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<Sampersand> So, according to `Thread.exit`'s documentation, "If this thread is already marked to be killed, ::exit returns the Thread."
<Sampersand> How on _earth_ are you supposed to get tha return valuet. (Note: not `Thread#exit`, but `Thread.exit`)
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<ih8u> in unpoly, if `up-target=".some-class"` targets any element with class `class="some-class"`, does `up-target="#some-id"` only target (one) element(s) with `id="some-id"`?
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<rapha> with minitest, isn't setup supposed to run before _every_ test and teardown after _every_ test?
<adam12> ih8u: Yes, that's correct.
<adam12> rapha: Yes.
<rapha> adam12: i have a funky problem where the 1st test always works, but then the 2nd doesn't, because things that should have been destroyed after the 1st, weren't. i know ActiveRecord's #destroy is being called and doesn't fail. how would you approach debugging this? (legacy code...)
<adam12> rapha: minitest-bisect
<adam12> well, actually, does it fail every time? or only with certain seeds.
<adam12> if it only fails occasionally, and you can make it fail with a specific seed, then I'd use minitest-bisect.
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<adam12> If it fails all the time, I'd audit every use of `setup` and `teardown` for a corresponding super call.
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