lives in symbiosis does no matter what do you use php or perl or is this some perl only allowed to speak jail?
<Trinidad> have noahmg123 ce day
<henk> huh
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