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<ox1eef_> You can also use \ for multiline strings:
<ox1eef_> "hello " \
<ox1eef_> "world " \
<ox1eef_> "and everything in between"
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<mkoncek> what is the C API function for getting the length of an array? or to just iterate over it?
<mkoncek> nwm, i found it
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<leah2> i'm confused
<leah2> >> "foobaroo"[/oo|oob/]
<ruby[bot]> leah2: # => "oo" (https://carc.in/#/r/g5pw)
<leah2> => "oo"
<leah2> >> "foobaroo"[/oob|oo/]
<ruby[bot]> leah2: # => "oob" (https://carc.in/#/r/g5px)
<leah2> => "oob"
<leah2> shouldnt it match longest always?
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<wnd> I don't know Ruby's pecularities, but in general /repetition/ is greedy
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<xkoncek> https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/Module.html#method-i-private_constant does the C function `rb_mod_private_constant` actually exist?
<leah2> wnd: true
<leah2> egrep prefers longest match tho
<leah2> pcre doesnt
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<xkoncek> how do i write a module's content so that it is reachable both using scope resolution syntax (::) as well as being include-able in the main files?
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<xkoncek> writing def method vs def self.method enables one but disables the other option of accessing them
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<rapha> like this? that's the only way i know, xkoncek: https://gist.github.com/sixtyfive/e8baf1c1cf93e91e091eb876f0e621dd
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<rapha> that's surprisingly funny :)
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<ox1eef_> xkoncek: I don't see rb_mod_private_constant in ruby.h - but, 'private_constant :Foo' is a method. You can call it as a method from C.
<xkoncek> ahh
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<ox1eef_> With C extensions in the past I try to implement an interface I can expose to Ruby, and then write Ruby methods that use that C interface. It is not always required to call private_constant from C with that appproach, often easier to do it from Ruby.
<xkoncek> i am new to Ruby, i chose it mainly because of its neat syntax, however i still haven't managed to find an answer to my question regarding importing symbols
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<xkoncek> it seems in Ruby there is simply no way to import individual symbols into current scope
<ox1eef_> It sounds like you want one of two features. 'extend self', or 'module_function'.
<ox1eef_> module Foo; extend self; def bar; 42; end; end; Foo.bar
<ox1eef_> You could also swap 'extend self' for 'module_function' in that example, and it'd be almost the same. The primary difference is that when Foo is included, 'bar' will be private by default.
<xkoncek> hmm... right, seems to work
<dorian> random question: why can't you `include` a class (TypeError, not a module), even if Class.is_a? Module
<ox1eef_> On a conceptual level, you could think of it as a behavior that a class overrides.
<dorian> hm
<xkoncek> ox1eef_: i want to create a DSL of sorts, seems like the most popular approach is widely using blocks, however i noticed that when i use blocks on a struct which defines its methods, those methods will inevitably shadow whatever global object the block may have wanted to reference
<xkoncek> instance_exec
<ox1eef_> Do you mean that the methods of the struct you define with 'def' do not have access to the block's scope?
<ox1eef_> You can use define_method to work around that if that's the case... Struct.new(:foobar) { a = 42; define_method(:bar) { a } }
<xkoncek> as a library writer i am to make sure there are no unavoidable name collisions
<ox1eef_> The second definition of foo, within bar, redefines the 'global' foo. It appears you might want to use a lambda, or Proc, in place of that second definition.
<xkoncek> in the end i chose to use @foo = lambda ...
<ox1eef_> That seems reasonable based on the example, but I might be missing a bigger context.
<xkoncek> i am writing something similar to Rake, but majority of the code is native
<xkoncek> i just want the scripts to look nice
<xkoncek> i switched from Lua because even tho it is easily embeddable, the Lua code does not look nice
<ox1eef_> I don't think it is common to define a method inside a method, and there's patterns that can be used to deal with name collision and the nature of being able to monkey patch. Are you using mruby?
<xkoncek> i no longer define methods inside the method, instead i instantiate a private struct and instance_exec the block on it
<xkoncek> Ruby - binary /usr/bin/ruby-mri - Installed
<ox1eef_> https://github.com/mruby/mruby - this sounds more in line with what you might want, especially since you're using C and mentioned being able to embed.
<xkoncek> hmmm... Fedora doesn't package it :(
<ox1eef_> It can work standalone from the git repository. I think that's more common with mruby than MRI.
<xkoncek> will take a look at it
<xkoncek> does mruby use the same C headers?
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