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<gr33n7007h> To this day, I can't thank Matz enough for creating this beautiful language. It really is (imho) a masterpiece! Kudos đź‘Š
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<ox1eef_> adam12: I have a CLI application that can start / stop a webserver, the web server serves static content plus a few Ruby endpoints. Webrick has been a great fit, and it has interesting features I don't use (yet) but sound cool, such as dropping privileges, daemon support, logger, etc.
<ox1eef_> Because the web server is running for one person, performance is not really an issue either. Everything seems to have aligned for webrick.
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<Guest808> anyone familiar with the Sequel gem?
<Guest808> i'd like to iterate through an array and combine a select statement pertaining to each entry in the array to end up with just one dataset
<Guest808> for example, let's say i have an array of names
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<Guest808> names.each { |name| results << DB[:people].where(name: name) }
<Guest808> obviously that doesn't work, but how can i accomplish that?
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<ox1eef_> Try inject, where you chain the where
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<Guest808> thank you, but i found that this seems to work how i want:
<ox1eef_> Why not: DB[:people].where(name: names)
<Guest808> results = DB[:people].where([[:name, names]])
<Guest808> ox1eef_: even better
<Guest808> pretty clever
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<Guest808> thank you
<ox1eef_> I don't know Sequel, but in ActiveRecord, that would generate an IN clause against the elements of the array 'names'.
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<Guest808> i understood most of those words
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<ox1eef_> WHERE people.name IN ('a', 'b', 'c') - or something like that.
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<Guest808> ah, i see
<Guest808> i learned something new
<Guest808> thank you
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<adam12> Guest808: Hard to go by with what you've given so far, but Sequel::Dataset has a ton of useful stuff that might work better for you, like `select_hash` or `select_hash_groups`
<adam12> And if you have a dataset, everything else accepts a dataset.
<adam12> ox1eef_: Great usecase for webrick!
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<adam12> Oh, I noticed you might have the answer for your query.
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<Guest808> yes, thank you adam12
<Guest808> i'm trying to wrap my head around datasets, but am not making much headway
<Guest808> thankfully, that clever bit of code works famously for what i was trying to accomplish
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<ox1eef_> adam12: Hopefully that project will be open source soon. :)
<adam12> ox1eef_: I'll have to check it out when it is.
<ox1eef_> It might be useful. It is for something like GitHub issues that works offline by running a web server on localhost.
<ox1eef_> I'm also trying to avoid heavy dependencies, so the filesystem is the database.
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<adam12> I love it.
<adam12> I was just looking at replacing the gem I use to list countries, which has a dependency on active_support :)
<adam12> err :(
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<ox1eef_> I wonder why activesupport never seemed to pick up refinements. It seems like the perfect place to test that feature.
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