outpost firewall can respong guys?????????????
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anyone tried raku lang?
nakilon: Yeah, nifty lang. Borrowed some niceties from Ruby. Sampersand implemented one of his langs in Raku, I think Knight? Square?
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Been a lifetime since I heard of it. I remember it as the successor or next version of Perl. But it looks nice
I think the next language I'm going to put serious effort into learning will be Zig
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doesnt appeal to me really
Zig or Ruku?
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Fair enough
Comptime appeals to me. Seems a lot nicer than Syn gibberish.
The C interop is really slick too. And build stuff.
It appeals to me as a potential modern alternative to C, good C interop as you said, and at the same time imports remind me of ES6 modules, and less complex than Rust, C++, etc.
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o0ox1eef: A readable stdlin is probably the biggest draw for me. I think that bodes well, but also favors modern langs.
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