havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.4.1, 3.3.7 https://www.ruby-lang.org | Log https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<ih8u> why is my exec busted?
<ih8u> happening with zip and now with ffmpeg
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<ih8u> but only when i use #{}
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<ih8u> never mind
<ih8u> forgot to chomp
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<arkanoid> hello
<arkanoid> can you help me please. I'm not a ruby developer, but I'm trying to read ruby. The famous osx package manager brew is made in ruby, and I'm trying to manually pull binaries from it using curl. All is good, but I don't get one part of the url: the library name. Here for example https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/blob/7a4b0b43a8f4d8aa6c820308017e5aefa6f97fcf/Formula/o/openssl@3.rb I would expect
<arkanoid> the library name to be "openssl" but it's not. It's not even "libssl3" nor "libssl@3" and so on. I can pull other libraries easily
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<mjanssen> arkanoid: the library name is openssl@3
<mange> I don't use brew, so I don't really understand: what do you mean by "library name"? Why do you need this, if you can get the url from line four of that file?
<arkanoid> mange: no, that's the source
<arkanoid> I want to download the binary bottle
<arkanoid> but the library name is not openssl@3 apparently
<arkanoid> I can give you a curl that works, and a curl that doesn't
<arkanoid> this downloads libssh2 successfully: curl -L -H "Authorization: Bearer QQ==" -o libssh2.tar.gz https://ghcr.io/v2/homebrew/core/libssh2/blobs/sha256:b34913dfb88d186400ec06e9beff6d81824c082c5920c88737df980ca9b602b0
<arkanoid> here the "name" (the string that is between core/ and /blobs, is "libssh2"
<mange> Can you look at https://formulae.brew.sh/api/formula/openssl@3.json (and similar), under the "bottle" key? Looks like .../openssl/3/blobs...?
<arkanoid> mange: bingo! how dod you find that json?
<arkanoid> there's the complete answer in there
<mange> "Formula JSON API: ..."
<arkanoid> damn, I went the hard route when the answer was there...
<arkanoid> well, at least I've read some ruby ^^" thanks
<mange> No worries. I'm glad there was an easier solution than reverse engineering their URL construction. :)