havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.4.2, 3.3.7 https://www.ruby-lang.org | Log https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<sphex> Alright so publishing a gem really is no trouble.
<sphex> If anyone wants to check it out and try it on their test suites, please let me know of the result. I'd be interested to see how well it works.
<sphex> (It probably will not though...)
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<weaksauce> sphex i was thinking how much code could it be and then opened up the lib folder... damn
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<sphex> weaksauce: hehe yeah... I've been working on it for about a year I think.
<sphex> Supporting the RSpec API (even just partially) in particular was a lot of work.
<sphex> I kept adding to it long after it was able to run my test suites correctly. Now it supports a lot of stuff I don't even use.
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<testone> o0x1eef: I'm open to any suggestion
<testone> it's true I'm 'placed' back in the past on ruby usage, therefore suggest me what should be used nowadays for a GUI program (with the incumbent option of the webapp)
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<testone> (I can easily imagine myself in a near future switching to webapp development in order to have the program working in android&ios phones; but only if the serial device can be easily rebuilt in some new form usable by tablets/phones :D)
<o0x1eef> If you want to use Ruby, then I'd suggest web technologies. If you want to build a desktop application and run on as many platforms as possible with the same codebase, probably node-webkit or electron are a good fit. I'm not that recent on those choices. Beyond that I think you get into platform-specific languages and toolkits. Even with C++ and Qt you'd have to worry about platform-specific issues
<o0x1eef> far more.
<testone> c'est-à-dire: web or web ^_^'''
<o0x1eef> Some languages worth a look: Zig, Rust.
<testone> never heard zig, looking immediatly
<o0x1eef> I think if I had to go with the desktop option, I'd strongly consider one of those two
<testone> I'm always on the wrong side: I liked OCaml and wanted to learn erlang, but the 'good' side is always C and derivatives :(
<o0x1eef> Different trade offs and different things they're especially good at. So you have to balance that with your requirements, etc.
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