havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.4.2, 3.3.7 https://www.ruby-lang.org | Log https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<nakilon> but where is Schönhage–Strassen algorithm there?
<nakilon> wikipedia says "It works by recursively applying fast Fourier transform (FFT) over the integers modulo ..."
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<nakilon> the algorithm you've implemented i called just "divide-and-conquer" and it's explained here https://cs.stackexchange.com/a/14463/19793
<nakilon> it might become better if you divide not by two, but at an estimated ratio
<nakilon> the difference might be subtle, because on larger ranges it's closer to two
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<nakilon> faster factorial would be possible if there was fast prime divisor search in ruby
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<nakilon> *is called
<havenwood> nakilon: Yeah, I should have said simple binary splitting algorithm.
<havenwood> I'll change it to that. Ruby uses Toom-Cook I believe not Schönhage–Strassen.
<havenwood> I was playing with a bunch of different implementations and ended up with a simplistic hybrid. It's pre-release quality at best. I'll fix docs.
<nakilon> yeah, Toom-Cook seems to be the reason why the divide-and-conquer plays well
<havenwood> I haven't tested the usage of cached values that start higher than one, either. I'm not convinced they're terribly useful but haven't tried to prove it.
<havenwood> I mostly found the Module instance storing state as a mixin fun, as an experiment.
<nakilon> the cache is good but you won't know the size you need, it all depends on CPU
<havenwood> I did an implementation with Rinda::TupleSpace for thread safety, cache expiry and fun but it's slow.
<havenwood> nakilon: I haven't seen a module mixin instance be used for dynamic state and was curious to explore the concept. The factorial bits are overly hand-wavy to a fault, no doubt.
<havenwood> I should probably use a less convoluted example, but was just having some fun riffing on adding a cache to a simple unary mixin.
<havenwood> I'm sure there are better examples, I just started with this. Also, there are more straightforward ways to implement a cache and non-cache option as straightforward modules.
<havenwood> The cache bit makes a dynamic one appealing in a way. On the other hand, a bit sus.
<havenwood> Having the module be an instance make it having state make some sense. Factorial is awkward, since you could precalculate and cache every number if space doesn't matter. I don't practically need to calculate factorials and wouldn't use Ruby if I needed to do it quickly.
<havenwood> I can add a note that the point is experimenting with module class state rather than actual factorials. I didn't look at actual factorial gems. If you don't care about memory and want to use pure Ruby this is reasonably fast.
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<havenwood> nakilon: Thanks, fixed.
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<nakilon> has read the agreement of my BNC hosting-- they prohibit "IRC clients and servers", oops
<nakilon> probably the rules were made in like 2000, when there were users of IRC and maybe spam; pretty sure I'm the only such client today; I hope there will be no mad man who would decide to check the traffic or smth'
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<nakilon> actually I wish rdoc could embed images as base64
<nakilon> but nvm
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<adam12> nakilon: If you fly under radar and don't attract ddos then you're probably safe.
<nakilon> radar?
<adam12> nakilon: Dont' draw attention to yourself.
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