havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.2.2, 3.1.4, 3.3.0-preview3: https://www.ruby-lang.org | Rules: https://ruby-community.com | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<ox1eef_> I have been using for the last year or so on one website. Really like it. I miss URL digests but hope to work on a filter that can handle that.
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<rapha> ox1eef_: so, in graphql-ruby, i had missed something. when it's about types, you can have Types::House::Create as well as Types::Car::Create and all is well. but not in mutations. when you have 2x ::Create there, it'll end with a namespace conflict.
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<ox1eef_> rapha: What's schema.graphql look like when you have a 'Create' type, by x2 ?
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<ox1eef_> rapha: I suspect the two Create types you have are not being exposed via the root query type, and that's why it appears to not conflict. I couldn't imagine how it would treat two different types of the same name, it would seem to just not owrk.
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<havenwood> Just two weeks until Ruby 3.3. Time flies!
<ox1eef_> And after that, Ruby4?
<leah2> with "it"
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<weaksauc_> ox1eef_ as of now it's set to be 3.4
<ox1eef_> Cool +1
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<havenwood> # !> warning: `it` calls without arguments will refer to the first block param in Ruby 3.4; use it() or self.it
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<havenwood> them.map { change it }
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<weaksauc_> havenwood does it work with a flag or ootb right now?
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<havenwood> weaksauc_: Nope, I looked and only found the warning. If it's there I missed it!
<havenwood> I think it's just a placeholder warning for 3.4 so far, in an abundance of caution.
<weaksauc_> yeah makes sense
<havenwood> We're going to get `it` in 380 days by my count.
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