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<ox1eef_> Pulled the latest snapshot. Everything mostly works. It's not until I run a particular piece of Ruby code that I get: msyscall XXXXX XXXXX error.
<ox1eef_> Woops. Wrong channel.
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<ox1eef_> adam12: I swapped Sequel for ActiveRecord in the end. Just because it is more familiar to me. It has been interesting to use it outside Rails.
<adam12> ox1eef_: I hear ya. I want to always swap AR for Sequel :)
<adam12> I'm going to be looking for more consulting clients I think, which means I probably have to brush up on Rails/ActiveRecord.
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<ox1eef_> I am learning stuff I never knew about migrations, and ActiveRecord too, so I think there will definitely be some knowledge learnt that I can carry over to $work projects.
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<ox1eef_> One downside is that I pull in activesupport, and as a project I want to host on rubygems.org, that can put some people off.
<adam12> Yep :( I'm _always_ looking at removing any dependency with activesupport in it.
<adam12> The most recent being https://rubygems.org/gems/carmen
<ox1eef_> The gem I'm working on is more like a tool than library code, maybe that helps a bit - i think there will always be aversion to it.
<ox1eef_> Yeah. Carmen sounds doable without activesupport.
<adam12> I think it uses it for translations? But doesn't help me at all.
<adam12> I don't have the energy to lift the dependency out right now, but I was thinking just a database of countries from the ISO list inside a .sqlite file.
<ox1eef_> Rails delegates to the i18n library for translations afaik. At least for the meat of the work.
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<ox1eef_> SQLite happens to be what the tool is using. It has been interesting to see how you could distribute a gem that can easily bring a web server up and down. The server being the "app" being provided.
<ox1eef_> Right now the migrations and database is created when you call a CLI command, I probably need to fine tune that but it is still a smooth experierence for the end-user.
<adam12> Use amalgalite and you could even skip the dependency of sqlite on the host.
<ox1eef_> Nice. Have to take a note of that.
<ox1eef_> Is that not similar to how ruby-sqlite3 works ? By default it will bundle and compile sqlite3.
<adam12> ox1eef_: I don't actually remember, tbh.
<adam12> ox1eef_: I don't think sqlite3 was always precompiled. And I think amalgalite predates that.
<adam12> Ah, yes. ruby-sqlite3 does ship with sqlite3 vendored.
<ox1eef_> I noticed that today. I had to add a special bundle configuration option to have that gem use my system libraries instead. Otherwise it compiled sqlite3 (which happened to fail, otherwise I would be none the wiser).
<adam12> That'll getcha.
<adam12> the bcrypt dependency was like that for me, when I was running FreeBSD.
<ox1eef_> The maintainer of ruby-sqlite3 appears to be the same maintainer of nokogiri, and I think bundling libraries has proven less troublesome than the alternative but it is an option I would never prefer.
<adam12> I find it interesting that the community is split on it. I don't know how much time I wasted waiting for nokogiri to compile, and at one conf a few years ago, someone presented "no more fat gems" (precompiled gems). But in the same conference, I think there was one about precompiling sqlite now. So... ??
<ox1eef_> The process could definitely be improved. It could be made more obvious that is what a gem will down, and it could be easier to opt-out. If I install a gem with an indirect dependency on sqlite3, I don't think I can opt out. I'd have to install sqlite3 separately.
<ox1eef_> a gem will do*
<ox1eef_> Or maybe --use-system-libraries flows down the depenedency chain. Not sure.
<adam12> I'm not sure either, tbh.
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<myappie> nowadays it's all about the vector databases, and hooking various types of AI up to them
<bougyman> damned straight
<myappie> :D
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