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<ih8u> adam12: thank you, i will look into this
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<ox1eef_> adam12: FYI I ran gem install -g Gemfile, with '-- --use-system-libraries', and the '--use-system-libraries' option got passed down to sqlite3 - an indirect dependency.
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<adam12> ox1eef_: Interesting.
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<a51> curl -L https://get.rvm.io | source /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh error https://bpa.st/ZFJA
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<leftylink> that command does not seem to make sense. as we know, the curl produces a shell script. it does not seem sensible to pipe it to `source`. the only way it would make sense is if rvm.sh in turn invokes some shell, but if it does so, why would such a thing belong in /etc/profile.d? therefore, it will be necessary to ask the provider of those instructions to update those instructions to the correct ones
<leftylink> or to ask the provider of those instructions what is supposed to cause /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh to exist, and cause it to exist based on the instructions they provide
<leftylink> though the latter solution is NOT PREFERRED
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<adam12> Refactoring my neovim lsp setup. First time in .. forever? that I've seen autocomplete working.
<adam12> Solargraph actually works not too bad, once you disable the rubocop reporter.
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<a51> this command curl -L https://get.rvm.io | source /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh gives me error source: no such file or directory: /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh
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<adam12> a51: Where'd you get that command from? It's not valid.
<adam12> adam12: If you look at rvm.io, there's a curl command that you can copy/paste but it doesnt' include source.
<adam12> I replied to myself apparently. lol.
<leftylink> that command does not seem to make sense. as we know, the curl produces a shell script. it does not seem sensible to pipe it to `source`. the only way it would make sense is if rvm.sh in turn invokes some shell, but if it does so, why would such a thing belong in /etc/profile.d? therefore, it will be necessary to ask the provider of those instructions to update those instructions to the correct ones
<leftylink> great, so ask them to update the instructions to the correct ones
<adam12> a51: curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
<adam12> a51: then you can try `source /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh` or `exec $SHELL`
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<a51> adam12: curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash 0s stable ok, exec $SHELL ok, cd metasploit, bundle install --path vendor/bundle https://bpa.st/TQLA
<adam12> a51: Doesn't look like you're using rvm installed Ruby from that log output.
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<adam12> a51: try `rvm install 3.2 && rvm use 3.2` then your `bundle install` command again.
<a51> adam12: rvm install 3.2 https://bpa.st/QP2A
<a51> there seem an issue from 2018 for rvm on void https://github.com/rvm/rvm/issues/4472
<adam12> a51: You're probably missing dev dependencies of some sort.
<adam12> See if the log file says what you're missing.
<adam12> or try to install those dependencies by hand.
<adam12> rvm is the oldest Ruby version manager and I am not sure it's as maintained as it should be.
<a51> adam12: thanks it seem metasploit does not support openssl it is libressl
<adam12> a51: What does void package? libre or openssl?
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<a51> openssl
<adam12> a51: It should be fine then. Make sure you have openssl-dev or whatever void uses for packaging dev deps.
<adam12> I think leah2 is familiar with void and would know more.
<a51> adam12: openssl-devel is already installed
<a51> I guess since void uses openssl instead of libressl metasploit will not install until metasploit supports openssl
<adam12> a51: Metasploit should use openssl, I would assume. Where do you see it needing libressl?
<adam12> Oh I see, from the instructions you pasted? DV-Episode1?
<adam12> I think that's just poor/outdated documentation. I think it would be fine with just OpenSSL.
<adam12> The challenge is you need to get Ruby installed via compilation, which means you need to satisfy the dependencies for Ruby. rvm will try to do this for you, but it might not work. If you can satisfy them manually, then maybe you can get the compile to finish (unless rvm still insists you're missing deps for some reason).
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<a51> adam12: void ruby has dep openssl-devel but the command rvm install 3.2 complains about libressl-devel
<adam12> a51: the output you pasted is installing bison and gdbm too, so it isn't necessarily ssl.
<adam12> did you look at the log at /home/a51/.rvm/log/1703702217_ruby-3.2/package_install_bison_gdbm-devel_libressl-devel.log
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<a51> adam12: now rvm install 3.2 is stalled at installing required package
<adam12> Maybe try running that locally.
<leah2> must be ancient then
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