havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.2.2, 3.1.4, 3.3.0-rc1: https://www.ruby-lang.org | Rules: https://ruby-community.com | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<sandra> I have an XMPP bot written in Ruby (it rolls D&D dice for us in our MUC) and it used to work fine but ever since I upgrade to Debian 12 this summer it now crashes on non-ASCII input like ‘.
<sandra> How can I make it handle those characters better? I'm pretty sure the input is utf8 and not some weird iso-8859-15 nostalgia.
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<leah2> is the locale utf too?
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<leah2> LC_*
<leah2> that falls back to 7bit ascii for C (imo a bug)
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<sandra> leah2: huh, you mean the env var on the system? Or some ruby thing
<sandra> It's been set to en_US.UTF-8 this whole time and still is
<leah2> so the string has .encoding UTF-8?
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<sandra> Yes, print text.encoding prints UTF-8
<sandra> This might be an upstream issue in Jabber::MUC::SimpleMUCClient.new(xmpp)
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<sandra> Maybe I can set the fd to be utf-8?
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<sandra> @socket = TCPSocket.new(@host, @port) # I guess here is where I'd set it
<sandra> This is inside xmpp4r
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<sandra> @socket.set_encoding 'UTF-8' # nope, wasn't enough, same crash. Oh wow
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<leah2> aha
<leah2> could be a rexml bug
<sandra> leah2: Oh, I hadn't seen that but that's exactly the same issue! From 2013, wow, weird that we never ran into this before, I always thought it was something that only started happening after we upgraded to Debian 12 last summer, but now I'm instrad thinking that we just lucked out before and stayed within the 7 bits.
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<alip> hello i am trying to document a single file ruby module with yard, but somehow i can't get it to read it, i tried yard doc path/to/file.rb, or wildcards such as path/to/*.rb, even tried chdiring into it but does not work. i am using yard-0.9.34 can someone please help?
<alip> nvm pebkac :)
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