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hello friends is it possible to syntax sugar factorial?
I guess the best we can do is something like defining _!
pandabot: rb using( { refine(Integer) { def _! = (1..self).reduce(1, :*) }}); 5._!
if there's a better way I am eager to hear about it
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leftylink: You could use a unary method for `!5` syntax, which seems factorialish.
class Integer def !@ = (1..self).reduce(:*) || 1 end
or rather: class Integer def !@ = (1..self).reduce(1, :*) end
But yeah, `def ~@` is the best I can think of and it seems nice.
`def !@` I mean.
I think it's a reasonable refinement.
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havenwood: that's cool
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+1 havenwood
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