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<nakilon> that's how they communicate in Trinidad and Tobago
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<kjetilho> what's the easiest way to test/run code directly from the git repo when I trying to fix someone else's gem?
<adam12> kjetilho: configure bundle to use the path to your local checked out version.
<kjetilho> that looks promising, thanks!
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<kjetilho> oh. it requires a commit to pick up changes? but it says "Similar to a path source" - what is a path source?
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<kjetilho> ah, this explains it better: https://bundler.io/guides/git.html#local-git-repos
<kjetilho> (ie. it mentions the change needed to Gemfile)
<kjetilho> hah. it added BUNDLE_LOCAL__PUPPETDB-RUBY - but then complains that I should change it into triple underscores manually
<kjetilho> so - in this case I can skip the Git middle man and just do `gem 'puppetdb-ruby', path: '/home/kjetilho/git/github.com/voxpupuli/puppetdb-ruby'` - it works perfectly!
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<adam12> kjetilho: Nice.
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<kjetilho> wow, it's even better than I thought - it makes symlinks directly into path, so I don't even have to rerun `bundle install` to copy edits
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<redCOAT> Anyone work with shopify I'm trying to make an edit need some help
<redCOAT> The problem is when I edit the page it makes the changes across all the pages using the same template
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